CCSS Resources for parents
Portland Public Schools Resources:
- Smarter Balanced, Basic Facts: English | Español
- Smarter Balanced questions
- Practice test
- Information On How to Opt Out
Council, Great City Schools Resources:
- GREAT VIDEO: Explains Common Core English & Español
- Parent Roadmaps to CCSS English Language Arts
- Parent Roadmaps to CCSS Math
Oregon Department of Education Resources:
- Smarter Balanced ODE Resources
- Smarter Balanced FAQ: English , Español
- Smarter Balanced: Lessons Learned
- Common Core: English Language Arts/Literacy
- Common Core: Mathematics
- FAQ for Parents
- What do the CCSS mean for my student? Resources:
- National PTA: Parent Guides for Student Success (K-12)
- National Education Association: Five Facts for Making Sense of the Common Core
- American Federation of Teachers: Debunking Myths of the Common Core