Visit the Portland Public School website for instructions on how to register your student for kindergarten,
Enroll Online
You can register online if ALL of the following apply:
Your child is NEW to PPS
Your students did NOT attend any of the following PPS Head Start/Pre-K locations: Applegate, Boise-Eliot/Humboldt, Clarendon, Creston, Faubion, Grout, Lee, MLK Jr, Kelly, Sacajawea, Sitton, Whitman, Woodlawn
Your student does NOT have an IFSP and did NOT receive services from Multnomah Early Childhood Program (MECP)
You are enrolling your child in your neighborhood school and NOT a CBO/Charter
You have an email address and access to a computer
Enroll via Paper
If you are unable to enroll online and are in need of paper registration forms, email our Administrative Assistant, Christine Olsen ( to request a paper packet.
Immunization Requirements
To learn more aboutstudent immunization requirements and exemptions see MESD Immunization.
Connect To Kindergarten Events
August 22nd - Kindergarten Popsicle Social - 5 - 6pm (playground)
August 27th - August 30th - Kindergarten Ramp-up Week (Details)