2020 Bond Improvements to SPED Learning Environments- $13,400,000
The District currently supports 82 focus option SPED classrooms; The 2020 Bond provides $13.4 million in SPED improvements across the District, providing upgrades to the classroom environments and furniture replacement. The work and new furniture meet PPS design standards and were previously identified by SPED leadership as high priority investments. These targeted site improvements will support both the instructional requirements of special education staff and the sensory needs of our students.
SPED classroom environment upgrades
The classroom environment upgrades will consist of lighting replacement (from fluorescent to LED) and providing fully functional restrooms for Intensive Skills Classrooms. The lighting replacement and restroom improvements for SPED will coincide with accessibility upgrades, which are divided into two phases and prioritized according to eligibility for federal and state funding and cost of each project. There are approximately 206 classrooms at 82 sites throughout the district that will receive these improvements.These projects were prioritized according to eligibility for federal and state funding and cost of each project and divided into two phases. SPED built environment improvements will happen concurrent with accessibility improvements at each site. The work takes place through two different phases.
2020 Bond SPED Classroom/Restroom upgrades Phase 1 - COMPLETED
Phase 1 construction has been completed at the following schools:
Lane, Mt Tabor, Vestal, Richmond, Scott, Beaumont, Irvington, George, Sitton, Chapman, Grout, Maplewood, MLC, Monroe/DaVinci, Sunnyside, Tubman, Winterhaven, Astor, Boise Eliot, Chavez, Chief Joseph, James John, King, Ockley Green, Peninsula, Rosa Parks, Sabin, Woodlawn, Bridger, Clark, Green Thumb, Kelly, Lent, Lee, Marysville, Rigler, Roseway Heights, Whitman, Woodmere.2020 Bond SPED Classroom/Restroom upgrades Phase 2
Phase 2 work is underway or nearly completed at these schools:
Alameda, Beach, Beverly Cleary Fernwood, Laurelhurst, Rose City Park, Vernon, Ainsworth, Bridlemile, East Sylvan, Forest Park, Gray, Hayhurst, Skyline, West Sylvan, Arleta, Atkinson, Buckman, Cleveland, Creston, Glencoe, Hosford, Lewis, Marshall, Woodstock, Abernethy, Capitol Hill, Duniway, Jackson, Llewellyn, Markham, Rieke, Sellwod, Stephenson, Holladay Center & Youngson.Phase 2 SPED work is expected to be substantially complete in early 2025.
2020 Bond SPED Classroom/Restroom upgrades Phase 3
Permitting delays required postponing work at these sites to summer 2025: Ida B. Wells, Beaumont, Duniway exterior improvements.SPED furniture replacement work
The SPED Furniture project began in September 2021 with a local consultant company, Hyphn, meeting with SPED leadership to assess needs in order to establish a standard for future SPED classroom furniture solutions. Three workshops with SPED leadership were led by Hyphn to guide the process with a goal of creating test fits or mock-ups in existing classrooms and support spaces for SPED staff to assess and evaluate the functionality of the proposed furniture solutions. The furniture for these test fit classrooms was installed in January and February 2023. The work is undertaken in two phases.Furniture replacement Phase 1 (pilot program) - COMPLETED
SPED Leadership has identified the following classrooms for test, fit installation: room 100 at Atkinson K-5, an Intensive Skills classroom; room 130 at Boise-Eliot K-5, a Communication Behavior classroom; room 206 at Boise Eliot K-5, a Learning Resource Center; room 137 at Marysville, a Sensory Support space; room 135 at George Middle School, an Intensive Skills classroom, and room 138 at George Middle School, a Learning Resource Center. Feedback from the pilot installation can be viewed here.Furniture replacement Phase 2 - COMPLETED
Title 1/TSI/CSI Installation: Furniture was installed in the following schools in groups during Phase 2.Group 1: George, Grout, Irvington, Lane, Scott, Sitton, Vestal, Beaumont, Mt Tabor. Installed August 2023
Group 2: King, Rigler, Ockley Green, Sabin, Lane. Installed October 2023
Group 3: Tubman, Maplewood, Chapman. Installed November 2023
Group 4: Whitman, Bridger, Marysville, Lent, Kelly, Lee, Woodmere. Installed November 2023
Group 5: Roseway Heights, Peninsula, Boise Eliot, Woodlawn, Rosa Parks, Astor, Chavez, James John. Installed December 2023.
Group 6: Chief Joseph, MLC, Da Vinci. Installed January 2024
Group 7: Sunnyside, Richmond, Winterhaven, Clark, Holladay Center, Youngson. Installed March 2024.Furniture replacement Phase 3 - Nearly Complete
The following sites had furniture installed in focus classrooms and learning centers in August 2024.
Summer 2024: Gray, Vernon, Alameda, Jackson, Sellwood, Skyline, Ainsworth, Laurelhurst, Arleta, Buckman, Capitol Hill, Glencoe, Duniway, Atkinson, Beach, Abernethy, Hayhurst, Hosford, Creston, Woodstock, Llewellyn, Bridlemile, West Sylvan, Fernwood, Rose City Park, Stephenson, Woodstock, Reiki, Lewis, Forest Park, Terwilliger, Green Thumb.
Remaining site installations will occur during Winter Break 2024: Cleveland, Ida B Wells, Applegate CTP, Markham
All furniture installation is expected to be completed by the end by early 2025.
SPED Learning Environments BAC Project Status Report
BAC Infrastructure: SPED Status Report Oct 2024For more information about PPS Bond SPED Learning Environments projects, please email schoolmodernization@pps.net