Principals Message - January 30, 2023
1/30/2023In recognition of Black History Month which is coming up! Each grade level team is in process with ways for students to learn about and celebrate Black culture, joy and advancement as well as to understand and reflect on our country’s complex history. This week our Equity Team led staff in planning a schoolwide assembly for all classes to take place later this month. Each grade level chose a term: joy, community, justice and injustice, unity, beauty. Classes will all present a song, artwork, or piece of writing connected to these terms and concepts of civil rights so that our whole student body will be able to see, hear, appreciate and celebrate the learning and reflection taking place across our school.
It’s time for our district-wide Successful Schools Survey. Your response to the survey is very important: the data from this survey is used for writing and working on our school goals. (This year’s goal based on last year’s Successful Schools Survey data is “a sense of physical and psychological safety for every Arleta student”.) The survey opened this week and we hope all families will take part to help us improve in ways you need us to and also to help us know what is going well. Thank you! There are links and additional survey information in a message from Ms. Aud, our survey coordinator, in our Dolphin Digest.