2021-2022 Jason Lee PTA Officers
    President - Laura Campbell (503-949-2353)
    Vice-President - Vacant
    Co-Treasurer - Merideth D'Andrea
    Co-Treasurer - Katelyn Geny
    Secretary - Sarah Lonquist
    PTA Contact Info: 503-949-2353  --  JasonLeeElementary@gmail.com  --  Facebook: "Jason Lee Elementary PTA"
    2021-22 General PTA Meeting Schedule & Info
    PTA Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every other month with dinner for all @ 5:30pm, meeting starts at 6pm and we adjourn by 7:30pm.  Meetings will follow all COVID protocols & procedures currently required within PPS buildings and for PPS events.  Please note that our PTA meeting details, meal and childcare offerings are subject to change based on any updated COVID policies provided by PPS.  
    September 14, 2021
    November 9, 2021
    January 11, 2022
    March 8, 2022
    May 10, 2022
    What Is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?

    The PTA is a national nonprofit organization that has dedicated itself to advancing the well-being of children and families. To find out more about the Oregon & National PTA you can visit the Oregon PTA website at: https://www.oregonpta.org/


    What Does the PTA Look Like at Jason Lee?

    Thanks to the efforts of an active group of dedicated volunteers, Jason Lee PTA has enjoyed a long history of successes.  Each year, our volunteers hold several profitable fundraisers that allow the PTA to offer assistance to our children and classrooms. Our PTA offers support through events and financial assistance, such as helping with the funding of field trips and class projects.  The PTA sponsors events for our Jason Lee families and community, dinners for the school staff during conference time, and much more! No matter what the event, our volunteers ensure our children’s best interests are at heart and that everyone has fun while practicing Jason Lee's three key rules of being Safe, Respectful & Responsible. The Jason Lee PTA is looking forward to another successful school year, collaborating with Teachers & Administration to enhance our children’s educational experience. 


    When are PTA Meetings?

    Meeting schedules are set and agreed upon by each newly elected PTA Board. Typically a new Board will opt to keep the schedule the same but that is not always the case. There are two types of regular meetings:


    • General PTA Meeting - 2nd Tuesday, every other month
    • PTA Board Meeting - 2nd Sunday of every other month, in the months when there is no General meeting.
    Additional meetings can be held at the discretion of the PTA and members can typically expect additional Carnival Committee meetings as planning for the annual Carnival ramps up each Winter/Spring.



    What Makes Our PTA a Success?:

    YOU! Really, the biggest piece to the PTA's success is family involvement. Our events and preparations depend on volunteers to dedicate some time to ensure that we can follow through on our goal of enriching and supporting our students' educational experience. Volunteering can mean in person at one OR multiple events, take-home tasks, phone calls, photographing events for the yearbook, and so much more!


    What Are the Membership Options?


    • Elected Board Member (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary) - These positions come with a larger commitment and are charged with "running" all things PTA. If you're ever interested in running for an elected position - We'd love to have you! Feel free to reach out to any current elected member(s) for more info on what each position entails.
    • Voting Member - These are members who are current on annual dues ($10/yr) and are then allowed to vote on all action items during PTA meetings.
    • Non-Voting Member - These members do not pay dues and primarily commit to volunteering when/where they can. They can provide input in PTA discussions but DO NOT get to vote on action items in meetings.


    How Much Does it Cost to Be a Member?

    Guess what, it's FREE to you! People wishing to become a PTA member should reach out to the PTA at JasonLeeElementary@gmail.com and provide us the Full Name, Address, Email & Phone Number for EACH person wishing to sign up. The PTA will cover the $10 annual membership fee and you will become a PTA member with voting rights.


    When are Elections Held & How Long do Elected Officers Serve?

    Elected officers serve a two year term and elections for the new officers takes place at the final General PTA meeting of each year, typically in May. Of course life happens and sometimes officer positions are vacated before a term is fulfilled. In that case, a new officer can be voted in at any General PTA meeting.


    For further questions and information please reach out! We'd love to hear from you and look forward to working with you and your student(s) this school year. The PTA can be reached at 503.949.2353 or email at JasonLeeElementary@gmail.com or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/jasonleek8pta/.


    Three Easy Ways to Help Us Raise Funds!


    PTA Corporate FundraisersPTA Corporate Fundraisers2