4906 NE 6th•Portland, OR 97211•Ph 503-916-6456•Fx 503-916-2647
••Ph •Fx
••Ph •Fx
Dear Dr Martin Luther King Jr Elementary Families,
I would like to officially welcome you to the 2024-2025 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Elementary school year. Our start dates for this school year are as follows:
1st - 5th Grade: August 27th
Kindergarteners: August 29th
Pre-K: September 5th
Communication: This will be the first of several communications from the school that you will receive this year. All of these communications will also be posted to our school website at https://www.pps.net/mlk. We also use text messages, and the REMIND app to communicate with our families. As long as your information is updated with correct phone numbers and emails in our Student Information Database, you should receive our communications. Please know that my door is always open and that I am always available through school email, as well as before and after school on the blacktop.
School Hours: On typical days, school opens at 7:45 and the day ends at 2:30. Please see an important note on safety and our tardy/pick up policy at the end of this letter.
One big change is that PPS has instituted Early Release once a month (except January and June). This means that on the following dates, school hours are 7:45am - 11:50am.
**Early Release Dates **School Day Ends at 11:50am**
Sept 25, Oct 23, Nov 20, Dec 18, Feb 26, Mar 19, Apr 23, May 21
Community Care Day: On August 17, we are hosting a Community Care Day from 10:00am-Noon. This is a great opportunity to connect our community and prepare the school for the new school year. Join us if you want to help spruce up our grounds with beautification tasks like raking, mulching, and weeding. Be sure to bring your rakes, gloves, and other yard equipment. Afterwards, incoming kindergartners and new families are invited to join us from Noon - 1:00pm for our Kindergarten and New Family Picnic Social.
Community Care Day: Saturday 08/17/2024 from 10:00am - Noon
Kinder & New Family Social: Saturday 08/17/2024 from Noon - 1:00pm
Teachers Return to Work: Teachers will all be back on August 21st. They'll be preparing their rooms, making connections with families, and engaging in professional development. Teacher assignments were shared with families at the end of last year. You should expect communication from your teacher(s) prior to the first day of school. Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions that you have about the upcoming school year.
Back to School Social: Come to the blacktop on Monday, August 26 from 2:00 pm -3:00 pm where you will have the opportunity to meet your teacher, pick out a new backpack, learn about our SUN program, get an icy treat from our PTA, and play with friends on the playground.
Back to School Social: Monday 08/26/2024 from 2:00pm - 3:00pm
New Shoes: Students will be fitted with new shoes on October 9th, thanks to a partnership we have with Shoes That Fit.
Shoes That Fit: Wednesday 10/09/2024 during school hours
First Day Entry and Dismissal Line Locations: On the first day of school, teachers will meet their classes outside on the blacktop. Any adult with a PPS badge will be able to help your student find their line spot. This line spot will be the same spot from which your students will be dismissed at the end of every school day.
**After the first day of school, students will enter the building at Door #2 (the door off of the playground) starting at 7:45AM.
Breakfast: Free breakfast is served daily at 7:45am. We ask that families say goodbye to their students outside.
Daily Dismissal: At the end of the day, PK-3 teachers will be outside to dismiss students to a designated guardian. Students in grades 4-5 may be dismissed on their own with pre-approval from the family given in writing beforehand both to the student’s teacher and to the main office at mlkjroffice@pps.net.
The school day ends at 2:30pm on typical days and ends at 11:50am on Early Dismissal days (see dates above). PK dismisses at 2:15pm on typical days. Whether PK will observe early dismissal is TBD .
Neighborhood House is our before and aftercare provider, and their website is here.
Cell Phone Policy: Our policy is Off and Away while at school. If a student has their phone out, a staff member will first give a gentle reminder to put it away. If the phone is out a second time, the phone will go to the teacher until the end of the day. We know that cell phones are used for connection and safety, however they are often sources of distraction and are not supportive to the learning environment. If families need to reach their student we ask that they call the front office to connect with the student. Please reach out to your teacher if you need a plan that is different from ours at school.
Cell Phone Policy: Off and Away
First time a phone is out: Gentle reminder to put it away
Second time a phone is out: Phone to teacher until end of day
*please contact your teacher if you need a plan that is different
PTA: Get connected with others in your school's community with the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)! Sign up to join our contact list and our facebook group. You can also email stephen.osserman@gmail.com (PTA Communications Chair) to find out about more ways to connect.
School Meals: At Dr MLK Jr Elementary, we have free breakfast and lunch available to every student. From October-April students are offered a fresh fruit or veggie in the afternoon. We also provide all school supplies, although you will see many of our teachers welcome donations for special projects. See this website if you would like to donate to some of these projects!
That's it for now! I hope that the rest of your summer is wonderful. Reach out if your family needs anything or has any questions. I look forward to seeing all of your students and families in a few short weeks.
Teresa Seidel
**2024 Pick up/Drop off/Attendance policy for Dr MLK Jr School**
In response to heightened safety concerns within the district regarding student well-being during drop-off and pick-up times, and with the aim of fostering punctuality among families and students, Dr. MLK Jr. School has implemented the following policies concerning attendance, tardiness, and afternoon pick-up.
NOTE: The instructional day begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m
**end of day is 11:50 a.m. on Early Dismissal days (see dates above)
Morning Drop-Off:
The breakfast bell will ring at 7:45 a.m., signaling the start of breakfast service in the cafeteria. Students will remain in the cafeteria until 7:53
At 7:53 a.m., classroom doors will open, allowing students to proceed to their classrooms.
Class officially begins at 8:00 a.m.
Between 7:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., school exterior doors will remain open.
School doors will be closed promptly at 8:00 a.m.
Any students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be marked as tardy and must be checked in by a parent or guardian at the front office.
Afternoon Pick-Up:
The school day concludes at 2:30 p.m.
Early Departure Policy
If a student needs to be picked up early, families are required to make advance arrangements the day prior by contacting the school via phone at 503-916-6456 or by email at mlkjroffice@pps.net.
Between 2:15 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. students will not be released early without prior arrangement.
Tardy Pick-Up Policy
If a student has not been picked up by 2:40 p.m. the school will initiate contact with emergency contacts for pick-up arrangements.
Please note, the school does not provide before or after-school supervision; therefore, it is the responsibility of families to ensure prompt pick-up of students.
Office hours: The office is open from 7:30-3:30pm. You can contact the office with any questions you might have. Call 503-916-6456 or email Nancy and Megan, our Office Administrative Assistants, at mlkjroffice@pps.net
Important Dates and Reminders 2024/25 (some dates are subject to change):
8/17: Community Care Day 10-12 and Kinder & New Family Social 12-1
8/26: Backpack School Supply/ Meet teacher event 2:00-3:00PM
8/27: First Day of School Grades 1-5. Breakfast: 7:45am. Class begins: 8:00am
8/27-8/28: Home/School Kindergarten Visits (to be scheduled with your teacher)
8/29: First day of Kindergarten (Club Kinder)
8/29: Kinder Family Coffee Chat 8:00am - 8:45am
9/2: Labor Day, no school
9/5: First day of PreK
9/9: Jin Ren virtual meeting 6:30pm
9/17: Back to School Night 5:30pm -7:00pm
9/17-9/18: Picture Day
9/24: First PTA Meeting 6:00pm - 7:00pm and Picture Make-up Day (AM only)
9/25: First Early Release 8:00am -11:45am
We are excited to welcome back our new and incoming families!
Here are our NEW summer and regular office hours and re-opening date.
The office will be re-open on Thursday, August 8th, 2024.
Temp Summer Hours (8/8-8/27)
Office will be closed all day on 8/13 & 8/14 for School Admin Professional Development
Regular school office hours beginning 8/27/24: 7:30am-3:30pm
For registration questions please email Nancy Rios at nrios1@pps.net .for all other questions please email mekohl@pps.net
May 12, 2023
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
Hands down, this is one of my favorite weeks of the year not only as an educator who received the notes and gestures of appreciation this week, but also as a parent of PPS children, taking a moment to tell our teachers how much they mean to us. We were showered with gifts of coffee, pastries, lunch, lunch, lunch, salty/sweet snacks, massages, flowers, and so much more. Thank you to our PTA, I Am Learning, Green Bridge Coffee, SEI, all of the volunteers, and parent Lisa Joe who partnered with us to make this whole week come together. Here are a few words from the staff:
The incredible amount of thought you put into showering us with love this year (every year, actually) really goes beyond any of our expectations. I truly felt the support and encouragement for the work that we do. Feeling so grateful!
To our fabulous PTA and families, Thank you for your commitment to our students, staff and community. I appreciate your generosity throughout the entire school year and during Teacher Appreciation Week. I am truly thankful to work in a building with an incredibly supportive PTA. My students and I are immensely grateful.
Thank you to the amazing PTA for an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week-The showers of love came shining through and made us feel so loved and supported! Everything was so nice and I especially enjoyed the massage and cards/flowers!
My personal favorite moments from this week - seeing the lovely balloons perched on teacher desks at the end of the day, some coming in adorable test tube looking things. A teacher walking into the office with a three layer homemade surprise cake that a family made just for them. And reading some cards that were literally spilling over on teachers’ desks often with the words “best teacher ever”.
We have a vacancy for next year for our full time Special Education teacher. Ms. Carabajal our current SpEd teacher will be moving into our intervention position. Please share the news about our amazing school and forward the info along to anyone who may be interested. The vacancy is posted here; search for position #26180, K-5 Learning Center Teacher.
Check out these Local Events in honor of AAPI Heritage Month!
May 7th - May 27th - Ongoing Cultural Immersion Days at Lan Su Chinese Garden
Sat, May 20th - Oregon AAPI Food & Wine Fest ($65)
Sat, May 20th - Voices of Change: Deepening Ties, Growing Power with APANO ($10)
Sun, May 21st - AAPI Climbing Night at Movement Gym ($12.50 rental gear included)
Sun, May 21st - Millennium Plaza Park AAPI Celebration with vendors, performers, and activities
Sat, May 27th - Topaz Farms at Sauvie Island 2nd Annual Holi Spring Harvest Fest
Important Dates and Reminders:
5/16, 6pm: PTA Meeting
5/25: last day of SUN
5/29: No School, Holiday
6/1, 2:30pm: Cafe Latino
6/1. 6pm: Play It Forward Recital
6/7: Jr Rose Festival Parade (not a school sponsored event)
6/12: Field Day
6/13: 5th grade picnic
6/13, 5pm: 5th grade exhibition and promotion
6/14: Last day of school
7/10 - 8/4: Summer Acceleration Academy (invitation only)
District News:
Registration is now open for Jefferson Youth Football. If your child will be in 3rd-7th grade next year and is interested in playing, please sign up at Jefferson Youth Football Registration. Spots will fill up quickly.
K-12 OHSU Screening Program is Coming to an End
Funding for screening testing in Oregon's K-12 schools will end on July 31, 2023. OHSU Screening testing will not be available for 2023 summer camps. Schools may continue to use Abbott BinaxNOW diagnostic tests for students/staff who become symptomatic while on-site, and a limited supply of iHealth self-tests will remain available for families to request from the school. Students must have signed consent to continue participating in diagnostic (symptom-based) testing at school.
What you need to know
The last week of screening testing will be June 19-23. This means OHSU will continue to pick up tests from schools through the last days of school and also continue to operate the community drop-off points until Friday, June 23. The locations of the community drop-off points are:
OHSU Child Development and Rehabilitation Center: 707 S. Gaines St., Portland, OR 97239 (Google Map)
OHSU Primary Care Clinic, Gabriel Park: 4411 S.W. Vermont St., Portland, OR 97219 (Google Map)
OHSU Primary Care Clinic, Richmond: 3930 S.E. Division St., Portland, OR 97202 (Google Map)
OHSU Primary Care Clinic, Beaverton: 15700 S.W. Greystone Ct., Beaverton, OR 97006 (Google Map)
For families who test at home, student enrollment through OHSU’s Our LabFinder webpage will end on Friday, May 12th.
OHSU is not able to take back any of the test kits shipped to homes or schools. Please dispose of them, or if you can, re-purpose them. We ask that you please do NOT return them to OHSU or the school.
OHSU’s customer service team will be available through Friday, June 30. If there are questions about the end of the program, families can call 503-418-8500 or email k12covidtesting@ohsu.edu.
