Principal's Newsletter 9.20.2024

Sellwood Principal’s Newsletter – September 20, 2024

Greetings Sellwood Community,

It was a pleasure to see so many of you at Back-to-School Night last night.  Thank you for supporting your students’ education by coming in to see the school, meeting teachers, and following in the steps of their daily schedule.  I doubly appreciate you for attending the PTA meeting and showing interest in getting involved.

On Monday, all students who had their picture taken on Wednesday will receive their official ID badges.  Picture makeup day is October 24th. Students should replace the temporary ID badges in their lanyard holder with their official IDs.  Please help them take care of their ID badges and remember to wear them to school each day.

You may order pictures online at

Don’t forget that next week we have our first early release on Wednesday, September 25th. Students will be dismissed at 1:45 PM.

Enjoy the weekend,


Jeandré Carbone

Sellwood MS Principal



Join the PTA

Please join the PTA and contribute your voice to the conversation on making this a great school year for our kids and SMS community.  Here is the link to join! 

Join Konstella

The PTA uses the Konstella app to keep the parent community up to date with scheduled events, the school calendar, volunteer sign ups and PTA announcements. Here is the link to join!

September Volunteer Opportunities
All volunteer opportunities are posted on Konstella. Please sign up there or email us at

SMS Beautification Committee

Thanks to those of you who attended our first PTA meeting last night and heard more about our new committee this year! We are seeking volunteer help to start work on beautifying the SMS school grounds and equipment, and improving the school and campus overall. If you are interested in helping and/or know a local landscaper or other business that might volunteer their time and support, please reach out!

PPS Clothing Closet: Thursday, September 26 at the Marshall Campus
Each PPS school is responsible for sending volunteers two times during the school year to assist students in receiving clothing and shoes.

Thursday, Sept. 26th is Sellwood's day to send 5-6 volunteers from 9:30am -1:30pm, to help kids receive clothing and to help sort donations so there are lots of choices for kids to see. Volunteers can be parents/guardians, grandparents, or community members.

We are looking for donations of teen-adult size gently worn/new sweatshirts, hoodies, and warm coats, as we are very low in these items. Also boys pants, joggers, and jeans size 4-14.

OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books)

We are seeking a volunteer(s) to run OBOB for SMS this year! Registration is open now and runs through October 31. The regional tournaments are in March and the state tournament is in April. Here is the OBOB website for more information:

If you have questions about the program or this opportunity, please reach out to our SMS librarian, Tini Maier, for more information at

SMS PEAK Program Volunteers

We are looking for 1-2 people to help support our existing volunteers with PEAK, which has been one of our most successful programs to date! The PEAK program is a series of in-person after school classes open to all SMS students. This program is independent of Sellwood Middle School and is under the jurisdiction of the PTA. Scholarships are available as the PEAK goal is to include every SMS student. 

The success of our programs and offerings depends on volunteer support, so thank you for offering your time and expertise!

Afterschool Math Tutoring Program Volunteers

Beginning October 3, SMS will start an afterschool math tutoring program, which will be led by Cleveland Honor Society/IB students. We plan to have tutoring for between 10 to 24 students each Thursday, from 4:00 to 5:00PM.  

We need a parent volunteer (or rotating parents) to be the required adult presence each week.  The Cleveland students (there should be about eight responsible seniors) will conduct the tutoring, take attendance, and generally keep order, but we are required to have an adult present. 

Sellwood Dines Out - SMS Trivia Nights at The Record Pub

We are excited to launch Sellwood Dines Out this year with SMS Trivia Night! The Record Pub has generously offered to donate a portion of their proceeds from Trivia Night for the entire month of October. Please join us on Wednesdays in October at 7pm to help raise funds for the PTA!

Turn Your Empty Bottles into Money for the PTA!

Collect and return your empty cans and bottles through the Blue Bag program. This year the Blue Bag program will be supporting the PTA and more than $3,000 was raised by our community last year! Visit the office at any time to pick up Blue Bags for BottleDrop.

Or pick up Blue Bags from SMS community members who have a stash on their porch. Keep this newsletter bookmarked to easily locate blue bag access points near you:

Return your bags to the nearest BottleDrop location and support the PTA! 

If you have Blue Bags from last year, you can still return them this year. Even though we are switching the Blue Bag program from the SMS Foundation to the PTA, you can return any Blue Bags you have that say “Sellwood Middle Foundation.” It will all go toward the PTA this year.

Want to do more? We are looking for one more community member to host Blue Bags on their porch. Do you live in the Duniway boundary and have a covered porch? Email to sign up to keep Blue Bags on your porch this year. 

Many former SMS Foundation fundraising efforts are being transitioned to SMS PTA. As a reminder, the PPS Board is no longer allowing individual School Foundations to raise funds to support their school directly. All funds must go through the central PPS Foundation and will be disbursed across the district. Many of the ways you used to support the SMS Foundation are being transitioned to the PTA this year. Keep an eye out for more info during the school year.


The PEAK Program is a series of in-person after school classes open to all Sellwood students.  The PEAK program is totally independent of Sellwood Middle School and is under the jurisdiction of PTA. Most classes run on a 8-10 week session schedule in the fall and winter and require a fee. 6 Crickets adds a fee to most classes, so the price may be slightly higher than what is quoted below.

MARIMBA started Thursday, September 19, but you can still sign up! Most other classes start in October. 

