Student development is not linear. Although the Developmental Continuum acknowledges the importance of developmental appropriateness, developmental indicators are not explicitly associated with specific age- or grade-related benchmarks.
Examples of student indicators presented in this document are organized from Emerging through Extending and are arranged in a horizontal developmental progression as students build towards these competencies over time. For the full description of each Graduate Portrait element, please see pages 20-22 of the PPS Vision.
Communicate Effectively
I share what I know through a variety of ways and mediums.
I communicate narratives about events that have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
I present compelling arguments with evidence to convince my audience of a specific point.
I organize and present clear logical, persuasive, compelling content and evidence using multiple modalities.
I communicate my wants and needs to my peers and adults.
I express my emotions and identify and mirror other’s emotions.
I have empathy for others’ experiences and humanity.
I use my experiences and emotions to communicate effectively.
Value Respectful, Appropriate, and Relevant Communication
I communicate respectfully to others.
I share information about myself and my feelings appropriately in different situations.
I communicate authentically and use my voice with different people and in various contexts.
I communicate in a way that values the importance of culture, time, place, and context.
I listen to others and respond appropriately.
I actively listen to and seek to understand others’ opinions and perspectives.
I am aware of my personal bias and use effective listening skills to understand different points of view.
I seek out other perspectives and use my racialized lens to interrupt bias with my communication.
Utilize Various Communication Media and Tools
I represent concepts through art, language and technology.
I express myself and other content through a variety of art forms, language and technology.
I am a responsible and conscious consumer and user of media and technology.
I select the best method of language or technological expression to communicate with my audience.
Grade Level & Standards Aligned
1.7 Students can articulate the purpose of their learning and how it connects with their lives or aspirations.
Culturally Affirming
2.7 Students establish and maintain healthy relationships with diverse peers and adults to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence.
Deeply Engaging
3.7 Students are actively engaged in the cognitive work of the lesson, through reading, writing, speaking, listening, inquiry or other modalities.
3.10 Students dialogue with and ask questions of peers and teachers to clarify their understanding and extend their learning.
Data Driven
4.6 Students articulate the purpose of assessments, performance tasks, and rubrics and how to use them to improve their learning.
*These indicators were selected as the most relevant corresponding indicators from the Instructional Framework, however, there may be additional indicators aligned to the Framework that are not listed here.