PPS Nutrition Services teams up with Food Hero and Salsas Locas to celebrate Latinx culture with authentic Mexican tamales!
Latin America is one of the most diverse regions in the world. It includes more than 30 countries, all with many different ethnic groups and cultures. Family is the heart of the Latinx community. In Latinx culture, cooking and eating together is a common way of bonding. Family meals are especially important on holidays.
In Latin America, several countries celebrate Mother’s Day in May. Join Food Hero and Nutrition Services as we celebrate with authentic Mexican tamales served in your school cafeteria on May 10th. These delicious tamales will be handmade by Salsas Locas, a local Latinx-owned business, and delivered to lunch trays across the district. Two types of tamales will be offered on the menu with the choice between the chicken tamale or the cheese and green chile tamale. All students and staff are invited to order school lunch on May 10th!
Learn more about Salsas Locas by visiting the website: https://salsaslocas.com/
Learn more about Latinx culture from Food Hero
Free and reduced-price benefits expire at the end of each school year. Families can apply for benefits on or after July 1, 2023 for the 2023-24 school year online using SchoolCafe at www.schoolcafe.com/pps or download the mobile app. Updated paper meal applications can be downloaded from: https://www.pps.net/Page/2464 on or after July 1, 2023. Families who do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals can use SchoolCafe to monitor transactions, view balance, set up low balance notifications, transfer funds among students and request a refund check. The system is free to use unless a payment is made with a debit/credit card to pay for school meals which is optional.
Eligible families are encouraged to apply for SNAP benefits. Approved SNAP recipients along with households where all students attend approved Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools do not need to submit meal applications.Households receiving SNAP benefits, attending a CEP school and approved for free and reduced-price meals may be eligible for other benefits, like low cost internet and educational-related fee reductions or waivers.
For questions about meal benefits, please email mealbenefits@pps.net or call 503.916.3402.
May 1, 2023
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the sunshine this weekend! Today is the first day of AAPI heritage month! I am looking forward to sharing potstickers with the ⅘ World Language classes, and some tea with the 3rd graders! I encourage our Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander families to reach out to teachers to share some cultures and traditions with the classes. For a long time I struggled with owning my own Chinese heritage - pushing my eyes wide open and pinching my nose to look more “Western”. A part of my own growth and pride in being Asian comes from being a part of this community, wherever everyone is seen and valued for who they are.
The 5th-3rd graders are preparing for the first time they will take the State Assessment this year. Our Language Arts and Math state tests will be administered beginning the week of May 15. While we know that not all learning can be captured in a standardized test, our school scores are also a reflection of the hard work that staff and students have done. Last year we made incredible and notable growth across 13 of 14 domains that the state measures us in. I hope we will continue to improve and show what a great school Dr King is. Scores are typically mailed home in the summer from the OR State Department of Education.
Portland Playhouse, a neighbor of our school, is producing Matilda, The Musical next Fall and casting YOUTH (as volunteers). Click here for more details.
Please keep an eye out for a $4.00 voucher for students to use to purchase fresh produce at the King Farmers Market! The market takes place every Sunday beginning May 7th, right in the school parking lot.
Our community partner, OSU Extension Service Portland SNAP-Ed, hosts a free kids activity booth - Food Hero at the Farmers Market. Stop by to participate in fun educational activities, hands-on cooking and more! Vouchers will be sent home in the Wednesday folder on May 3rd. *Limit one voucher per student, not responsible for lost or stolen vouchers, redeemable at the King Farmers Market location only, valid through May 28th, 2023
Correction to the last newsletter, the last day of SUN school is Thursday, May 25.
Important Dates and Reminders:
5/16, 6pm: PTA Meeting
5/25: last day of SUN
5/29: No School, Holiday
6/1. 6pm: Play It Forward Recital
6/7: Jr Rose Festival Parade (not a school sponsored event)
6/12: Field Day
6/13: 5th grade picnic
6/13, 5pm: 5th grade exhibition and promotion
6/14: Last day of school
7/10 - 8/4: Summer Acceleration Academy (invitation only)
District News:
Please see this article about Student Health Center services that help students stay healthy, in school, and ready to learn.
PTA News:
PTA General Meeting, Tuesday May 16, 6pm
Join us in the cafeteria or online at bit.ly/drmlkjr-pta-zoom
Food will be provided and there will be childcare for school-aged kids.
Spanish-language translation available.
Staff Appreciation Week, May 8-12
The school and the PTA will be sponsoring appreciation activities each day of the
Week .Staff Appreciation Week Flyer
Link for Salty and Sweet Treats
Rock out with your Crock Out Sign-up
Steeplejack Restaurant Fundraiser, May 15
Monday, May 15th Steeplejack Brewing on NE Broadway will be hosting a
restaurant night fundraiser for the PTA! 15% of beer sales and 10% of
food sales will be donated. And to sweeten the deal, Steeplejack is honoring
their usual Monday special on the 15th: kids eat free with purchase of a
regular priced adult entree and beer! Invite your friends!
April 16, 2023
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
Congratulations to all of the brave performers at our Talent Show this week! Special thank you to our PTA, especially Tyler and Tiffany (and their amazing children) who hosted the event. Also to the 5th grade King Steppers who were a feature at the HeART of Portland (see a video of their performance here). Shout out to Mr. Monty and Mrs. G for their support with those two big events. Speaking of big events, next Friday we have our MLK Day Celebration! Seating starts at 1:45 in the cafeteria and the assembly will start promptly at 2:00. Families are invited to join, it will be standing room only in the back.
Invitations for students who qualified for Summer Acceleration Academy went out this week. The invitations were auto-generated from the district and based on standardized test scores. Please email me if you have questions about the Summer Academy, and as always, feel free to reach out to your teacher if you would like more information about how your student is performing.
This flyer was sent home with 5th graders this evening highlighting end of year events. Please take note of the new last day of school, Wednesday, June 14.
Finally, Earth Day is Saturday, April 22. Everyone is invited on that day from 10am-noon, to help to clean up our Dr MLK Jr Elementary courtyard and grounds at our Earth Day Event in partnership with SOLVE. Here is the flyer, and the link to sign up for the event is here.
Important Dates and Reminders:
4/21: MLK Day event & PTA Community Gathering
5/11: last day of SUN
5/16, 6pm: PTA Meeting
5/29: No School, Holiday
6/1. 6pm: Play It Forward Recital
6/7: Jr Rose Festival Parade (not a school sponsored event)
6/12: Field Day
6/13: 5th grade picnic
6/13, 5pm: 5th grade exhibition and promotion
6/14: Last day of school
7/10 - 8/4: Summer Acceleration Academy (invitation only)
District News:
If you or your student get health coverage through the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), it’s critical that you update your contact information. Starting April 1, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) started reviewing and determining member eligibility for OHP. OHP coverage renewed automatically during the last three years, but federally enhanced Medicaid coverage ended at the end of March. While most people will continue to qualify for existing benefits, OHA is required to review eligibility for all OHP members by mid-2024. Oregon has taken steps to keep as many people covered with medical insurance as possible during this transition.
To make sure your family retains access to care, including mental health & chemical dependency treatment, make sure your contact information is up-to-date and review any notices you receive which will tell you what you need to do to keep benefits. The fastest way OHP members can provide an update is by going to benefits.oregon.gov and logging into their ONE account. Other options for updating contact information also can be found on the web here.
If someone is no longer eligible, their OHP benefits will continue for another 60 days. OHA will help members transition to other coverage by providing information. This may include information about financial help available for Marketplace health plans.
Students can continue to obtain no-cost healthcare at Multnomah County-sponsored Student Health Centers and the OHSU-sponsored Benson Wellness Center, regardless of insurance status.
Notices for Pandemic EBT food benefits for children are in the mail
By May 31, 2023, each child who is eligible for Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) food benefits will receive a P-EBT card in the mail. The card will have $391 of food benefits on it. This card is different from a regular electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card. P-EBT is money for children whose access to adequate and quality food may have been impacted by COVID-19.
The food benefit is available to all children who were eligible to receive free or reduced-price National School Lunch Program meals during the 2021-22 school year. The benefits are also available to all children under six who received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food benefits in summer 2022. This includes all students attending Community Eligible Provision (CEP) schools.
Between March and May 2023, each eligible child will receive two pieces of mail addressed to them:
A letter notifying them they are eligible to receive P-EBT benefits; and
A separate envelope with their P-EBT card that has $391 of food benefits on it.
Households with multiple eligible children will receive individual letters and cards for each eligible child.
Contact the P-EBT call center at 844-673-7328 with questions; it is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time. The P-EBT website also has helpful information in English and Spanish. Families also can contact 211Info for information about food and other resources.
December 16, 2022
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
I hope to see many of you after school on the blacktop for our PTA celebration at 3pm! Shout out to Tyler Brown, our PTA, and the Center for Black Student Excellence for hosting another amazing Black Family NIght. Another shout out to Tyler and SEI for bringing current Mandarin class students from Jefferson High School to participate in our DREAM assemblies yesterday! Thank you to the PTA and our partner, I Am Learning Foundation, for treating our staff to lunch this week and to all of the students and families who have showered our teachers with little trinkets, gifts, notes and words of appreciation. Our staff feel the love and we strive to shine that right back onto our students!
And just like that, we launch into 2023. Some notable events from 2022 include:
We welcome 13 new staff (with another educational assistant joining us in January!).
We save our school
Every classroom wraps up Module 1 of our new literacy adoption
Our state assessment achievement scores double, surpassing pre-pandemic scores!
The staff and families of Dr MLK Jr enjoy their winter break with loved ones, rest, relaxation and finding many moments of happiness
In the final Dr MLK Jr newsletter of 2022, I want to leave you all with the Land Acknowledgement we wrote last year as we were defending our school. I am thankful for the people who came before us, the Indigenous land we reside on, and all of your children who make this school quite simply, the best. See you all back at school on Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Every community owes its existence and vitality to generations from around the world who contributed their hopes, dreams, and energy to making the history that led to this moment. At Dr Martin Luther King Jr School, this includes the Tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River. We gather today in the occupied land of the Chinook, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Kalapuya, Kathlamet, Molalla, Multnomah, Tualatin, Wasco and other Tribes.
We also acknowledge that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Elementary School is situated in the historic Albina District and has served the African American community of this city as a cultural and educational center. We honor the students, families, staff and community members who have worked to bring Dr. King’s vision to life during its impactful history.
At Dr. King school, we are more than a building. We are a family. We are the namesake of the most significant civil rights leader in the history of time because our students demanded it. We are a legacy, we are the future, we are the DREAM.
Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across all barriers of heritage and difference. We begin this effort to acknowledge what has been buried by honoring the truth.
As we gather to share our perspectives, we strive to enter this space exemplifying the DREAM: Determined, Respectful, Empathetic, Accepting and Making a Difference.
Take care everyone,
Important Dates and Reminders:
12/16, 3pm: PTA Community Gathering
12/19-1/2: Winter break, no school
1/3: 1st day back to school from winter break
1/16: NO SCHOOL, MLK Day Holiday
1/17, 6pm: PTA Meeting
1/19, 6-7:30pm: AAPI Family Night
1/22: Lunar New Year
1/27: NO SCHOOL, Teacher Planning Day
1/31: DREAM Assemblies
PTA news (repeat from last week):
November 18, 2022
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
I am happy to announce that after a couple of years hiatus, the Scholastic Bookfair is back! The fair will be held November 18th-November 22nd. You can also support the bookfair by ordering online using this link and contributing to teacher eWallets or fulfilling teacher wish lists. The hours of the bookfair will be as follows: Today, Friday November 18th 2-4pm, November 21st and 22nd during conferences from 8:00am-8:00pm. Contact Beth Schlegel with any questions. bschlegel@pps.net
Math Updates: Our new math curriculum puts an emphasis on talking and explaining one’s way through a math concept. These Math discourse cards can be helpful if you are working on math together at home and noticing your child hitting a roadblock. Try them out and let us know how it goes!
STEAM in School: A few weeks ago, your students had a visit about NW Noggin and learned some Brain Basics! In December NW Noggin is planning a free public talk on the brain, photography and research on schizophrenia - evolving details here:NOGGIN TALK: Neurobiology and Darkroom Photography: Schizophrenia Through Multiple Lenses In the spring (usually April) they typically offer another free, all ages NogginFest - a celebration of music, art, brains and neuroscience research. NOGGINFEST!
