• Principal's Welcome

    Welcome to Woodstock Elementary! We are excited to have you in our community and we look forward to creating a positive learning experience for all students at Woodstock.

    Creating engaging, affirming, and meaningful learning is a blend of expertise and empathy. Teachers will tap into students' curiosity, integrating activities, visuals, and hands-on learning. With the acknowledgment and understanding of each student’s unique assets and learning styles, teachers will affirm their individual identities and build rapport. As their relationship grows, teachers will solidify student learning through creating meaningful connections with relatable and real-world activities.

    We’re excited to partner with your family to create a true learning experience that will help all students thrive.

    We are honored for this opportunity to work with your child and your family this year.  As we move forward, our values of Perseverance, Integrity, Curiosity, and Compassion will remain as the guiding light, as well as our foundation.

    Thank you for being a part of the Woodstock School Community!

    With Woodstock Pride,

    Seth Johnson, Principal
    Woodstock Elementary