About Us
Welcome to Grout Elementary!
Built in 1927 and named after Daniel Alexander Grout (Jan. 5, 1862 - Feb. 27, 1929), a teacher, principal and school board administrator, Grout Elementary has been serving students at 3119 SE Holgate since 1929.
Currently, Grout is a Title I school with a diverse student body. Our students come from a variety of cultures, backgrounds and languages. This diversity contributes to our thriving community.
Our Mission:
Grout Elementary practices compassion and social justice. We provide an environment where all students discover the joy in learning and building a community where everyone belongs. Centering our Students of Color and those who are historically underserved, we disrupt racial inequities and support rigorous academic experiences where everyone feels safe to be vulnerable, make mistakes and celebrate growth.Our Vision:
Grout Elementary fosters a sense of belonging in a diverse, collaborative and inclusive community of learners everyone's academic and personal growth is supported.OUR ACADEMIC PROGRAM
- Science of Reading based literacy program using Heggerty, Fundations, and Wit & Wisdom curricula.
- iReady Mathematics
- Physical Education, 2x week
- Music, 1x week
- Library, 1x week
- Art, 1x week
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health
- Reading Results
- Special Education Resource Room
- English Language Development
- Speech Language Pathologist
- School Psychologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Talented & Gifted
- Grow Portland Garden Program
- School Counselor
- School Social Worker
- Cascadia Counseling
Family Engagement and Supports
- Site Council
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Groceries for Grout
- SUN Program
After School Opportunities for Students
- S.U.N. (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods)/Community School in partnership with Portland Parks and Recreation
- Y.M.C.A. day care after school. On-Site. 503-327-0007
- Trackers. Off site after school program.