We also post instructions and background material for all the art projects on our website, under the Make Art tab.
Art Class: This week in art class, our students learned about the 3 sisters from Cherokee and Iroquois Nation culture. The sisters, corn, bean, and squash, are celebrated because they nurture each other like family when planted together. Yesterday in the cafeteria, local butternut squash was used to prepare Harissa Roasted Butternut Squash, a recipe created by Chef Nephi Craig, White Mountain Apache and Diné (Di Nay). Here is a copy of the recipe!
District Attendance Information: Attending school every day possible helps students learn and stay on track. This year, you may receive mailed letters and/or text messages from your school about your student’s attendance. To ensure you receive these updates, please contact your school to make sure your contact information is up to date. If you need attendance support or have questions about these communications, we’re here to help: call 503-868-6970 to connect to our Family Support Team.
This week, our 4th and 5th graders learned all about young Beatrice Morrow, a multi-talented scholar and opera singer, who has always longed to perform. Our students got a private viewing of Beatrice, a 50-minute youth opera inspired by the life and story of Beatrice Morrow Cannady, a prominent leader in Oregon’s cultural community and civil rights movement of the early 1900s.
In Portland, she meets and falls in love with Edward Cannady, a community leader and young man who urges Beatrice to take on a new role with The Advocate—the first African American newspaper in Oregon. Beatrice shares her expertise and her voice as a civil rights leader, community organizer, and editor—as she builds bridges and blazes trails in our Portland, Oregon history. If you would like to attend a show, there is one on Saturday - tickets here.
Additional staffing info (repeat): I have a limited term, part time vacancy for an educational assistant. It is 15 hours per week and flexible. Please let me know if you know someone who is interested, or would like to apply yourself! Applicants may apply to position 24451 @ careers.pps.net and must let me know they have applied (tseidel@pps.net)
Lost and found (repeat): items will be outside a few days per week before and after school. All items will be donated by the end of the year before winter break.
Conferences (repeat): Classroom teachers should have scheduled your conferences with you by now. This is one of the most important ways we can support a student - by meeting together and partnering on your child’s education. Thank you for making time for this important meeting. There are virtual and in person options! We have several staff who work part time and will only be available for conferences on Monday, November 21. Those staff will be:
Ms. Wilson - School Social Worker
Mrs. G - Dance Teacher
Ms. Beck - Art Teacher
Ms. Emma - Music Teacher
Free vaccination and immunization clinics every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For more information see the flyer here.
Finally, it was so great to see many of you at our PTA and Black Family Night events this week. I love the reminders of our amazing school and I am grateful to be a part of this community with you. Have a great week off of school everyone.
Important Dates and Reminders:
11/21-22: Parent teacher conferences and SUN winter registration
11/23-25: Fall Break, NO SCHOOL
12/8: last day of SUN school
12/9, 8:45am: Cafe Latino
12/9, 6pm, Dr MLK JR: Princess Club Celebration
12/14, 2-4pm: PreK Winter Celebration
12/14, 6pm: Jin Ren Annual Membership Meeting
12/16, PM: DREAM/Toolbox Assemblies
12/16, 3pm: PTA Community Gathering
12/19-1/2: Winter break, no school
PTA news:
Social worker News:
ALL PPS STUDENTS ARE WELCOME: The Benson Wellness Center has your health covered! Services are free if you don't have insurance!
Location Move Alert:
Benson Wellness Center is temporarily moving to the Marshall Campus.
Marshall Campus is located in Southeast Portland
3905 SE 91st Ave, Portland OR 97266
School nurse and social worker drop in, during school hours
In-person medical appointments
Monday - Thursday 1 - 5 p.m.
Virtual visits, by appointment
Multnomah County mental health counselor, by appointment
Call 503-418-0409 for information and appointments.
Covid-19 tests and vaccines
Sports physicals
General health checkups
Injury care
Mental health counseling
Sexual health counseling
Questions about your body, health and mind
Free, confidential care for all students ages 7 to 21. We partner with OHSU to help you stay as healthy as possible.
How much does it cost?
Services are free, but we will bill your insurance if you have it.
You can still come to the clinic if you don’t have insurance.
Why do I need to register?
Registering gets your information into the Benson Wellness Center system. We work with OHSU and use their MyChart system to keep track of your care. This helps us take care of you right away if you are sick or hurt. We want to avoid having to get your information when you don’t feel well or may not have it with you.
PPS requires a sports physical before fall and spring sports...
Just register, make an in-person appointment, and plan for a 40 min visit right here on campus. Once cleared, get ready to play!
At the Start of the School Year...
Be sure to sign up: 503-494-8505
Save our number: 503-418-0409
Find our new clinic on the Marshall Campus
Come by the clinic to register and pick up some flair to wear.
District news:
SafeOregon Program: Since September 2017, Portland Public Schools has been encouraging its community to utilize the SafeOregon tip line to report unsafe situations including threats of violence, fights, drugs and alcohol, weapons, bullying, harassment, intimidation, or self-harm. All tips reported through SafeOregon are immediately routed to a tip line technician 24/7. SafeOregon was funded by the Oregon Legislature as part of a statewide effort to improve school safety. The tip line provides a secure means for a person to anonymously report suspicious or imminently unsafe situations. Anyone, from students to parents to community members, can access the system in a variety of ways, including:
The “Report unsafe behavior” button found on every PPS school’s website
A live call/text (844-472-3367)
An email to tip@safeoregon.com
The mobile app that can be downloaded from your smartphone via iTunes or GooglePlay
November 4, 2022
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
The fall is here, and it brought with it a maelstrom of rain this week! Please consider sending your kids to school with a rain or winter jacket, and an extra pair of socks in case feet get wet during recess. Most often, we will go outside for recess. Younger students may want an extra set of pants as well.
November is Native American Heritage Month. It’s a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people. It’s a good reminder to remember the counter-narratives of the history of the first Thanksgiving story and other ways that we can offer or present authentic Native stories and perspectives. Throughout this month and of course throughout the entire school year, our teachers will be featuring books, song, dance and art from the Native American community.
Staffing update: I am excited to introduce to you our new Community Agent. Please introduce yourself if you see Tara in the hallways. Here is a message from her: My name is Tara Ford and I am excited to join the “KING TEAM OF GREATNESS.” As a child, I began my education at King Elementary School and I’m happy to be returning. A little about myself. I’m a wife and mother of four amazing kiddos. I was born and raised here in Northeast Portland. I’ve worked in education for the past 11 years. My 11 years include “Life Skills” education in both elementary and middle school level, and “SLP-A”, middle school level. I look forward to working with all of you!
Additional staffing info: I have a limited term, part time vacancy for a Spanish-speaking educational assistant. It is 15 hours per week and flexible. Please let me know if you know someone who is interested, or would like to apply yourself! Applicants may apply to position 24451 @ careers.pps.
Lost and found: items will be outside a few days per week before and after school. All items will be donated by the end of the year before winter break..
Conferences: Classroom teachers should have scheduled your conferences with you by now. This is one of the most important ways we can support a student - by meeting together and partnering on your child’s education. Thank you for making time for this important meeting. There are virtual and in person options! We have several staff who work part time and will only be available for conferences on Monday, November 21. Those staff will be:
Ms. Wilson - School Social Worker
Mrs. G - Dance Teacher
Ms. Beck - Art Teacher
Ms. Emma - Music Teacher
Report cards: will be sent home in red folders on Wednesday, November 9th. Parent teacher conferences are November 21 and 22, either in person or virtual. Please reach out to your teacher if your conference has not yet been scheduled.
Free vaccination and immunization clinics every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For more information see the flyer here.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Important Dates and Reminders:
PTA news:
Familias de MLK WhatsApp group. We have started a Spanish-language WhatsApp group for families to share information and opportunities. Text (971) 258-0063 if you'd like to join.
Social Worker News from Timisha Wilson:
Hello Families, a few resources for you all from your Dr. Martin Luther King Jr School Social worker. If you have questions about anything shared here, please email me at twilson1@pps.net.
We have access to FREE GUN LOCKS. If you are in need of one, please don’t hesitate to contact me for one, no questions asked! They are supplied by the Student Success and Health office.
Join my REMIND, click this link to join online or by text with instructions below:
October 21, 2022
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
This was a difficult week for our neighborhood with the shooting at Jefferson, our feeder high school. In so many ways, Jefferson is an extension of Dr MLK Jr. We have staff who graduated from Jefferson, students with older siblings at Jefferson, and former staff who are now working at Jefferson. We stand by our Jefferson friends, families and neighbors. Please reach out if you or your child need any support.
Black Family Night: In partnership with Jefferson and Black Parent Initiative, we hope our Black and African-American families will mark the calendars for our next Black Family Night on November 17. Families are invited to dress in their Jammies, eat some great food (including their famous fried Chicken) from Jacks, hear from a local Black author, and provide input on the Jefferson High School redesign. We will be in the Dr MLK Jr Cafeteria from 5:30-7pm.
Here is our school calendar for the next 3 months. Hard copies will also be sent home in Red Folders.
SPIRIT WEEK - planning ahead. Thank you to the 5th grade teachers and student leaders for selecting our Spirit week themes! Nancy will make flyers to send home in Wednesday folders and student leaders will make announcements on upcoming days as reminders.
Monday, October 31 = Costumes and Characters day. Dress up in your favorite costume, or as your favorite book/movie character. Creativity encouraged, no face coverings or face paint.
Tuesday, November 1 = PJ Day. Wear your pajamas to school, you can bring a stuffed animal or small cozy blanket too!
Wednesday, November 2 = Twin Day. Find a friend (or your whole class!) and wear matching clothes.
Thursday, November 3 = School Colors Day. Show your school spirit by wearing our school colors, Red and Black.
Friday, November 4 = NO SCHOOL, Teacher Planning Day
AAPI Family Night: We are planning a Asian/Asian-American/Pacific-Islander (AAPI) family night for an evening in January. If you are or have family who identify as AAPI and would like to be involved in the planning of such an event, please join me on Friday, October 28th from 2-3 in our library. Please email me (tseidel@pps.net) if you plan on joining. If you’re unable to join I welcome ideas and partnership - just send me an email!
Dia de los Muertos ofrenda: Día de los Muertos, or “Day of the Dead” is a Mexican tradition celebrated this year on November 1-2, that honors family and friends that have passed away. It is a time to remember and celebrate their life with food, music, colors, dance, and much more. This year at Dr. MLK Jr we will be celebrating with the creation of an ofrenda, the most recognizable symbol of Día de los Muertos. This is a temporary altar that is a space to honor our loved ones who have passed away and provide them what they need on their journey. Our first ever ofrenda will feature pictures of loved ones and friends that will be contributed by the staff, along with small mementos that serve as a reminder of their lives. We are encouraging our students to contribute with traditional artifacts such as papel picado (paper banners), and other bright Mexican crafts such as paper flowers. As our school tradition grows, we plan to include participation for students in making their own classroom exhibits and ofrendas.
November is Native American Heritage Month. Please see PPS’ Talking Circle Newsletter specifically for Indian students and families. There are many resources and exciting events happening nearby for our Indian children and their families!
This week I was at a PK-3 educational conference. There were so many moments during the conference when I thought of the exceptional teachers and students that we have at Dr MLK Jr. I texted my principal substitute the following “are you in love with the school yet?” and her response was “Absolutely. Everyone here is a helper, from the staff to the students. Also, several fourth graders are petitioning for no school on Halloween”. I thought that was charming and felt so warm and proud of our school. My message to the students back: nice try but we will have school on October 31st, the start of spirit week. Costumes will be allowed, but no masks (the costume type)!
Important Dates and Reminders:
10/25: Jin Ren Restaurant night - Sparky’s Pizza
10/27, 8:45am: Cafe Latino
10/28: NW Noggin Visit
10/28-29: SUN Registration for winter term
10/31: NO SUN School, SEI harvest festival 4:30pm @ SEI
10/31: DREAM Assemblies, AM
9:15 - grades PK, K, 1
9:45 - grades 2, 3
10:15 - grades 4, 5
10/31-11/4: Spirit Week
11/1: First day of Native American Heritage Month
11/4: NO SCHOOL, planning day
11/11: Veteran Day, Holiday, NO SCHOOL
11/15, 6pm: PTA meeting, cafeteria
11/15, 10am: grades 4-5 assembly Beatrice, the Opera
11/21-22: Parent teacher conferences and SUN winter registration
11/23-25: Fall Break, NO SCHOOL
PTA news:
Volunteer Opportunities!
