5103 N. Willis Blvd.•Portland, OR 97203•Ph (503) 916-5666•Fx (503) 916-2663
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Querida comunidad Chávez,
¡Felicitaciones por completar con éxito el año escolar 2023-2024! Este año ciertamente ha sido uno para los libros. Parece que fue ayer cuando dimos la bienvenida a los estudiantes y sus familias al edificio durante la jornada de puertas abiertas, y ahora estamos concluyendo lo que ha sido un viaje inolvidable.
Tanto los estudiantes como el personal siempre recordarán este año por el increíble aprendizaje y el arduo trabajo que se llevó a cabo, en medio de desafíos inesperados como la tormenta de hielo que nos hizo perder una semana de clases. Fue un año lleno de giros y vueltas, pero a pesar de todo, nuestro personal y estudiantes encontraron maneras de unirse, formar relaciones sólidas y crecer tanto académica como socialmente.
Extiendo mi más sincero agradecimiento a cada uno de ustedes por su inquebrantable apoyo. Servir como su director interino ha sido una experiencia increíble, llena de risas y recuerdos preciados que han hecho que este año escolar sea verdaderamente excepcional. Los animo a que se aferren a las amistades y a las maravillosas experiencias que han tenido en César Chávez este año.
A medida que avanzan, espero ansiosamente escuchar acerca de los notables logros y éxitos que les esperan a cada uno de ustedes en su trayectoria académica.
Mis mejores deseos para unas relajantes y agradables vacaciones de verano.
Un cordial saludo,
Jorge A. Meza
Dear Chávez Community,
Congratulations on successfully completing the 2023-2024 school year! This year has certainly been one for the books. It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming students and their families into the building during Open House, and now we're wrapping up what has been an unforgettable journey.
Students and staff alike will always remember this year for the incredible learning and hard work that took place, amidst the unexpected challenges like the ice storm that caused us to miss a week of school. It was a year filled with twists and turns, yet through it all, our staff and students found ways to come together, forming strong relationships and growing both academically and socially.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to each one of you for your unwavering support. Serving as your interim principal has been an incredible experience, filled with laughter and cherished memories that have made this school year truly exceptional. I encourage you to hold onto the friendships and the wonderful experiences you've had at César Chávez this year.
As you move forward, I eagerly await hearing about the remarkable achievements and successes awaiting each of you in your academic journey.
Best wishes for a restful and enjoyable summer break.
Warm regards,
Jorge A. Meza
In meteorological terms, Portland’s first big weather event of 2024 was the definition of a perfect storm. Frigid temperatures and high winds combined with snow and ice to bring down tree limbs, close roads, scramble traffic, freeze pipes, and knock out power for tens of thousands of residents.
It was a metaphorical perfect storm for Portland Public Schools as well. Fallen trees cut power to multiple schools and others have suffered water damage from broken pipes. Lack of heat was also a problem, and impassable roads, paired with snowed-in and icy parking lots, made it impossible for buses to run safely. Those same conditions limited how the district’s facilities and operations teams can even assess the scope of the issues, let alone begin working on solutions. And icy sidewalks meant walkers have no safe route to school.
This week could bring similar conditions to the Portland area, and PPS’s School Closure Team is ready to meet the challenge. The team convenes regularly during inclement weather to take all of the above into careful consideration. By now, families are quite familiar with how the district communicates these decisions. What’s perhaps less known is how district leaders arrive at such decisions in the first place.
As part of our district's focus on events that center belonging, equity, and inclusion, we have been screening a series of films that we hope will challenge our perceptions about what is possible in the systems we create for our children with disabilities.
The next film in the series is “Champions,” which will screen on Saturday February 8th at 2:00 PM at Lincoln High School. This event will also include first-hand testimonials from PPS students.
This movie highlights the journey of a basketball coach who leads a team of players with intellectual disabilities. Through humor and heartfelt moments, the movie emphasizes the strengths, individuality, and value each player brings to the team and how inclusion enriches communities and creates positive, supportive environments.
Staff, families, and community members are all invited. Parking is free and light refreshment will be provided. We hope to see you there!
We’re thrilled to announce that two PPS teachers were recently awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
Krishnan Ranjani, a teacher of advanced mathematics and Career and Technical Education (CTE) computer systems at Lincoln High School and Nick Nohner, a computer sciences and data sciences teacher at Ida B. Wells High School, were both selected for the honor which is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The award recognizes outstanding educators for their contributions to the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Each awardee will receive a certificate signed by President Joe Biden and a $10,000 award from NSF. Awardees will also travel to Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony at a future date.
Congratulations to these two exceptional teachers!
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board - Special Meeting or Work Session
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Policy Committee
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board- Regular Meeting
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Policy Committee
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board - Special Meeting or Work Session