
  • Art Fair:
    Each spring, relatives and friends are invited to view children's works of art. Led by Ainsworth art teacher, Kendall Steele, this is an evening featuring all of the special art work the children create during their year of art instruction.

    This traditional carnival event, sponsored by the PTA and entirely volunteer-driven, is a chance for the entire school community and their families to have fun while supporting Ainsworth. Usually scheduled in October, Buckaroo features bouncy houses, games like Milk the (wooden) Cow and Rope the Calf, and food and beverage stands. The gym hosts sideshow games for little ones. The Cakewalk is held in the auditorium and counts among the most popular highlights.

    Choir: ​
    Students in 4th and 5th grade may elect to sing in the school choir. The 4th and 5th grade choir meets after school on Thursdays from 2:30-3:15. The choir performs at various events throughout the school year, and all 4th and 5th graders are warmly encouraged to try out for the choir! For more information, please contact SeunJin Bae, the school music teacher.

    Hispanic/LatinX Heritage Night: 

    A fun night where we celebrate and explore the art, history and traditions of hispanic and latin cultures around the globe. Families gather for an evening of sugar skull decorating, crafts, games, music and food. 

    Crossing Guards:
    4th and 5th graders have the opportunity to be crossing guards in the mornings and afternoons. Forms are available from Mr. Horton.

    Enrichment Activities:
    Aftercare and PTA sponsor a number of before and after school enrichment opportunities for Ainsworth students. Click here to see the updated list.

    Field Day:
    During the last weeks of school, PE teacher Mr. Horton and Ms Livingood, and a hard-working group of parent volulnteers lead the children through an obstacle course, frog toss, and races for a fun- filled day of exercise and activity.

    Día de la niñez: A day to celebrate our kids! This day recognizes children, pays homage to their importance in society, and endorses their well-being. Today is about kids having fun. The day is filled with fun activities and celebrations for our studnets to enjoy! 

    5th Grade Ceremony:
    An annual graduation tradition to celebrate the success of the 5th graders and to commemorate their years at Ainsworth.
    5th Grade Kickball Game: An annual graduation tradition, the 5th graders take on the whole Ainsworth teaching staff in a game of kickball. The entire school turns out to watch and cheer on their chosen team.

    New Family Welcome: Incoming Kindergarten families are invited to meet both their new teachers and their new classmates in a small, informal setting, before the first day of school. Families enjoy popsicles and gather around for story-telling and information-sharing, which eases the transition to Elementary school.

    Red Ball Auction:
    An evening event for Ainsworth parents and their guests which includes a silent auction (donated by parents and local businesses), a catered dinner featuring a live auction of big-ticket items and class-created art projects, followed by dancing to a live band. RedBall is sponsored by the Ainsworth Foundation and is one of the largest fundraisers of the year.

    Boosterthon Jog-a-thon:
    Each year, students, teachers and school staff gather sponsors and then run/walk laps around the back field. Most earn a cool tee-shirt with the opportunity for other prizes. The money helps fundraise the bulk of our PTA needs (arts in the classroom, community events, teacher support, OBOB, Duelo, and SO much more!)

    Talent Show:
    A favorite Ainsworth tradition, sponsored by the PTA, with performances of all kinds by students from every grade level. This two-night show, usually held during February/March, is open to Ainsworth students of all ages and abilities.