Now that the school year is in full swing there are many volunteer opportunities. Want to help out in the Dance studio or Art room, read with students, join others from our school community distributing free clothing to kids throughout the district, or help in another way? Email volunteer@mlkjrpta.org to let our volunteer coordinator Phil know what kinds of things you might be interested in, or find out about more opportunities directly and sign up at https://www.mlkjrpta.org/get-involved/volunteer?
Restaurant fundraisers:
10/21: Kulfi Restaurant Fundraiser! Come celebrate the end of the week with a handmade, small batch kulfi (an extra creamy ice cream treat!) or ice pop. kulfipdx.com. Conveniently located at 5009 NE 15th Ave (@ intersection with Alberta St). 20% of group sales will be donated to the PTA, so tell the cashier you are with the school when you check out.
10/25: Sparky’s Pizza Restaurant Fundraiser for Jin Ren! Take a night off of cooking and support your school! Sparky's Pizza is generously donating 10% of total sales from all 3 Portland locations to Jin Ren. The online ordering system is encouraged for quick and easy pickup, visit sparkyspdx.com. There is a scheduled pickup time option so you can even order in advance!
11/7: Chipotle Restaurant Fundraiser! Order up your Chipotle favorites to support the PTA! Chips and guac, anyone? 33% of group sales will go to the PTA. If ordering online, enter AWGLX8J in the promo code, or mention Dr MLK Jr School to the cashier for us to get credit. 704 NE Weidler, 4 to 8 pm. Chipotle.com.
Fundraiser with Green Bridge Coffee: Life is busy and caffeine is a must. Did you know your coffee purchases can help support your child’s school? Place your coffee order with Green Bridge Coffee and 10% of your purchase will go to support the PTA! Go to greenbridgecoffee.com and place your first order today!
PTA Corporate Sponsors: We're excited to announce our newest sponsors supporting our PTA and school!
Porque No? Taqueria - https://porquenotacos.square.site/
Tin Shed Garden Cafe - https://www.tinshedgardencafe.com/
Cereus PDX - https://www.cereuspdx.com/
DDI Benefits - http://www.ddibenefits.com/
Alliance Trading Group - https://www.allitra.com/
NoPo Dentistry - https://nopokids.com/
If you're interested or have questions on becoming or recruiting corporate sponsors, please contact fundraising.chair@mlkjrpta.org
District news:
NEW! Parent Office Hours with the TAG Department
The October focus will be the TAG referral process. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 26 6:00-7:00 PM. Zoom link for Parent Office Hours with the TAG Department. A list of questions and answers from past meetings are in this FAQ document.
Family Night Translations: Translated videos of the TAG Family Night presentation are available on our website for the supported languages: English | Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Soomaali | Русский
National Book Month: October is National Book Month, and it was created by the National Book Foundation in 2003. This month-long celebration focuses on the importance of reading, writing, and literature.
October 7, 2022
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
Thank you to our PTA and volunteers for an amazing Move Towards The Dream community event and fundraisers. I love the feeling of being in community with our students as we all move around the track with a united mission - Moving together Towards the DREAM! Now is the time to start reaching out to friends and families to contribute to our biggest fundraiser of the year. Funds from the event will help to pay for field trips, supplemental curriculum, books, technology, and much much more.
If you were unable to attend BTSN, please check out the videos from teachers about their classroom and programs. They are all posted, along with the principal’s message, on our school website at: https://www.pps.net/domain/6929
We’re adding a Black Family Coffee and Chat on October 13 at 8:45. At this meeting, families will be able to share their input on the modernization (and potential rebuild) of Jefferson High School. You’ll also sit with the principal to share your thoughts on our own school, Dr MLK Jr. Coffee and cupcakes and a $100 raffle to a local Wellness provider!
I will be out today and October 17-20 at a national conference around PreK-3 education. My friend and former PPS principal, Pam Joyner, will be here as my substitute. I will be available by email at tseidel@Pps.net
Monday is Indigenous People’s Day. Growing up in Portland, I remember learning one-sided, Eurocentric lessons about the glorification of Christopher Columbus and I am so happy that in Portland and other cities around this nation, the day is being reclaimed to celebrate the history, contributions, and Native people of our land. Students today learn stories from multiple perspectives, especially those who have historically been underrepresented or silenced. An example of this is in our fifth grade reading unit, students will read and analyze passages of a speech that Chief Joseph shared about the plight of his people, the Nez Perce. Next week, and into the month of November, students will be learning about Native American artist such as John Nieto, in Ms. Beck’s art class.
I hope many of you are able to join the PTA in their community celebration today at 3pm on our blacktop. There will be great weather, great food, and great company!
Important Dates and Reminders:
10/7, 3:00-4:30pm: PTA Community Gathering
10/10: Indigenous Peoples’ Day
10/10: First day of SUN grades 1-3
10/12, 6pm: JinRen New Family Orientation
10/13, 8:45: Black Family Coffee and Chat
10/14: NO SCHOOL, teacher professional development day
10/17: SUN open for grades 1-5
10/25: Jin Ren Restaurant night - Sparky’s Pizza
10/27, 8:45am: Cafe Latino
10/28: NW Noggin Visit
10/28-29: SUN Registration for winter term
10/31: DREAM Assemblies, AM
PTA news:
Move Towards the Dream Update:
Move Towards the Dream was a huge success on Tuesday. The students all worked so hard and had fun. Thank you to the many volunteers that supported us throughout the day!
Families - please continue to help your students collect pledges and make sure to turn in your pledge envelopes by 10/17. If you used the online portal you do not need to turn anything in.
Restaurant fundraisers:
Thank you to Wild Thing! They are generously donating $250 to the PTA from our recent restaurant fundraiser. Thanks to everyone for coming out!
3 More Restaurant Nights coming up and a Coffee Fundraiser:
Fundraiser with Green Bridge Coffee: You are already buying coffee. Now that purchase can go to support your child’s school! Green Bridge Coffee is partnering with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. PTA for an ongoing fundraiser. 10% of every coffee bag purchased goes directly to the PTA. Green Bridge offers coffee subscriptions that are super easy to set up and coffee gets delivered to your door at the frequency of your choice. You’ll never run out of coffee again. You can also make a one time purchase or gift coffee to a friend or family member. Just select “Dr. MLK Jr. PTA” at check out and 10% will be donated to our school! Go to greenbridgecoffee.com and place your first order!
10/21: Kulfi Restaurant Fundraiser! Come celebrate the end of the week with a handmade, small batch kulfi (an extra creamy ice cream treat!) or ice pop. kulfipdx.com. Conveniently located at 5009 NE 15th Ave (@ intersection with Alberta St). 20% of group sales will be donated to the PTA, so tell the cashier you are with the school when you check out.
10/25: Sparky’s Pizza Restaurant Fundraiser for Jin Ren! Take a night off of cooking and support your school! Sparky's Pizza is generously donating 10% of total sales from all 3 Portland locations to Jin Ren. The online ordering system is encouraged for quick and easy pickup, visit sparkyspdx.com. There is a scheduled pickup time option so you can even order in advance!
11/7: Chipotle Restaurant Fundraiser! Order up your Chipotle favorites to support the PTA! Chips and guac, anyone? 33% of group sales will go to the PTA. If ordering online, enter AWGLX8J in the promo code, or mention Dr MLK Jr School to the cashier for us to get credit. 704 NE Weidler, 4 to 8 pm. Chipotle.com.
Jin Ren News:
Is your child new to the Mandarin Immersion Program?
Would you like resources to help your kiddo with learning or engaging in Mandarin?
Are you interested in learning Mandarin?
Join us for our new family night October 12th!
Date: Wednesday, October 12th from 6pm to 7pm
Where: MLK library Spanish interpreter available! Snacks provided.
Jin Ren is a parent-led organization focused on supporting Mandarin learning in the MLK community! We are hosting an informal meeting for parents and caregivers.
There will be small table discussions on topics led by parents of older children. Topics include: online resources or apps for learning, Mandarin language basics, cross-cultural communication between teachers and families.
We look forward to seeing you! Questions? Email us at info@jinren.org
September 16, 2022
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families,
Huge shout out to Nordstrom, Shoes that Fit, and Ms. Peake for bringing 330 pairs of brand new sneakers to our students. Click here for some photos! I love seeing matching shoes on the kids’ feet, and their smiles of pride when they show off the swag. Also thanks to Sung Kokko our photographer and Ms. Peake again for a seamless picture day. There will be a spring picture session for those who want more! Hats off to Mrs. G, Chris in the front office and Ms. Thomas, for orchestrating a nearly whole school field trip on the third week of school. I know it was tough, but I hope we can all agree there is no better way to launch into Hispanic Heritage Month than a play about young Frida directed by our very own Mrs. G.
Staffing updates: It’s official: Ms. Beck is our official art teacher! We are now in search for a Community Agent, here is the job description. apply at this website: https://www.pps.net/jobs Job ID: 24545
Mark your calendars for Open House on Thursday, September 29 from 5:30-7pm. For some classrooms, this event may be geared towards adults however kids are always welcome. Here is the schedule:
5:30-5:55 - Round 1 Pk-5 main classroom sessions, specials presentation in the gym
6:00-6:25 - Round 2 Pk-5 main classroom sessions, specials presentation in the gym
6:30-7:00 - Principal message, Title I report, ESL and TAG presentations
There will be parent/teacher conference sign ups available at Back to School Night. If you are unable to make it to Back to School Night, your teacher will connect with you later to schedule a conference time. Conferences this year are in person or virtual on November 21st and 22nd
State Test Scores: We will be mailing Individual Score Reports to families in the next few weeks. The reports will have results from OSAS and MAP testing for 2021-2022.
Donate to our school: Many of our teachers welcome donations for special projects. See this website if you would like to donate to some of these projects! On Tuesday, September 20th, all of your donations will be DOUBLED!!
Lockdown drill: I would like to give you advance notice that we will be practicing our lockdown drill on Monday, September 26 at 9am. A lockdown is activated when there is a threat inside the school building. We will practice this twice a year. Every PPS school is mandated to practice a number of drills, from fire drills, earthquake drills (ORS 336.071). Details on all of our emergency drills can be found at https://www.pps.net/Page/208. I know that emergency drills, and lockdown drills in particular, can be scary for children. Our teachers will prep the students before the drill and we will focus on safe behavior and adults we can go to if we need help. After the drill teachers and students will debrief and answer any questions or concerns that arise from students. We encourage families to do the same once students arrive home. Thank you for partnering with us to keep your kids safe.
Site Council: Are you interested in joining the Dr MLK Jr site council? This group will serve as a principal advisory board, help to write our school improvement plan, and give feedback and input on our community engagement events. Please fill this form out to share your interest. I will reach out later in October to form this important team.
Attendance: A reminder that school runs from 8:45-3:00. We encourage families to arrive on time, pick up at 3pm, and to avoid picking up your student early if at all possible.
September 15-October 15, is National Hispanic Heritage Month. If you would like to be a guest speaker in your child’s/children’s classrooms, we invite you to let your child’s teacher know you are interested in being a guest speaker. All guests must be COVID vaccinated or have a negative test. One of my favorite books is “Just Ask” written by Sonia Sotomajor (first Hispanic and third woman to serve on the US Supreme Court) and illustrated by Rafael Lopez. The tagline is “Be Different, Be Brave, Be You” and I instantly fell in love with the following passage:
Kids are all different too.
Some of us are in a hurry and others take more time.
Some of us seem shy and quiet, while others are chatty and loud.
Some of our differences are easy to spot.
Others take longer to notice.
