• Weekly Principal's Message

    Hello Ockley Green Families & Partners -

    We have added a critical component to our Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) program this year in having regular guidance sessions for our 6th Grade students, led by our Dragon Leaders.  This week, our Dragon Leaders led their first direct guidance activity with their student groups during Advisory.  These students showed our Ockley Green Core Values: Caring, Collaboration and Growth as they worked with their 6th Grade students.  I am incredibly appreciative of how this important work is helping in the creation of a positive learning environment through supporting our 6th Grade students' transition. 

    Please see below for some important updates!

    Bargaining & Contingency Plan

    Please see this information regarding Bargaining.

    RHS Cluster Diverse Learners Night

    Families in the Roosevelt Cluster are welcome to join for an evening of food, music and information.  The event is October 19th, 5:30 - 7:00 PM.  See these fliers for more information: English​Spanish.

    SUN School is in Session

    Ockley Green SEI SUN registration

    Fall registration is still open! Please make sure to fill out an application before signing up for programming. Enrichment classes are Monday - Thursday from 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM. Registration is first come, first served!

    Class List 

    • Open Gym
    • Chess For Success 
    • Cooking 
    • Barbershop
    • Robotics- Will be held at Jefferson High school. Permission slip to follow. ( 6 slots open)
    • MESA Invention club- Become an inventor, use engineering, coding and other STEM based solutions to solve real-world problems.
    • Tutoring
    • SEI (Program students only)

    Dental Sealants Coming November 16th

    Multnomah County’s School and Community Oral Health Program is offering Free sealants and dental screening. A dental screening is a quick look inside your child’s mouth to check the overall health of their teeth, and sealants will be placed if needed.

    This service is available for students in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.

    What questions do you have? Please call us at 503-988-3905.

    To use this FREE service please fill out the electronic permission slip at this link:

    Electronic Permission Form English


    Volunteer Opportunity - PTA Clothing Center in PPS 


    The clothing center serves more than 1,500 students across the city each year. It's entirely run by volunteers. Each school in the district is assigned to arrange for volunteers two days per school year, and our turn is coming up on October 19th. On days where there aren't enough volunteers, the Clothing Center is unable to open. Please help keep the doors open for families in need! If you're available, you can sign up HERE.


    Important Dates

    • October 13th: No School for Students (Teacher Inservice Day)
    • November 2nd: Last Day of the Quarter
    • November 3rd: No Students (Teacher Planning Day)
    • November 20th & 21st: Conferences

    Please take a moment to find and bookmark our school website to become more familiar with programs and information.  


    In Partnership,

    Julie Rierson

    Pronouns: she/her

    Principal, Ockley Green Middle School