Attendance Procedure
Attendance will be taken every class period. Students are expected to be on time and in class for each period. In the event of an unexcused absence, family will be contacted and a conference may be necessary. According to ORS 339.965, excused absences are: Personal illness, Family illness, Emergencies, Funerals, and Suspensions. Parents/guardians of students with unexcused absences are called via the PPS Auto-dialer system twice daily beginning at 12:00pm and 5:00pm. Our school attendance team meets weekly to address issues and concerns. Families may be contacted if student attendance drops below 80%.
Reporting Absences
● The attendance line is 503-916-5707
● If students are absent from school for any reason, a phone call to the main office by 9:00 AM from a parent/guardian is required to inform the school that the student will not be present.
● If a note is written to excuse an absence, the note must be signed by a parent or guardian and include the date(s) and specific reason for the absence.
We expect students to be in class and actively engaged in learning from bell-to-bell. The first minutes in class are critical as teachers are often presenting new information and setting the academic tone for the lesson. The school day starts at 9:10 am and the tardy bell rings at 9:15 am. Students have 4-minute passing periods between classes.
Attendance Calculations
● Full Day Absence: missing 75% or more of the day
● Half Day Absence: missing 25% - 75% of the day
● Class Absence: missing more than 25% of the class period (more than 15 minutes)
● Tardy: Not present at the start of class and misses less than 25% of the class period (less than 15 minutes)
10 Consecutive Days Absent Withdrawal
When a student has been absent for 10 consecutive days, the student must be withdrawn from the rolls by the school. Some examples of students who must be withdrawn are: a student on a long-term medical leave, on maternity leave, on extended vacation, or taking early release at the end of the school year. A student who is absent and completing homework assignments must still be withdrawn according to State law. Kellogg will actively help families with re-enrollment.
Appointments, Check In/Out Procedures
Students who arrive late, or need to leave early due to an appointment, must sign in/out with the school secretary in the main office. If the absence is pre-arranged, please send a note with your student identifying the time you would like them to be at the office ready to leave.
This process is an effort to reduce the number of interruptions during classroom instruction. We realize some appointments and family needs cannot be prearranged. In this case, the office will call for the student to leave when family arrives. If a family arrives while the student is at lunch, please be aware that it may take time to locate the student, as several hundred students eat lunch simultaneously.
Please be prepared to show your photo ID (e.g. driver’s license, state ID card, passport), as it is a legal requirement for picking up student(s) during school hours. Your student(s) will not be released to anyone that is not over the age of 18 and that is not listed on the registration form or to anyone without an ID.
Planned or Pre-Arranged Absences
If for any reason a planned extended absence from school becomes necessary, please notify the school secretary by phone at least one week in advance to make arrangements. Students are responsible for communicating with teachers regarding homework. Please note that teachers are not required to prepare advance homework packets for students on extended vacations.