Weekly Principal's Message
10/6/2023Hello Ockley Green Families & Partners -
This coming week, we are excited to start our House of Dragons schoolwide positive behavior program focused on supporting our students in being engaged learners at school. In addition to continuing to support our students feeling a strong sense of belonging at school, our goal is to also reaffirm our academic and school expectations and support our students to engage in behaviors that create a positive learning environment.
Our House of Dragons are set up as multigrade Houses through our Advisory classes. The behaviors we have identified that characterize being OGMS Proud are:
- The Better You
- Uplifting & Academic Language
- Check your Tech & Respect
- Activate Your Brain
- Our Space Is Your Space
Students can also earn points for:
- Showing our core values of Caring, Collaboration, and Growth
- Taking part in advisory and class activities
- House competitions
Your student received a handout earlier this week during Advisory with specific information for how to set up a Parent/Family account through LiveSchool. Having this access will allow you to see comments & points from staff on your child’s own growth. For more information on accessing this, as well as more information about our House of Dragons, see this slideshow. Here is a video that provides you an overview of the LiveSchool Parent App.
Please see below for some important updates!
SUN School Starts Next Week
Ockley Green SEI SUN registration
Fall registration is now open! Please make sure to fill out an application before signing up for programming. Enrichment classes are Monday - Thursday from 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM. Registration is first come, first served!
Class List
- Open Gym
- Chess For Success
- Cooking
- Barbershop
- Robotics- Will be held at Jefferson High school. Permission slip to follow. ( 6 slots open)
- MESA Invention club- Become an inventor, use engineering, coding and other STEM based solutions to solve real-world problems.
- Tutoring
- SEI (Program students only)
Dental Sealants Coming November 16th
Multnomah County’s School and Community Oral Health Program is offering Free sealants and dental screening. A dental screening is a quick look inside your child’s mouth to check the overall health of their teeth, and sealants will be placed if needed.
This service is available for students in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.
What questions do you have? Please call us at 503-988-3905.
To use this FREE service please fill out the electronic permission slip at this link:
Electronic Permission Form English
Student Check Out & Pick Up
During Hybrid, there was a change to the Student Check Out process that included students being sent outside to Parents/Guardians to pick up when they are being checked out from school. Starting October 2nd, we are requiring the Parent/Guardian to come into the Front Office to sign their student out. We only allow students to be released to the people listed in Synergy. Thank you for your understanding and help with ensuring student safety.
Volunteer Opportunity - PTA Clothing Center in PPS
The clothing center serves more than 1,500 students across the city each year. It's entirely run by volunteers. Each school in the district is assigned to arrange for volunteers two days per school year, and our turn is coming up on October 19th. On days where there aren't enough volunteers, the Clothing Center is unable to open. Please help keep the doors open for families in need! If you're available, you can sign up HERE.
Important Dates
- October 13th: No School for Students (Teacher Inservice Day)
- November 2nd: Last Day of the Quarter
- November 3rd: No Students (Teacher Planning Day)
- November 20th & 21st: Conferences
Please take a moment to find and bookmark our school website to become more familiar with programs and information.
In Partnership,
Julie Rierson
Pronouns: she/her
Principal, Ockley Green Middle School