• Sun school logo

    SUN stands for Schools Uniting Neighborhoods. SUN Schools help students and communities succeed by opening the building before and after regular school hours. We have expanded school-based services to include academic, enrichment, recreation, art, and health and social services for students, parents and neighborhood residents. Increasing parental and community involvement in the school is a SUN priority.

    Lent SUN Community School is managed by the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) and offers activities for students Monday through Thursday after school between 3–5pm. We hold classes for adults including English as a Second Language (ESL) and parent workshops throughout the school year. We also host a variety of family evening events such as musical performances, choir concerts, fun literacy nights and cultural events.

    For more information, you can contact:

    Danette Pelayo
    SUN Site Manager
    Johana Nava Marin
    Family Resource Navigator
    Karen Serrano
    Food Pantry Coordinator