Student development is not linear. Although the Developmental Continuum acknowledges the importance of developmental appropriateness, developmental indicators are not explicitly associated with specific age- or grade-related benchmarks.
Examples of student indicators presented in this document are organized from Emerging through Extending and are arranged in a horizontal developmental progression as students build towards these competencies over time. For the full description of each Graduate Portrait element, please see pages 20-22 of the PPS Vision.
Solve Problems Collaboratively
I try repeatedly to solve problems and ask for help when I face a challenging task.
I find different ways to solve complex problems.
I collaborate with my peers and persist through solving complex problems.
I solve complex problems individually and collaboratively.
I listen to others about how to solve problems.
I apply the ideas of my peers to solve problems.
I work independently and with my peers to problem solve.
Seek Multiple Perspectives
I see that there is more than one way to approach a problem.
I recognize there are multiple ideas and perspectives when solving problems.
I consider multiple ideas and perspectives and begin to evaluate potential consequences and impacts when solving problems.
I understand problems from multiple perspectives and develop evaluate solutions that consider the needs of other people.
I listen to what my student peers and school staff think.
I extend my learning and the learning of others by combining ideas to create solutions.
I ask questions of my student peers and school staff to get their perspectives because I understand that many voices make for stronger solutions.
I seek out multiple perspectives in order to solve problems collaboratively.
I recognize that my ideas are important and share them with others
I interact with peers and teachers to clarify my understanding and strengthen my learning and ability to problem solve.
I contribute to collaborative discussions in order to deepen my ability to problem solve.
I express my point of view and contrast it with other perspectives when solving problems collaboratively.
Develop Innovative Solutions
I solve basic problems by listening and talking with classmates.
I use previous knowledge to begin to solve problems and ask questions to gain understanding.
I use previous knowledge and learning to look at problems in new ways.
I identify innovate ways to approach problems by challenging traditional assumptions and finding creative solutions.
I talk about and ask questions about connections across various subject areas.
I apply knowledge and skills from various subject areas to start experimenting with those skills can help solve problems.
I connect my previous knowledge and skills in various subject areas while starting to look at my tools and skills in a new way.
I apply knowledge and skills across disciplines to solve problems with innovative tools.
Grade Level & Standards Aligned
1.8 Students are responsible for doing the majority of the work of the lesson, engaging in productive struggle, and owning the complex thinking, even when provided with scaffolds from the educator.
1.9 Students persevere through challenging tasks and support one another as continuous learners.
Deeply Engaging
3.8 Students persist, authentically grappling with grade-level content, revising their work and thinking, even when confronted with mistakes, uncertainty, or challenge.
3.9 Students demonstrate developmentally appropriate social-emotional competencies by collaborating productively with peers and adults to navigate interpersonal conflicts that arise within the learning community.
*These indicators were selected as the most relevant corresponding indicators from the Instructional Framework. However, there may be additional indicators aligned to the framework that are not listed here.