Principal's Newsletter 4/12/2024
Sellwood Principal’s Newsletter – April 12, 2024
Greetings Sellwood Community,
We have begun planning for the next school year, and the first step in building a master schedule is students choosing their electives (called forecasting). Yesterday, I sent families information about forecasting, which will be conducted in social studies classes this week and next. Unfortunately, an error occurred when pasting the links to the documents, so I am sharing the documents again here. I have triple checked them, so they should all work!
While we believe students should have a voice in choosing their own electives, we also know that parents would also like to be included in the process, so we are providing the materials below my message.
Enjoy the weekend,
Jeandré Carbone
Sellwood MS Principal
While students may have completed/submitted their forecasting forms, we do allow students/families to submit the form more than once. When we start to build the schedule, we use the most recent submission. The following documents are all that is needed to forecast. There is the Google Form, the Elective Descriptions, and a video showing how to complete the form.
While students may have completed/submitted their forecasting forms, we do allow students/families to submit the form more than once. When we start to build the schedule, we use the most recent submission. The following documents are all that is needed to forecast. There is the Google Form, the Elective Descriptions, and a video showing how to complete the form.
(There is a special trick to completing the form if your child does not want to select any of the year-long electives. They should select “none” for the first choice, and then any of the other choices for second and third. If “none” is selected for the first choice, we will ignore the following choices.)
Sellwood Garden Tour 2024 - May 19 - Last chance to sponsor!
We could still use a few sponsors for this event! If you know of a local business who may want to sponsor, please let us know so we can reach out to them. This support is crucial to the success of the tour, as it allows us to offset costs and raise more funds directly for SMS.
If you would like to help with the Garden Tour, please let us know as we will need volunteers. Thank you for your support!
April PTA Social at PDX Sliders
Please join the PTA and Principal Carbone for a social gathering at PDX Sliders on Tuesday, April 23 from 5:30-7:30 pm. This will be a great chance to connect and learn more about the PTA. We look forward to seeing you there!
8th Grade Graduation Sign Orders
If you have a graduating 8th grader and would like to purchase a yard sign to celebrate them, please visit the following link:
Questions? Email Liz Super at Congratulations 8th graders!
PTA Clothing Center Volunteers Needed - May 2
We need 2-3 volunteers from SMS to help out at the Clothing Center, which is located at Marshall High School, from 9:30am-1:30pm on May 2. The Center serves over 2000 PPS students each school year, providing them with clothing and shoes so that they can feel good about attending school. Please sign up through Konstella or email if you are able to help. Thank you!
SMS PTA Board opportunities - 2024-2025
We are looking for new PTA Board members for the 2024-2025 school year. We will have several member-at-large vacancies on the board and want to ensure all feeder schools are represented. Please consider joining us to and helping with important committees like Sellwood Dines Out, Staff Appreciation, PEAK programs and other important events throughout the year. Reach out to with any questions!
Important links:
- PTA email:
- Join the PTA:
sellwoodpta - Join Konstella:
AXC2Z9 - Instagram: @sellwoodmiddlePTA
Hey there!
We're on the lookout for some awesome people to join our Sellwood Middle School Foundation Board 2024-2025, and help us fundraise for some important programs at our school. We want to make sure we have the resources to pay for things like resource teachers, French classes, and other electives that will give our students a well-rounded education.
As an SMS Foundation Board member, you'll be in charge of organizing fundraising campaigns, reaching out to potential donors, and building relationships with our community. We're looking for people who care about education and are excited about making a difference in the lives of our students. While experience in fundraising or nonprofit work is a plus, it's not required. We want a diverse group of people from all backgrounds to join us!
If you're interested in getting involved and helping us out, shoot a message to Ashley Schmidt ashleyschmidt@yahoo.
Thanks for considering this opportunity!
Sellwood Middle School Foundation
As we are nearing the end of the 2023-24 school year, questions are surfacing about students who have lost or intentionally damaged their Chromebook or their charger/adapter. In October, the School Board updated the board policy on instructional materials, 6.40.010-P, to include charging students for lost or damaged equipment. Parents/guardians will pay the school and the school will purchase replacement Chromebook using the PPS IT Purchasing process. Chromebook replacements are $515 and lost chargers are $11.50.
We wanted to share information about an upcoming event called Prevention Rocks. This conference focused on reducing youth substance abuse is hosted by Big Village and the Multnomah County Health Department. Please check out the flyer.
Cleveland H.S. Girls’ Soccer program is offering an introduction session for any 7th and 8th graders that may be interested in playing soccer in high school.
For the past 4 years girls’ soccer has fielded 4 teams and everyone (regardless of playing level) has been placed on a team.
Here is the link to more information:https://www.
If you have questions please feel free to reach out to head coach Doug Diller
Sellwood MS Drama Department is searching for helpers, clothing, prop & set items for our May 9 & 10 play “Roshambo”!
We need Students to help with: Costumes, Curtain/Lights, Sound, Publicity, Props, Ushers.
