over 85k raised at auction
  • Welcome to the Skyline Auction!

    The Skyline School Auction is the major fundraising event of the year for both the Skyline Foundation and Skyline PTA.  Without the money raised at the auction, many of the programs and some of the teachers that are an integral part of Skyline education would disappear. 

    Our goal is to help provide the best education possible for Skyline students.  We can succeed only with your strong support of our school.  So have fun and be generous!! 


    Auction Date: March 2nd, 2024

    Thank you to everyone who supported the auction this year. With your help, Skyline raised over $34,000, which allowed the school to hire a part-time Educational Assistant and part-time Teacher for the 23-24 year.  

    Skyline Auction Website
