How to Record Absences
12/5/2023Here are two steps that will be helpful to know. Note: Per district policy it is the parent's responsibility to clear unexcused absences
within three school days or 72 hours of the absence or the absence(s) will remain unexcused Present/Future Full Day
Log in to the ParentVUE website on your computer or download and open the phone application. In either case, look for the "Report Absence" button to the right of your student's photograph. Select start date and the end date (if more than 1 school day) and then a reason from a drop-down list. Add a note if needed. Remember to click SAVE and you should receive a popup confirmation.
Partial/Past Day
Go to Lincoln High School's main webpage (if you are reading this you are already there) and click on the red button with the Cardinal in flight on the right side of the page. It will take you to a Google form that will ask for your email, student ID, name, date of absence, partial (arrive late, leave early, out and back in) and a few other related questions.
If you need to pick your child up early for a doctor’s appointment or other reason, please fill out the Google attendance form using the BIG RED BIRD BUTTON on Lincoln's homepage. For any other questions on attendance, contact lincolnattendance@pps.
net .The district's robo-call goes out to parents twice a day as a reminder when students do not attend class. Please be patient, if you have already submitted a form, as it takes time to process through Synergy. You can always verify that the correction was made by looking in ParentVue the next day.