If interested, follow the following steps by April 9th:
1. Add your name to the signup sheet, under the role that you are interested in, in the office (on table on R. as you enter), 2. Find and take home to read and sign the Info Packet/Contract (sitting to R. Of sign up sheets and 3. ask a teacher that knows you well to email me very short (3 sentences max) letter of recommendation for you.
- Adult/Parent Costume Coordinator (resourceful, but sewing experience not necessary)
- Adult/Parent Usher Coordinator (to lead student ushers on performance nights (May 9 & 10). Admittance is free. Only giving programs and helping with any audience/presentation needs.
- Adult/Parent(s) w/sound effect and/or music cue knowledge.
- Adult/Parent w/any experience moving or focusing stage lights.
If you have any items to lend or donate (clothing in youth or adult sizes), could you let Ms. Crabtree know by emailing her at OR dropping off for her in bags at the office?
- Synthetic Athletic “performance” shirts in solid bright colors with small or no logos.
- Athletic (esp. white or lighter colored) pants- especially any tapered ankle w/zip sides. Stripes OK.
- Athletic (esp. white or lighter colored) jogger style (cuffed ankle) pants would also be acceptable.
- Small duffle bags that are in solid colors. Preferably not all black
- Any athletic gloves for golf, baseball or weight lifting. In white or solid colors also OK
- Umpire or other B&W shirts/ uniforms in larger sizes
- Strip or Rope (contained in plastic tube) LED lighting, especially in neon colors
- A very modern looking black electronic console preferably with its own stand (to look like a tiny monitor)
- Various (mostly smaller) smart phones that would pass as being used (or very small old flip styles coming back in style) in the near future -5-10 years from now.
- Any specialty lighting effects that you would donate (such as special beams of light from small sources, multi-colored lights, small spotlight, holiday projection items, or disco balls)
All 7th grade students will attend a field trip to Pure Seed farm and headquarters to learn about careers in agriculture on May 7th from 9:30 to 2pm. Permission slips have been distributed. We are looking for chaperones! If you are interested, please email
As part of college and career learning, all PPS 8th-graders will be visiting a college or university this spring. Sellwood 8th graders will attend a field trip to the University of Oregon on May 7th. Buses will be departing first thing in the morning, and returning at approximately 5PM. Students will visit the Student Welcome Center, tour the campus, visit the Athletics Facilities and the Museum. Field trip forms have been distributed. We are looking for chaperones! If you are interested, please email
The Benson Tech Show is next week April 18 and 19th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm at the Marshall campus.
This is an excellent opportunity for them to meet teachers, see student projects, etc. The application deadline comes up quickly (December 2024) so this is a great opportunity for families to check out Benson. We are also having a 7th grade family informational session at 7:00 pm.
Postcards are being mailed out today to all PPS 7th grade families but we are trying to get the word out.
PIL sports registration, schedules and calendar found HERE. Sellwood falls under the "Cleveland Cluster". If your student is playing a sport or any extracurricular activity outside of the PIL, we would love to support them as well. Send an email to Mr. KB ( including the schedule, including playoff information, and team pictures. Thank you
Students with last names A-L: Mr. KB –
Students with last names M-Z: Ms. Katie –
The best way to reach us is by email.
- Melissa Whiteside ( is our school secretary and registrar.
- Claire Howard ( is our principal’s secretary and bookkeeper.
- Our Sellwood website ( has many “Quick Links” to help you immediately.
The Office Phone Number
The office phone number is 503-916-5656.
When prompted:
- press 4 for Melissa;
- press 3 for Claire
- press 2 for all Attendance matters.
- press 5 for Records, Registration.
- press 0 for the front counter; however, students may answer this line. Do not discuss anything confidential or leave any confidential messages.
Secured Building
Sellwood is a locked and secure building.
Please ring the doorbell to the right of the main doors to reach the office. We will guide you accordingly.
Parent/Student Requests:
Please email both Melissa and Claire for student pick up or if you must get a message to a student. For student pickup, advance notice is strongly recommended to minimize classroom interruptions. No pickups/dismissals will be allowed after 3:30 pm.
Guides to Help you:
To access your student’s attendance in Synergy: Log into ParentVue.
To make changes to your student’s registration in Synergy: ParentVue/StudentVue
Please email Melissa Whiteside ( for:
- Passwords: If you have forgotten your password, have been locked out of your account, or do not have login credentials
- ParentVue (if your account has been disabled).
Please email Claire Howard ( for:
- School Pay/Bookkeeping/accounting issues.
- Administrative Support: Messages or matters of support to the principal or assistant principal.
- May 7: All 8th-grade Field Trip to University of Oregon in Eugene
- May 7: All 7th-grade Field Trip to Pure Seed Farms
- May 9 & 10: Sellwood School Play “Roshambo”
- May 19: PTA Garden Tour
- May 22: Spring Band Concert
- May 27: Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL
- June 6: Showcase Night
- June 10: OAKS Park – 8th Grade
- June 11: OAKS Park – 6th and 7th Grades
- June 12-14: Make-up Days
- June 14: 8th Grade Promotion 10:30 AM
- June 14: Last Day of School – Half Day