Each of us grows in our own way…
A reminder that next Thursday, we have Black Family Night, including our staff & their families who identify as such as well! We will have food from Po’Shines and entertainment from Nikki Brown Clown. We’ll also take some time to connect with one another and chat with the principal.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Important Dates and Reminders:
Important Dates and Reminders:
9/16, 10:00am: 1st grade & De Lara-Vargas to Milagro
9/20, 6pm: PTA Meeting
9/22, 6-7:30: Black Family Night, Dr MLK Jr
9/23: Teacher Professional Development, NO SCHOOL
9/26, 9:00am: Lockdown Drill
9/29, 8:45am - Cafe Latino
9/29, 5:30-7pm - Back to School Night
10/1-2: PTA Restaurant Night - Wild Thing
10/4: Move toward the DREAM
10/7, 3:00-4:30pm: PTA Community Gathering and KSMOCA Planton Movil
10/10: Indigenous Peoples’ Day
10/10: First day of SUN grades 1-3
10/12, 6pm: JinRen New Family Orientation
10/14: NO SCHOOL, teacher planning day
10/17: SUN open for grades 1-5
10/25: Jin Ren Restaurant night - Sparky’s Pizza
10/27, 8:45am: Cafe Latino
10/28: NW Noggin Visit
10/28-29: SUN Registration for winter term
10/31: DREAM Assemblies, AM
District news:
PPS is partnering with OHSU again this year to offer free weekly COVID-19 testing for students. Participation in this program is completely optional, but encouraged, and is offered regardless of vaccination status. Participating students will drop off spit samples in pre-labeled tubes at school on their designated day each week, whether they have symptoms or not. Schools will begin collecting spit samples starting September 27th-29th.
What’s new?
Registration: Beginning today Parents/Guardians can start enrolling their students through OHSU’s NEW Online Portal. If you are unable to enroll for any reason, please call OHSU support at (503) 418-8500.
Test Tubes: New, pre-labeled test tubes with a scannable barcode will be mailed directly to your mailing address and should arrive within a week of enrollment. Test kits from last year cannot be used, so please throw them away.
Spit Samples: Spit tests can be collected either the night before or the morning of their school’s testing day. Please use this spreadsheet to know what day to drop off your student’s spit sample.
Test Results: When the test results are available, you will receive an email telling you to log into the online portal www.labfinder.com/ohsu to view the results.
Additional drop-off locations: If you miss your weekly testing day, OHSU has added 3 drop-off sites around the Portland metro area.
Doernbecher Child Development Rehabilitation Center - 707 S Gaines Street, Portland, OR 97239
Primary Care Clinic at Gabriel Park - 4411 S Vermont Street, Portland, OR 97219
Richmond Family Health Center - 3930 SE Division Street, Portland, OR 97202
What stays the same?
There is no cost to families to participate.
OHSU uses highly accurate molecular testing, known as PCR.
Students will continue to bring their spit samples to school on the designated testing day.
OHSU nurses will call parents of all students who test positive or whose tests are inconclusive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.
For more information about OHSU's K-12 Screening Program, visit their website at http://www.ohsu.edu/k12testing or contact the OHSU support team at k12covidtesting@ohsu.edu or (503) 418-8500.
Letisia Ayala Guillen, Health Services Coordinator, layalaguillen@pps.net
Vibe of Portland Fall Classes
Vibe of Portland 2022-23 Art Camps & Classes
Multnomah Early Childhood Program 2022-23 (English) (Spanish)
Portland Parks & Recreation Preschool 2022-2023 Registration
Esta carta está escrita en español e inglés
August 25, 2022
Dear Dr MLK Jr Community,
We are getting very close to the start of the school year. Teachers have been busy getting their classrooms ready for the kids. Our building has undergone significant changes since this summer, including technology upgrades, new walls and floors in our common areas, a freshly painted basketball court, and so much more. Huge shout out to our custodial DREAM team, Lamon, Terrell, Walter and Earl, along with special support from Coach Kaufman and Mr. Monty for working around the clock this week in preparation for the opening of school.
Please join us SATURDAY, August 27th from 9am-noon, for Project Community Care Day, an annual tradition and a wonderful opportunity to help beautify our school grounds. We encourage you to bring your gardening gloves and tools and a water bottle. Students are welcome to join and we’ll just ask that you supervise your own child. We look forward to seeing you Saturday, August 27th, 9 am to 12 pm! Following Community Care Day, project “City Wide” is hosting a back to school event with free haircuts, school supplies, and fun activities. See this flyer for more details.
Back to school social: Come meet your teacher, see old and new friends, pick up a new backpack, find your drop off and pick up spot, and enjoy some Shave Ice on Monday, August 29th from 2-3pm.
We are still hiring: We need help finding an Educational Assistant for Kindergarten MIP. Please share this with your Mandarin speaking networks and encourage folks to reach out to me if they're interested? The job is posted on the PPS website as position #25134.
School hours, breakfast, line up spots: Grades PK-K will have breakfast in the cafeteria from 8:30-8:45. Grades 1-5 will have breakfast served outside. Students will line up outside and be brought into the school by their teacher. On the first day of school, any adult with a staff badge will be able to help your student find their line spot. This will be the same spot for dismissal. Students in grades PK-3 must be picked up by a designated guardian. Students in grades 4-5 may be dismissed on their own as long as there is approval from the family beforehand. The school day ends at 3:00pm.
Communication: I will send out a principal’s newsletter every other week, typically on a Friday. These will also be posted to our school website. At the end of every newsletter I will highlight important events and dates for the next two months. We also use “red folders” that will be sent home every week. In those folders, you will find quarterly school calendars, report cards, permission slips, SUN registration forms, and much much more. The school will also periodically send out text message reminders for community events. Classroom teachers will send home monthly newsletters about our academic program, classroom updates, and reminders. You should also hear from your classroom teacher before school begins on Tuesday.
New staff bios: We have a number of new staff who are joining us this year. To get to know them more, click here.
Thank you so much everyone for getting your student(s) ready and excited for the start of another amazing school year! Below you’ll see a few more reminders from SUN, the district, and our events for the next 2 months. See you all soon!
Sincerely, Teresa
SUN news: Go to www.selfenhancement.org/registration to sign up. Registration on site will be August 29th. See this flyer for more information. We’re also looking for Mandarin-speaking tutors or volunteers to help out during SUN school.
OHSU Screening Testing Program: The OHSU screening testing program will continue this year. The enrollment process will be online, and OHSU will send test kits directly to families. Schools will collect specimens on identified days (TBD) Resources to share with families:
■ Self Screening Tool
■ Diagnostic (BinaxNOW) Test Permission sheets
■ OHSU Testing Information
Important dates and reminders:
August 27 9am-noon Community Care Day 9am-noon, CityWide Back to School Event
August 29 2-3pm Back to School Social, Meet the teacher
August 30 First day of school grades 1-5
September 1 & 2 First days for kindergarten
September 5 Labor Day, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
September 6 First day for ALL Kindergarten
September 12 First day for PreKindergarten
September 14, 6pm Jin Ren Board Meeting
September 15, 1st day of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 14 & 15 School Pictures
September 16 K-5 field trip: el Grito, a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 20, 6-7pm PTA Meeting
September 22, 6-7:30pm Black Family Night with Nikki Brown Clown
September 23 Teacher Development - NO SCHOOL
September 26 & 27 Rosh Hashanah
September 29, 6-7pm Back to school night Dr MLK (ESL, TAG and Title I Night)
September 29, 8:45am Cafe Latino
Repeat information:
Office hours: our office is open from 8am to 4:00pm. Reach out with any questions that you might have. Call 503-916-6456, or email Chris (our Office Admin Assistant 1) at csugura@pps.net. Nancy, our other Office Admin Assistant and Project Coordinator is out and will return to school on September 6th.
Back to School Social: Monday, August 29 from 2-3pm on our blacktop. You will have the opportunity to meet your teacher, pick out a new backpack and school supplies, learn about our SUN program and other partnerships, pick up some Kona Shave Ice, and play with friends on the playground. Students will also be fitted with new shoes the 2nd week of September, thanks to a partnership we have with Nordstrom.
COVID Protocols: The school district is still planning for a full 5 days a week and full day schedule. The safety protocols that many of you became familiar with last year (e.g. masks, social distancing, expanded and on-site testing options, etc.) will still be an option, however not required. Schools will no longer be contact tracing. We will continue to space out our seating during eating times in the cafeteria and there will still be a quarantine period for people who are testing positive.
Cell Phone Policy: We have noticed more elementary students having access to cell phones. Our policy is Off and Away while at school. If a student has their phone out, a staff member will first give a gentle reminder to put it away. If the phone is out a second time, the phone will go to the teacher until the end of the day. We know that cell phones are used for connection and safety, however often they are sources of distraction and are not supportive to the learning environment. If families need to reach their student we ask that they call the front office to connect with the student. Please reach out to your teacher if you need a plan that is different from ours at school.
PTA: Get connected with others in your school's community with the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)! Sign up to join our contact list and our Facebook group. You can also email stephen.osserman@gmail.com (PTA Communications Chair) to find out about more ways to connect.
At Dr MLK Jr School, we have free breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack available to every student. We also provide all school supplies, although you will see many of our teachers welcome donations for special projects. See this website if you would like to donate to some of these projects!
Esta carta está en español e inglés
25 de agosto de 2022
Estimada comunidad del Dr. MLK Jr: Estamos muy cerca del comienzo del año escolar. Los maestros han estado ocupados preparando sus aulas para los niños. Nuestro edificio ha cambiado significativamente desde este verano, incluyendo actualizaciones tecnológicas, paredes y pisos nuevos en nuestras áreas comunes, una cancha de baloncesto recién pintada y mucho más. Un gran agradecimiento a nuestro equipo DREAM de conserjes Lamon, Terrell, Walter y Earl, junto con el apoyo especial del entrenador Kaufman y el Sr. Monty por trabajar día y noche esta semana en preparación para la apertura de la escuela.
Únase a nosotros el sábado 27 de agosto de 9 am al mediodía para el Día del Proyecto Community Care, una tradición anual y una maravillosa oportunidad para ayudar a embellecer los terrenos de nuestra escuela. Le recomendamos que traiga sus guantes y herramientas de jardinería y una botella de agua. Los estudiantes pueden unirse y sólo le pediremos que cuide a su propio hijo. ¡Te esperamos el sábado 27 de agosto de 9 am a 12 pm! Después del Día de Cuidado Comunitario, el proyecto "City Wide" está organizando un evento de regreso a la escuela con cortes de cabello gratuitos, útiles escolares y actividades divertidas. Consulte este folleto para obtener más detalles.
Evento social de regreso a la escuela: venga a conocer a su maestro, vea viejos y nuevos amigos, recoja una mochila nueva y algo de Shave Ice el lunes 29 de agosto de 2 a 3 p.m.
Todavía estamos contratando: Necesitamos ayuda para encontrar un asistente educativo para Kinder MIP. Comparta esto con las personas que conoce de habla mandarín y diga a las personas a comunicarse conmigo si están interesadas. El trabajo está publicado en el sitio web de PPS como posición #25134.
Horario escolar, desayuno, lugares para hacer fila: Los grados PK-K desayunarán en la cafetería de 8:30 a 8:45. Los grados 1-5 comerán el desayuno servido afuera. Los estudiantes formarán una fila afuera y serán llevados a la escuela por su maestro. El primer día de clases, cualquier adulto con un gafete del personal podrá ayudar a su estudiante a encontrar su lugar en la fila. Este será el mismo lugar para el despido. Los estudiantes en los grados PK-3 deben ser recogidos por un tutor designado. Los estudiantes en los grados 4-5 pueden salir solos siempre que haya una aprobación previa de la familia. La jornada finaliza a las 15:00 horas.
Comunicación: Enviaré un boletín informativo del director cada dos semanas, normalmente los viernes. Estos también se publicarán en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. Al final de cada boletín destacar eventos y fechas importantes para los próximos dos meses. También usamos “carpetas rojas” que serán enviadas a casa cada semana. En esas carpetas, encontrará calendarios escolares trimestrales, boletas de calificaciones, formularios de permiso, formularios de registro de SUN y mucho, mucho más. La escuela también enviará periódicamente recordatorios de mensajes de texto para eventos comunitarios. Los maestros enviarán a casa boletines informativos mensuales sobre nuestro programa académico, actualizaciones del salón de clases y recordatorios.
Nuevas biografías del personal: Tenemos una cantidad de personal nuevo que se unirá a nosotros este año. Para conocerlos más, haz clic aquí.
