• Important information about making up snow days

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    Dear PPS Families,

    With hopes that inclement winter weather is done for this school year, we wanted to touch base with you regarding making up snow days. We thought it was important to share an update with you before Spring Break. 

    We have three makeup days (June 10-12) listed on the district calendar, days available to be used when needed. We will use two of those days to make up two snow days on June 10 and 11. Adding these two days at the end of the academic year enables us to restore instructional hours that were lost to weather in February.  

    Because of senior graduation schedules, we are working on a solution for high schools that restores mandatory instructional time--we will let high school students and families know what that plan is as soon as we have finalized it.

    In addition, we are monitoring what the Oregon Education Association has designated as a statewide “Day of Action” on May 8, as there could be staffing impacts that require us to close schools on that day. We expect at least some district teachers to be absent on May 8 to join the Day of Action in Salem. If projected absences reach a point where we cannot confidently offer a safe and meaningful instructional day to students, we will announce a district-wide closure for May 8 and make up that instructional day for grades PK-11 on June 12, with an alternate plan for seniors.

    In considering these decisions, we are making every attempt to keep the needs of students at the forefront. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.

    Wishing you a safe and restful Spring Break,

    Dr. Yvonne Curtis
    Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and School Communities