Bienvenidos a la Biblioteca!
Welcome to the
Beaumont Library
Students and families can use the library page to search the catalog, check on library events, connect to community resources and databases, and so much more! Check the tabs to explore!
NEW! First Chapter Fridays
Each week, we'll share a read-aloud of a Beaumont Library book's first chapter.
Check the "First Chapter Fridays" page for each week's video!
Do you have any library books or textbooks at home that you borrowed last year? Bring them back to the Beaumont Library today!
¿Tienes libros de la biblioteca o libros de texto en tu casa que llevaste prestados el año pasado o el verano anterior? ¡Tráelos de regreso a nuestra biblioteca!
You searched everywhere and can't find your book? Log onto your SchoolPay account and pay for lost books.
*NEW* Library Connect - You can now use your PPS student# as a library card
Username 01+ Student ID# and Password: 8 digit birthday
Popular Resources:
PPS Library Services
MLA Citation Maker
Contact Us / Contáctenos
Library Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and every other Wednesday 9:05am-4:00pm
*closed every other Wednesday afternoon, as well as Thursdays and Fridays*
Alex Mahrt (she/her/ella)
Teacher Librarian - amahrt@pps.net