¡Muchas gracias a todos por preparar a sus estudiantes y entusiasmarse por el comienzo de otro año escolar épico! A continuación, verá algunos recordatorios más de SUN, el distrito y nuestros eventos para los próximos 2 meses. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
Atentamente, Teresa
SUN news: Vaya a www.selfenhancement.org/registration para registrarse. El registro en el sitio será el 29 de agosto. Consulte este folleto para obtener más información. También estamos buscando tutores o voluntarios que hablen mandarín para ayudar durante la escuela SUN.
OHSU: El programa de pruebas de detección de OHSU continuará este año. El proceso de inscripción será en línea y OHSU enviará el equipo de prueba directamente a las familias. Las escuelas recogerán muestras en días identificados (por definir). Recursos para compartir con las familias: ■ Herramienta de autoexamen ■ Hojas de permiso de autoevaluación diagnóstico (BinaxNOW) ■ Información de pruebas de OHSU
Fechas y recordatorios importantes:
27 de agosto 9 9am a 12pm Día de Ayuda Comunitaria, el evento del regreso escolar de CityWide
29 de agosto 2-3pm Evento de regreso escolar, conocer al maestro
30 de agosto El primer día de clases grados 1-5
1 y 2 de septiembre Los primeros días para kindergarten
5 de septiembre día del trabajo por los maestros, feriado - NO HAY CLASES
6 de septiembre Primer día para TODO el kinder
12 de septiembre Primer día de Pre Kinder
14 de septiembre, 6pm Reunión de la Junta de Jin Ren
15 de septiembre Primer día del Mes de la Herencia Hispana
14 y 15 Fotos escolares
16 K-5: el Grito, una celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana
20 de septiembre, 6-7pm PTA Reunión
22 de septiembre, 6-7: . Noche de familia negra (tentativa)
23 de septiembre Desarrollo de maestros: NO HAY CLASES
26 y 27 de Rosh Hashaná
29 de septiembre, 6-7 p. m. Noche de regreso a la escuela Dr MLK (ESL, TAG y Noche de Título I)
29 de septiembre, 8:45 am Café Latino
Repita la información: Horas de oficina: nuestra oficina está abierta de 8 am a 4:00 pm. Comuníquese con cualquier pregunta que pueda tener. Llame al 503-916-6456 o envíe un correo electrónico a Chris (nuestro asistente administrativo de Office 1) a csugura@pps.net. Nancy, nuestra otra asistente administrativa de la oficina y coordinadora de proyectos está fuera y regresará a la escuela el 6 de septiembre.
Regreso a la escuela social: lunes 29 de agosto de 2 a 3 p. m. en nuestro asfalto. Tendrá la oportunidad de conocer a su maestro, elegir una nueva mochila y útiles escolares, aprender sobre nuestro programa SUN y otras asociaciones, recoger un poco de Kona Shave Ice y jugar con amigos en el patio de recreo. Los estudiantes también recibirán zapatos nuevos la segunda semana de septiembre, gracias a una asociación que tenemos con Nordstrom.
Protocolos COVID: El distrito escolar todavía está planeando un horario completo de 5 días a la semana y de día completo. Los protocolos de seguridad con los que muchos de ustedes se familiarizaron el año pasado (p. ej., máscaras, distanciamiento social, opciones de prueba ampliadas e in situ, etc.) seguirán siendo una opción, pero no obligatorios. Las escuelas ya no serán rastreadoras de contactos. Continuaremos espaciando nuestros asientos durante las comidas en la cafetería y aún habrá un período de cuarentena para las personas que den positivo.
Política de teléfonos celulares: Hemos notado que más estudiantes de primaria tienen acceso a teléfonos celulares. Nuestra política es Apagado y Ausente mientras está en la escuela. Si un estudiante tiene su teléfono fuera, un miembro del personal primero le recordará amablemente que lo guarde. Si el teléfono se apaga por segunda vez, el teléfono pasará al maestro hasta el final del día. Sabemos que los teléfonos celulares se utilizan para la conexión y la seguridad, sin embargo, a menudo son fuentes de distracción y no apoyan el entorno de aprendizaje. Si las familias necesitan comunicarse con su estudiante, les pedimos que llamen a la oficina principal para comunicarse con el estudiante. Comuníquese con su maestro si necesita un plan diferente al nuestro en la escuela.
PTA: ¡Conéctese con otros en la comunidad de su escuela con la PTA (Asociación de Padres y Maestros)! Regístrese para unirse a nuestra lista de contactos y nuestro grupo de Facebook. También puede enviar un correo electrónico a stephen.osserman@gmail.com (Presidente de comunicaciones de la PTA) para conocer más formas de conectarse.
En Dr MLK Jr School, tenemos desayuno, almuerzo y merienda gratuitos disponibles para todos los estudiantes. También proporcionamos todos los útiles escolares, aunque verá que muchos de nuestros maestros agradecen las donaciones para proyectos especiales.Vea este sitio web si desea donar a algunos de estos proyectos!
August 10, 2022
Dear Dr Martin Luther King Jr Elementary Families,
I would like to officially welcome you to the 2022-23 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Elementary School year. The school year begins August 30th for 1st-5th graders and September 1st or 2nd for kindergarteners. Pre-K begins on September 12th. This will be the first of several communications from the school that you will receive this year. All of these communications will also be posted to our school website at https://www.pps.net/mlk. We also use text messages, and the REMIND app to communicate with our families. As long as your information is updated with correct phone numbers and emails in our Student Information Database, you should receive our communications. Please know that my door is always open and that I am always available through school email, as well as before and after school on the blacktop.
Office hours: On Monday, August 15, our office will be open from 8am to 4:00pm. Reach out with any questions that you might have. Call 503-916-6456, or email Chris (our Office Admin Assistant 1) at csugura@pps.net. Nancy, our other Office Admin Assistant and Project Coordinator, is out and will return to school on September 6th.
Community care day: On August 27, we have a great community opportunity to participate in community care day from 9-noon. Join us if you want to help spruce up our grounds with beautification tasks like raking, mulching, and weeding. Be sure to bring your rakes, gloves, and other yard equipment.
Teachers return to work: Teachers will all be back on August 24th. They'll be preparing their rooms, making connections with families, and engaging in professional development. Teacher assignments were shared with families at the end of last year. You should expect communication from your teacher(s) prior to the first day of school. Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions that you have about the upcoming school year.
Back to School Social: Monday, August 29 from 2-3pm on our blacktop. You will have the opportunity to meet your teacher, pick out a new backpack and school supplies, learn about our SUN program and other partnerships, pick up some Kona Shave Ice, and play with friends on the playground. Students will also be fitted with new shoes the 2nd week of September, thanks to a partnership we have with Nordstrom.
COVID Protocols: The school district is still planning for a full 5 days a week and full day schedule. The safety protocols that many of you became familiar with last year (e.g. masks, social distancing, expanded and on-site testing options, etc.) will still be an option, however not required. Schools will no longer be contact tracing. We will continue to space out our seating during eating times in the cafeteria and there will still be a quarantine period for people who are testing positive.
Cell Phone Policy: We have noticed more elementary students having access to cell phones. Our policy is Off and Away while at school. If a student has their phone out, a staff member will first give a gentle reminder to put it away. If the phone is out a second time, the phone will go to the teacher until the end of the day. We know that cell phones are used for connection and safety, however often they are sources of distraction and are not supportive to the learning environment. If families need to reach their student we ask that they call the front office to connect with the student. Please reach out to your teacher if you need a plan that is different from ours at school.
PTA: Get connected with others in your school's community with the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)! Sign up to join our contact list and our facebook group. You can also email stephen.osserman@gmail.com (PTA Communications Chair) to find out about more ways to connect.
At Dr MLK Jr School, we have free breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack available to every student. We also provide all school supplies, although you will see many of our teachers welcome donations for special projects. See this website if you would like to donate to some of these projects!
That's it for now! I hope that the rest of your summer is wonderful. Reach out if your family needs anything or has any questions. I am looking forward to seeing all of your students and families in a few short weeks.
Teresa Seidel
Important dates and reminders:
August 18, 6pm |
Jin Ren Board Meeting and Community Hangout - blacktop |
August 27 9am-noon |
Community Care Day 9am-noon, CityWide Back to School Event |
August 29 2-3pm |
Back to School Social, Meet the teacher |
August 30 |
First day of school grades 1-5 |
September 1 & 2 |
First days for kindergarten |
September 5 |
Labor Day, Holiday - NO SCHOOL |
September 6 |
First day for ALL Kindergarten |
September 12 |
First day for PreKindergarten |
September 14, 6pm |
Jin Ren Board Meeting |
September 15 |
1st day of Hispanic Heritage Month |
September 14 & 15 |
School Pictures |
September 16 |
K-5 field trip: el Grito, a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month |
September 20, 6-7pm |
PTA Meeting |
September 23 |
Teacher Development - NO SCHOOL |
September 26 & 27 |
Rosh Hashanah |
September 29, 6-7pm |
Back to school night Dr MLK (ESL, TAG and Title I Night) |
September 29, 8:45am |
Cafe Latino |
Hello Dr MLK Families,
Thank you to all of our performers, staff, partners, volunteers and family members who were able to join us last week for our Global Celebration! The growth continues on as our students learn about notable figures in the Black Community, both past and present for the month of February and beyond.
Vaccine clinic: I wanted to share with you a vaccine event that we will be hosting at Self Enhancement Inc. on Friday February 18th from 2pm-7pm. Anyone over the age of 5 is welcome, we will have 1st, 2nd, 3rd and booster doses available, as well as the flu shot. Appointments are encouraged but not required. www.selfenhancement.org/
Lost and Found: Tomorrow will be the last day that the lost and found will be outside. After Friday, all items will be donated.
Connect to Kindergarten: Do you have an incoming kindergartener or know of someone who is planning to send their kindergartener to Dr MLK Jr Elementary? If so, please pass along this flyer detailing our Connect to Kindergarten events! One of our goals is to increase our enrollment so that we are able to provide a full scope of service (including art, PE, music, dance and world language exposure to everyone). Please share widely the reason why just a few weeks ago we were all fighting to keep the DREAM, and our school, alive!
We have an in person tour and info session on FEBRUARY 16th, 2022 6:00 PM
and a Virtual event: March 1, 2022, 6:00 PM Meeting link: meet.google.com/yyn-nvji-ihj or call 617-675-4444 PIN: 136 677 702 3623#
MIP 1st grade lottery: We will be opening up 24 spots to 1st graders who want to join our Mandarin Immersion Program. Do you know of a family who wants to share the benefits and wonders of learning a second or third language? Please encourage them to apply to our lottery!
National school counselors’ week: Please join me in showing your appreciation to Ms. Peake, our dedicated, passionate, fun and caring school counselor. School counselors are the unsung heroes of today’s school system, agents of social change. Ms. Peake touches the lives of every single child in this school, and advocates for them every single day.
Take care everyone,
Important Dates and Reminders:
2/1-2/28: Black History Month
2/21: Presidents’ day, no school
2/25, 3pm: blacktop PTA celebration
3/17, 9am: principal chat, Link to join here
3/19-3/27: spring break, no school
More opportunities and programs:
OSU Discover the Scientist Within February Workshop (English) (Spanish)
Multnomah Early Childhood Program: (English) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
Portland Parks & Recreation Preschool 2022-2023 Registration
OSU STEM Academy AWSEM Club (includes Spanish flyer)
Hola familias del Dr. MLK:
¡Gracias a todos nuestros artistas, personal, socios, voluntarios y familiares que pudieron unirse a nosotros la semana pasada para nuestra celebración global! El crecimiento continúa a medida que nuestros estudiantes aprenden sobre figuras notables en la comunidad negra, tanto pasadas como presentes durante el mes de febrero y más allá.
Clínica de vacunas: Quería compartir con ustedes un evento de vacunas que organizaremos en Self Enhancement Inc. el viernes 18 de febrerode 2 pm a 7 pm. Cualquier persona mayor de 5 años es bienvenida, tendremos disponibles la 1ra, 2da,3ra y dosis de refuerzo, así como la vacuna contra la gripe. Las citas son recomendadas pero no obligatorias. www.selfenhancement.org/
Lost and Found: Mañana será el último día en que los objetos perdidos y encontrados estarán afuera. Después del viernes, todos los artículos serán donados.