Registration is through 6 Crickets:

Please email with any questions.

Classes open for registration now:

  • Python Coding with Coding with Kids $259 Tuesdays from 4:15-5:15
    • Python is versatile, easy-to-learn, and one of the world's most powerful programming languages! Widely used by software developers, scientists, and data analysts, Python can be used for everything from medical research to rocket engineering. The Python pathway teaches students core programming concepts and how to build interactive games using this popular coding language.
  • Improv with Rogue Pack Theatre $250 Wednesdays 4:15-5:45
    • Fall Session: October 2- November 20th
    • Come explore the exhilarating world of theatre improv and let your imagination soar! Through games, exercises and group engagement we will develop foundational acting skills: building trust, listening, curiosity, relationship, status, motive, influence, character, given circumstances, beats and the freedom to fail beautifully. Our class will culminate in a group-generated performance to share our favorite adventures with friends and family on the last class. This course will provide skills to enhance our courses in the winter and spring sessions 2025: Acting: Scene Study and Acting: Monologue.
    • Michelle Guthrie is an actor and improviser of the theatre and film based in Portland, OR. Her education took her to the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, where she pursued graduate studies in acting. She has worked nationally and internationally in theatre, film, television, and commercials. Some of her favorite parts have been Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Blonde in Serenade, and Luciana in A Comedy of Errors, because of the rich characters she was allowed to develop and risks that she was encouraged to take. Lately she has been playing improv under the direction of Theresa Dudeck with the Impro Lab Players.
  • Chess Club $135 Mondays 4:15-5:15 pm 
    • We play chess after school on Mondays! We improve our chess skills by playing as much as possible, solving puzzles, and learning basic strategies. Our after-school program focuses on basics but we hope to develop a more competitive program. We meet on Mondays that school is in session. Note that this is a year-long club.
  • Speech and Debate Tuesdays 4:15-5:15 Recommended $50 donation
    • The Cleveland High Speech and Debate team is one the largest and most successful programs at the school. Find out why these students love it so much, and build your own debate skills. You will practice speaking and debating skills in preparation for local middle school competitions The Sellwood team will be coached by team captains from Cleveland.
  • Marimba $100 Thursdays 4:15-5:15 
    • PEAK marimba is a once a week class that teaches students the basics of playing in a marimba ensemble. No experience is necessary. Instruments are provided. Students will learn to play music in a group setting.
  • Red Cross Babysitter Training - $140 All Day Course 11/23, 1/28, 3/3 or 4/7
    • One-day training offered on no school days or Saturdays
    • Designed for young people to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care to infants and children in a residential setting. 
    • Participants receive a certificate of completion for Babysitter’s Training


Textiles Class wants your old t-shirts! Students will be making yarn from cotton t-shirts. Clean t-shirts of any color can be dropped off for Mrs. Kirkpatrick.


Students can login to Canvas on a shared home computer.  Here is the link. You can also use 


Students with last names A-L: Mr. KB –

Students with last names M-Z:  Ms. Katie – 



The best way to reach us is by email.  

We are in the process of hiring a school secretary/enrollment coordinator.

Claire Howard ( is our principal’s secretary. 

Our Sellwood website ( has many “Quick Links” to help you immediately.  

The Office Phone Number

The office phone number is 503-916-5656.  

When prompted

press 4 for Willa Grund (“Records/Registration”).

press 3 for Claire (Principal’s Secretary).

press 2 for any “Attendance” matter.  It’s a designated line just for attendance. 

press 5 for Records, Registration.

press 0 for the front counter – answered by students; not a confidential line.

Secured Building 

Sellwood is a locked and secure building.  

Please ring the doorbell to the right of the main doors to reach the office.  We will guide you accordingly.

Picking up your student during the day:  

While we understand it is sometimes necessary to pick up your child from school, please try to limit your student’s daytime appointments.  It is disruptive to the teacher’s instruction time and to the other students in the classroom.  If necessary, please ring the bell at the main door and expect to wait while your child is located.  

Guides to Help you:

To correct your student’s attendance: Log into ParentVue. 

 For changes to your student's registration profile in Synergy: ParentVue/StudentVue

Quick Links found on Sellwood’s website (

Please email for:

Passwords:  If you have forgotten your password, have been locked out of your account, or do not have login credentials.

Registration, Enrollment.

ParentVue (if your account has been disabled).   

Please email Claire ( for:

School Pay

Bookkeeping/accounting issues.

 Administrative Support:  Messages or matters of support to the principal or assistant principals.  


  • ·         September 25:  Early Release at 1:45
  • ·         October 11: No School – State In-Service Day
  • ·         October 15:  School Starts at 9:30
  • ·         October 23: Early Release at 1:45
  • ·         October 31: End of 1st Quarter
  • ·         November 1 & 4: Teacher Planning - No School for Students
  • ·         November 5: School Starts at 9:30
  • ·         November 11: Veterans Day – No School
  • ·         November 20: Early Release at 1:45
  • ·         November 25 & 26:  Parent Teacher Conferences
  • ·         November 27-29: Fall Break
  • ·         December 3:  School Starts at 9:30
  • ·         December 12: Winter Band & Choir Concert @ Cleveland Auditorium
  • ·         December 18: Early Release at 1:45
  • ·         December 23-January 3:  Winter Break

·         Link to PPS Calendar for 2024 - 2025


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