PPS is commited to providing all students with high-quality teaching and learning in every classroom, every day - instruction that helps them achieve our Graduate Portrait and closes persistent gaps in outcomes based on race.
In partnership with teachers, school leaders, and staff from across the district, we're taking several important steps to make this vision a reality for all students: calibrating around a new instructional framework that articulates a shared vision of highly effective teaching and learning, adopting new curricula to support that instruction, and offering improved professional learning experiences for teachers aligned to both.
Bring the PPS' Instructional Framework to life in every classroom to advance educational quality by ensuring that all students experience our shared vision of excellent teaching and learning as described in the framework.
Adopt and effectively implement in every classroom high-quality, culturally-relevant instructional materials for English Language Arts and Math and, by 2026 for all core subjects.
Ensure that every educator and leader experiences aligned high-quality professional learning and job-embedded coaching focused on teaching and learning, climate and culture, and racial equity and social justice.