Conéctese al jardín de infantes: ¿Tiene un niño de jardín de infantes entrante o conoce a alguien que planea enviar a su niño de jardín de infantes a la escuela primaria Dr MLK Jr? Si es así, ¡envíe este folleto que detalla nuestros eventos Connect to Kindergarten! Uno de nuestros objetivos es aumentar nuestra inscripción para que podamos brindar un alcance completo de servicio (que incluye arte, educación física, música, danza y exposición a idiomas del mundo para todos). ¡Por favor comparta ampliamente la razón por la cual hace solo unas semanas todos estábamos luchando para mantener vivo el SUEÑO y nuestra escuela!
Tenemos un recorrido en persona y una sesión de información el 16 de FEBRERO de 2022 a las 6:00 p
y un evento virtual: el 1 de marzo de 2022 a las 6:00 p. -675-4444 PIN: 136 677 702 3623#
MIP Lotería de primer grado: abriremos 24 lugares para estudiantes de primer grado que quieran unirse a nuestro programa de inmersión en mandarín. ¿Conoces a una familia que quiera compartir los beneficios y las maravillas de aprender un segundo o tercer idioma? ¡Anímelos a aplicar a nuestra lotería!
Semana nacional de los consejeros escolares: Únase a mí para mostrar su agradecimiento a la Sra. Peake, nuestra consejera escolar dedicada, apasionada, divertida y cariñosa. Los consejeros escolares son los héroes anónimos del sistema escolar actual, agentes de cambio social. La Sra. Peake influye en la vida de todos los niños de esta escuela y los defiende todos los días.
Cuídense todos,
Fechas y recordatorios importantes:
2/1-2/28: Mes de la historia
afroamericana 2/21: Día de los presidentes, no hay clases
2/25, 3 p. m.: celebración de la PTA en el asfalto
3/17, 9 a. m.: charla con el director, enlace para unirse aquí
3/19-3/27: vacaciones de primavera, no hay clases
Más oportunidades y programas:
OSU Discover the Scientist Within Taller de febrero (inglés) (español)
Multnomah Early Childhood Program: (inglés) (español) (vietnamita)
Portland Parks & Recreation Preschool 2022-2023 Registro
OSU STEM Academy AWSEM Club (incluye folleto en español)
Hello Dr MLK Jr Families, Thank you so much to our student leaders and for all of the families and staff members who were able to attend the community engagement meeting last night on the relocation of Harriet Tubman Middle School. As the process unfolds and the district reaches out to the Dr MLK Jr community for feedback and engagement, I will keep everyone updated. Anytime schools and communities are reconfigured there will be pros and cons. Part of my job is to share with you all of the information we have, with as much clarity as possible, and to direct any feedback that our community has back to the district. However, I do arrive at these conversations not only as your school leader, but also as a colleague, community member and fellow parent. I acknowledge the deep emotions that this process is likely to raise and share those sentiments with many of you. Principal Chat and Connection: Since the beginning of the year I have been meeting monthly with our Spanish Speaking families at Cafe Latino. It is a great way for us to get to know one another and for parents to ask questions and get answers straight from the principal! I now want to invite everyone to a virtual Principal’s Coffee meeting. Pre-pandemic we would host these types of engagement events in person. While we are limited in how we can meet, I still want to offer a way for us to connect. Please join me on Thursday, January 6 at 10am at this google meeting link. We can discuss whatever comes up and topics may include: staffing updates, merging our two programs and how that is going, COVID protocol questions, instructional programming, the relocation of Tubman, and much much more. I’ll move the Principal Chat times around from month to month for folks who have conflicting work schedules. Meals at school: After winter break, we will be changing some of our eating protocols. Breakfast and afternoon snack will remain the same however for lunch, all of our students will be eating inside beginning the new year. With the colder weather, more student and community COVID vaccinations, and updated guidance from local health authorities, I feel confident that we can maintain COVID protocols while eating inside. When the weather is nice, we may still eat outside, however our staff have worked hard to figure out a plan to make inside lunch safe for all. Shout outs to Ms. Peake, Ms. Lefferts, Mr. Monty and our amazing custodial staff for puzzling together how to feed 320 children in 90 minutes seated 6 feet apart! COVID testing at school: At the end of this newsletter, there is a message from the district about the new “Test to Stay” program that will allow students to remain in school even if there is an on-site COVID exposure. Shout Outs: On another note, I have to give a huge shout out to Ms. Peake our counselor, Ms. Marlo and Issa our SEI/SUN partners, Ms. Nancy, our school secretary, the fine folks at the Irvington Tennis Club and our amazing, devoted, giving and caring PTA. With all of their support, our school was able to pull together winter holiday gifts to over 50 students! It reminds me of the words that our student leaders shared with our district office staff last evening: At Dr. King school, the dream is alive! I hope to see many of you at our end of year PTA Blacktop Celebration happening here at school, 3pm-4pm today. Happy new year everyone. May your winter break be restful, relaxing and filled with happiness. Warmly, Teresa
Important Dates and Reminders:
Test to stay information: As part of our ongoing commitment to increase in-person learning for all students, we are pleased to announce that in partnership with OHA/ODE we will start the Test to Stay program the first week of January of 2022. Benefits of Test to Stay: Given the lower level of COVID-19 in schools, students exposed at school will have the opportunity to stay in in-person learning and minimize the impact quarantine has had on their education. This is called a modified quarantine and requires students to continue to wear masks during any activity that does not require its use, for example band, athletics, etc., until day eight (8). Students must remain symptom free and will be provided two tests during their quarantine period. You can help expedite the process by signing and returning the consent form for the BinaxNOW rapid nasal swab test, unless you already did it this year. Forms are available in the front office of each school. For students who were exposed outside of the school day (at home, extracurricular activities, etc), we will have available the Test to Return process. This process will allow students to return on Day 8 after an exposure with any negative antigen or pcr COVID-19 test performed between days 5-7. As always, vaccinated students who do not have symptoms do not have to quarantine or Test to Stay. We will share more specifics about this program in early January. 5-Step Process for Parents and Families
ONGOING FAMILY IMMUNIZATION CLINICSThe Multnomah County Health Department is offering twice-weekly Immunization Clinics for families and children to obtain COVID-19 and school-required vaccines. Clinics will be held on Wednesdays from 11 am - 2 pm & 3 pm - 6 pm at the Gateway WIC Building, 131 NE 102nd Ave., Portland; and on Saturdays from 9 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - at the NE Health Clinic, 5329 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. #322, Portland.
Appointments are required for children aged 5 - 11. No appointment is required for family members to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and flu shots. Call 503-988-8939 to make an appointment. More info is available at: multco.us/vaccineclinics. Hola, familias del Dr. MLK Jr: Muchas gracias a nuestros líderes estudiantiles y a todas las familias y miembros del personal que pudieron asistir a la reunión de participación comunitaria anoche sobre la reubicación de la escuela secundaria Harriet Tubman. A medida que se desarrolle el proceso y el distrito se comunique con la comunidad del Dr. MLK Jr para obtener comentarios y participación, los mantendré informados. Siempre que se reconfiguren las escuelas y las comunidades, habrá pros y contras. Parte de mi trabajo es compartir con ustedes toda la información que tenemos, con la mayor claridad posible, y dirigir cualquier comentario que nuestra comunidad tenga al distrito. Sin embargo, llego a estas conversaciones no solo como líder de su escuela, sino también como colega, miembro de la comunidad y padre de familia. Reconozco las profundas emociones que probablemente suscite este proceso y comparto esos sentimientos con muchos de ustedes. Conexión y charla con la directora: Desde el comienzo del año me he reunido mensualmente con nuestras familias hispanohablantes en Cafe Latino. ¡Es una excelente manera de conocernos unos a otros y para que los padres hagan preguntas y obtengan respuestas directamente del director! Ahora quiero invitar a todos a una reunión virtual de Café del Director. Antes de la pandemia, organizaríamos este tipo de eventos de participación en persona. Si bien estamos limitados en cómo podemos reunirnos, todavía quiero ofrecer una forma de conectarnos. Únase a mí el jueves 6 de enero a las 10 a. M. En este enlace de reunión de Google. Podemos discutir lo que surja y los temas pueden incluir: actualizaciones de personal, fusión de nuestros dos programas y cómo va, preguntas sobre el protocolo COVID, programación de instrucción, la reubicación de Tubman y mucho más. Cambiaré los tiempos del chat principal de un mes a otro para las personas que tienen horarios de trabajo conflictivos. Comidas en la escuela: Después de las vacaciones de invierno, cambiaremos algunos de nuestros protocolos de alimentación. El desayuno y la merienda seguirán siendo los mismos, sin embargo, para el almuerzo, todos nuestros estudiantes comerán adentro a partir del nuevo año. Con el clima más frío, más vacunas COVID para estudiantes y comunidades, y la guía actualizada de las autoridades de salud locales, estoy seguro de que podemos mantener los protocolos COVID mientras comemos adentro. Cuando hace buen tiempo, podemos comer afuera, sin embargo, nuestro personal ha trabajado duro para idear un plan para que el almuerzo en el interior sea seguro para todos. ¡Saludos a la Sra. Peake, la Sra. Lefferts, el Sr. Monty y nuestro increíble personal de conserjes por pensar juntos cómo alimentar a 320 niños en 90 minutos sentados a 6 pies de distancia! Pruebas de COVID en la escuela: Al final de este boletín, hay un mensaje del distrito sobre el nuevo programa "Test to Stay" que permitirá a los estudiantes permanecer en la escuela incluso si hay una exposición a COVID en el sitio. Gritos: En otra nota, tengo que dar un gran reconocimiento a la Sra. Peake, nuestra consejera, la Sra. Marlo e Issa, nuestros socios de SEI / SUN, la Sra. Nancy, la secretaria de nuestra escuela, la buena gente del Irvington Tennis Club y nuestra PTA asombrosa, dedicada, generosa y solidaria. ¡Con todo su apoyo, nuestra escuela pudo reunir regalos de vacaciones de invierno para más de 50 estudiantes! Me recuerda las palabras que nuestros líderes estudiantiles compartieron con el personal de la oficina del distrito anoche: ¡En la escuela Dr. King, el sueño está vivo! Espero ver a muchos de ustedes en nuestra Celebración Blacktop de fin de año de la PTA aquí en la escuela, hoy de 3 pm a 4 pm. Feliz Año Nuevo a todos. Que sus vacaciones de invierno sean tranquilas, relajantes y llenas de felicidad. Calurosamente, Teresa
Fechas y recordatorios importantes: 17/12: DÍA DEL ESPÍRITU: usa los colores rojo y negro de tu espíritu escolar 17/12, 3pm: celebración del PTA Blacktop 12 / 18-1 / 2: vacaciones de invierno, no hay clases 1/3: Regreso a clases 17/1: Dr MLK Jr Holiday, no hay clases 1/28: día de calificaciones, no hay clases 2/1: Primer día del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana 2/4, 2:30 pm: Desfile del Año Nuevo Lunar
Prueba para mantener la información: Como parte de nuestro compromiso continuo de aumentar el aprendizaje en persona para todos los estudiantes, nos complace anunciar que, en asociación con OHA / ODE, comenzaremos el programa Test to Stay la primera semana de enero de 2022. Beneficios de Test to Stay: Dado el nivel más bajo de COVID-19 en las escuelas, los estudiantes expuestos en la escuela tendrán la oportunidad de permanecer en el aprendizaje en persona y minimizar el impacto que la cuarentena ha tenido en su educación. Esto se llama cuarentena modificada y requiere que los estudiantes continúen usando máscaras durante cualquier actividad que no requiera su uso, por ejemplo, banda, atletismo, etc., hasta el día ocho (8). Los estudiantes deben permanecer libres de síntomas y se les proporcionarán dos pruebas durante su período de cuarentena. Puede ayudar a acelerar el proceso firmando y devolviendo el formulario de consentimiento para la prueba rápida con hisopo nasal BinaxNOW, a menos que ya lo haya hecho este año. Los formularios están disponibles en la oficina principal de cada escuela. Para los estudiantes que estuvieron expuestos fuera del horario escolar (en casa, actividades extracurriculares, etc.), tendremos disponible el proceso Test to Return. Este proceso permitirá a los estudiantes regresar el día 8 después de una exposición con Portland Public Schools would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Portland Public Schools directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm: Unsubscribe SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation's leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media. |
September 3, 2021
Hello Dr. MLK Jr Students and Families,
We are up and running! It’s been a great first couple days. I’ve enjoyed getting to meet students and families and joining classrooms to see communities coming together. I had a chance to read a few stories and do a few activities with several classrooms this week and I’m pleased to report a loving, inclusive, and highly creative bunch of kids! I can tell already that Dr. MLK Jr is a place where students and staff like to come to school. I feel so grateful to be here.
