• Weekly Principal's Message

    Hello Ockley Green Families & Partners -

    It has been an amazing opening week here at Ockley Green.  Students have done a wonderful job of meeting our school wide expectations and learning some new processes, such as how to enter & exit the Cafeteria and keeping all food in the Cafeteria.  Our halls have cleared quickly between classes, students have been engaged and they are enjoying connecting with old friends…and making new friends!  We are looking forward to getting our Lunch Clubs up and running soon and the startup of our House of Dragons LiveSchool.  More to come later on that.

    We also ended the week with the sad news of the death of a former classmate.  I appreciate our staff and their care of our students and each other.  Our Counselors and Social Worker provided a Grief Space for students and staff, where they were able to share memories and process this heartbreaking loss.  Thank you to Ms. Galen, Ms. Melissa and Ms. Genie for your support to our community.

    Please see below for some important updates!

    Stay Involved through ParentVue

    ParentVUE is a secure website and mobile app which offers parents and guardians real time access to:

    • School Messages, Calendar, Attendance, Grades, Class Schedule, Course History, Grade Book, and School Information.

    User ID and password remain the same each year. If you have not set up your account or have any questions, contact Ian Palu, ipalu@pps.net . 

    Important Dates

    • September 20th: Back to School Night 
    • September 27th: Picture Day
    • November 20th & 21st: Conferences

    Please take a moment to find and bookmark our school website to become more familiar with programs and information.  


    In Partnership,

    Julie Rierson

    Pronouns: she/her

    Principal, Ockley Green Middle School