• Follow the steps below to volunteer at Chapman:

    1. Online Volunteer Registration Form
      Chapman Elementary School welcomes parent and community member volunteers. The School Volunteer Handbook provides descriptions for the various volunteer jobs. There are sure to be tasks that match you talents and interests. Please review the handbook and then visit our website www.friendsofchapman.org to let us know how you’d like to get involved.
    2. Application to Volunteer - Criminal Background Check
      Portland Public Schools take every precaution to ensure the safety of our children. All school volunteers must complete a Application to Volunteer online. Go to https://volunteer.pps.net/ to apply. These background checks need to be renewed every three years. Security Services maintains a list of approved volunteers. Field trip chaperones also need to have current background checks on file.
    3. Confidentiality Agreement
      Volunteers are expected to respect student privacy. Under Federal law, state law and Portland Public Schools policy student information is confidential. School volunteers are expected to maintain these high standards and must sign a Confidentiality Agreement. This agreement is included in the criminal background check process.

    Criminal Background Checks and Confidentiality Agreements are now processed completely online. Go to https://volunteer.pps.net/ to fill out an application. You may check your approval status at any time by using this link and entering your name.

    Volunteers make Chapman School a very special place and are a vital part of our educational program. Thank you for supporting Chapman School!


    Volunteer Opportunities

    • Classroom Support, Daily
      Volunteers are needed and welcomed to help in classrooms on a variety of tasks. There are also many opportunities to volunteer as a tutor with computer activities and in Science/Math.
    • Room Parents, Daily
      Room parents help coordinate activities and events within a specific classroom. They communicate with other parents about volunteer needs and upcoming activities and events.
    • Bulletin Boards
      Volunteers help maintain hallway bulletin boards with rotating displays which celebrate class projects and school events.
    • Tutor or Mentor for an Individual Student, Daily
      Volunteers listen to students read aloud, provide individual coaching with math facts and problem solving, encourage writers or show interest in a student who may need special attention.