A few reminders about pick up and drop off:
Did you know that at Dr. MLK, there is a FREE, full day pre-k? Do you have a 3 or 4 year old that you want to sign up for PreK? If so, please contact Edison Bee (ebee@pps.net) or see the flyer attached.
I am sad to share that Nancy, our school secretary and project coordinator, has lost her father and will be out on leave for some time. We are sending her love and support as she gets through these challenging times. Because of that, our office is short staffed so thank you for your patience as we work to catch up.
Take care everyone,
Important dates and reminders:
Hola, estudiantes y familias del Dr. MLK Jr,
¡Estamos listos! Han sido unos primeros días fantásticos. Disfruté conocer a estudiantes y familias y unirme a las clases para ver cómo las comunidades se unen. ¡Tuve la oportunidad de leer algunas historias y hacer algunas actividades con varios salones esta semana y me complace informar sobre un grupo de niños cariñosos, inclusivos y muy creativos! Ya puedo decir que Dr. MLK Jr es un lugar donde a los estudiantes y al personal les gusta ir a la escuela. Me siento muy agradecido de estar aquí.
Algunos recordatorios sobre recoger y dejar:
El desayuno se servirá afuera a las 8:30. Los estudiantes tendrán hasta las 8:40 para comer afuera, y luego sus maestros los acompañarán a clase. Después de las 8:45, todos los estudiantes que lleguen tarde deberán entrar por la entrada principal.
Todos los estudiantes de PK-3 deben ser recogidos a las 3:00 por un adulto.
No se estacione en nuestra zona de carga de autobuses
¿Sabía que en Dr. MLK hay un pre-kindergarten GRATUITO de día completo? ¿Tiene un niño de 3 o 4 años que desea inscribirse en PreK? Si es así, comuníquese con Edison Bee (ebee@pps.net) o vea el volante adjunto.
Me entristece compartir que Nancy, la secretaria de nuestra escuela y coordinadora del proyecto, perdió a su padre y estará de licencia por algún tiempo. Le estamos enviando amor y apoyo a medida que atraviesa estos tiempos difíciles. Por eso, nuestra oficina tiene poco personal, así que gracias por su paciencia mientras trabajamos para ponernos al día.
Cuídense, todos,
Fechas importantes y recordatorios:
6 de septiembre - No hay clases; Día Festivo
13 de septiembre - Pre-K - Primer día de clases
23 de septiembre: Evento virtual de regreso a clases
23 de septiembre: Registro de programación de S.U.N - Día 2- ¡Último día!
4 de octubre: primer día de programación S.U.N
你好 MLK Jr 博士学校的学生和家长,
学校已经正在运作了!前几天过得很好。我很高兴见到学生和家长参观学校及课堂,并看到社区团结在一起。本周我有机会在几间教室里阅读了一些故事并进行了一些活动,我很高兴看到一群充满爱心、包容性和极富创造力的孩子!我已经可以看出 Dr. MLK Jr学校 是学生,老师和职员喜欢来学校的地方。我很感激能来到这里。
早餐将于 8:30 在校外供应。学生们必须在 8:40 之前在外面吃完,然后他们的老师会带他们走进课堂。 8:45之后,所有迟到的学生都需要从正门进入。
所有 PK-3 学生们必须在 3:00 由成年人接走。
您是否知道 MLK 博士学校提供全天免费的Pre-K学前班吗?您有 3 岁或 4 岁的孩子想报名参加 PreK 吗?如果是,请有的话,请您联系本校社区服务员 Edison Bee (ebee@pps.net) 或查看随附的传单。
9 月 13 日 - Pre-K - 开学第一天
9 月 23 日:返校虚拟活动
9 月 23 日:S.U.N 最后报名登记注册!
10 月 4 日:S.U.N 第一天活动开始
August 27, 2021
Hello Dr. MLK Jr. Families,
Monday at 6pm, I hope to see you for our virtual meeting where you will meet some of our support and leadership team, and also learn about the measures we are taking to keep students and staff safe for our full reopening of schools. I will email this information to families unable to attend.
Also, Tuesday, we have an in person, masked, outside back to school event on the playground from 2-4. All students will receive a backpack with school supplies, meet some of their teachers, and enjoy some free take out food. If your student is new to MLK, we will be offering limited tours of the building as well.
Self Screening: Do not come to school and instead contact your primary care provider if your student has:
Been in close contact with a positive COVID case
New cough
New loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath
Diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained rashes
Meals: The district has directed that whenever possible, all meals be eaten outside the first 6 weeks of school. This poses significant challenges at Dr. MLK Jr as we do not have an enclosed covered area. The plan we have right now is for all 2-5 students to eat lunch outside, on the ground. K and 1 will eat inside, one grade level at a time, 6 feet apart for 15 minutes or less. We want to offer breakfast outside for grades 1-5. We know that COVID-19 is much less transmissible while outside. Free breakfast will be served at 8:30am and be eaten outside at the line up spots. Kindergarten breakfast will be eaten in the cafeteria for 10 minutes or less, 6 feet apart.
Arrival: Our first day of school for students grades 2-5 is Wednesday, September 1! Arrive at 8:30 to line up with your teacher outside of the building. We are limiting the number of folks who enter the building so line up and dismissal will all happen outside. Families must self screen for COVID symptoms before coming to school.
Dismissal: Teachers will take their classes outside for dismissal. Students in grades k-3 must be picked up by a guardian at 3pm and families in grades 4-5 must communicate with the teacher what their student’s dismissal plan is. Students not picked up by 3:10 will wait in the office. There is no supervision after school and families are in charge of their students after dismissal. This means that any play on the playground after school must be supervised by the family.
Lastly, I hope to see you tomorrow, Saturday to help spruce up our grounds. We are so excited and ready to welcome the kids back to school!
Teresa Seisel
8/29: 9am-11am: Community Care Day
8/30: 6pm: Virtual Back to School meeting.
8/3: 2-4pm: End of summer cookout and supply giveaway!!!
S.U.N Programming Registration Day 1- Very Limited space. Grades 1-5 only*
9/1: Grades 2-5 First day of school
9/2: Grade 1 - First day of school
9/8: Kindergarten - First day of school
9/13 - Pre-K - First day of school
9/23: Back to School virtual event
923: S.U.N Programming Registration- Day 2- Last Day!
Oct 4: first day of S.U.N Programming
Hola familias del Dr. MLK Jr.,
El lunes a las 6 pm, espero verlos en nuestra reunión virtual en la que conocerán a algunos de nuestro equipo de apoyo y liderazgo, y también aprenderán sobre las medidas que estamos tomando para mantener seguros a los estudiantes y al personal para nuestra reapertura completa de las escuelas. Aquí están las diapositivas que usaré esta noche para nuestra reunión virtual, junto con un documento rápido de preguntas frecuentes que también creé.
Además, el martes, tenemos un evento de regreso a la escuela en persona, enmascarado, afuera en el patio de recreo del 2 al 4. Todos los estudiantes recibirán una mochila con útiles escolares, conocerán a algunos de sus maestros y disfrutarán de comida para llevar gratis. Si su estudiante es nuevo en MLK, también ofreceremos recorridos limitados del edificio.
Autoevaluación: No venga a la escuela y en su lugar comuníquese con su proveedor de atención primaria si su estudiante tiene:
Estado en estrecho contacto con un caso positivo de COVID
Tos nueva
Nueva pérdida del gusto u olfato
Dificultad para respirar
Diarrea, vómitos, erupciones inexplicables.
Comidas: El distrito ha ordenado que, siempre que sea posible, todas las comidas se consumen al aire libre por las primeras 6 semanas de clases. Esto plantea desafíos importantes en Dr. MLK Jr, ya que no tenemos un área cubierta cerrada. El plan que tenemos ahora es que los estudiantes de segundo al quinto almuercen afuera, en el suelo. K y 1 comerán adentro, un nivel de grado a la vez, a 6 pies de distancia por 15 minutos o menos. Queremos ofrecer desayuno al aire libre para los grados 1-5. Sabemos que COVID-19 es mucho menos transmisible en el exterior. El desayuno gratuito se servirá a las 8:30 am y se comerá afuera donde forman las filas. El desayuno de kinder se tomará en la cafetería durante 10 minutos o menos, a una distancia de 6 pies.
Salida: Los maestros llevarán sus clases afuera para la salida. Los estudiantes en los grados k-3 deben ser recogidos por un tutor a las 3:00 p.m. y las familias en los grados 4-5 deben comunicarle al maestro cuál es el plan de salida de su estudiante. Los estudiantes que no sean recogidos a las 3:10 esperarán en la oficina. No hay supervisión después de la escuela y las familias están a cargo de sus estudiantes después de la salida. Esto significa que cualquier juego en el patio de recreo después de la escuela debe ser supervisado por la familia.
Por último, espero verles mañana, sábado, para ayudar a arreglar nuestros jardines. ¡Estamos muy emocionados y listos para dar la bienvenida a los niños a la escuela!
Teresa Seidel
8/29 9 am-11am: día de cuidado comunitario
30/8, 6:00 p. M .: Reunión virtual de regreso a clases
31/8, 2-4pm: ¡¡¡Fin de la comida al aire libre de verano y obsequio de suministros !!!
Programación de S.U.N Día de inscripción 1- Espacio muy limitado. Grados 1-5 solamente *
9/1: Grados 2-5 Primer día de clases
9/2: Grado 1 - Primer día de clases
9/8: Kindergarten - Primer día de clases
13/9 - Pre-K - Primer día de clases
23 de septiembre: Evento virtual de regreso a clases
23 de septiembre: Registro de programación de S.U.N - Día 2- ¡Último día!
4 de octubre: primer día de programación S.U.N
In meteorological terms, Portland’s first big weather event of 2024 was the definition of a perfect storm. Frigid temperatures and high winds combined with snow and ice to bring down tree limbs, close roads, scramble traffic, freeze pipes, and knock out power for tens of thousands of residents.
It was a metaphorical perfect storm for Portland Public Schools as well. Fallen trees cut power to multiple schools and others have suffered water damage from broken pipes. Lack of heat was also a problem, and impassable roads, paired with snowed-in and icy parking lots, made it impossible for buses to run safely. Those same conditions limited how the district’s facilities and operations teams can even assess the scope of the issues, let alone begin working on solutions. And icy sidewalks meant walkers have no safe route to school.
This week could bring similar conditions to the Portland area, and PPS’s School Closure Team is ready to meet the challenge. The team convenes regularly during inclement weather to take all of the above into careful consideration. By now, families are quite familiar with how the district communicates these decisions. What’s perhaps less known is how district leaders arrive at such decisions in the first place.
As part of our district's focus on events that center belonging, equity, and inclusion, we have been screening a series of films that we hope will challenge our perceptions about what is possible in the systems we create for our children with disabilities.
The next film in the series is “Champions,” which will screen on Saturday February 8th at 2:00 PM at Lincoln High School. This event will also include first-hand testimonials from PPS students.
This movie highlights the journey of a basketball coach who leads a team of players with intellectual disabilities. Through humor and heartfelt moments, the movie emphasizes the strengths, individuality, and value each player brings to the team and how inclusion enriches communities and creates positive, supportive environments.
Staff, families, and community members are all invited. Parking is free and light refreshment will be provided. We hope to see you there!
We’re thrilled to announce that two PPS teachers were recently awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
Krishnan Ranjani, a teacher of advanced mathematics and Career and Technical Education (CTE) computer systems at Lincoln High School and Nick Nohner, a computer sciences and data sciences teacher at Ida B. Wells High School, were both selected for the honor which is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The award recognizes outstanding educators for their contributions to the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Each awardee will receive a certificate signed by President Joe Biden and a $10,000 award from NSF. Awardees will also travel to Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony at a future date.
Congratulations to these two exceptional teachers!
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board - Special Meeting or Work Session
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Policy Committee
8:00 AM - 11:45 AM Early Release
8:15 AM - 2:30 PM OBOB All School Battle
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board- Regular Meeting
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Policy Committee