- 3M Science of Everyday Life (Design a wind turbine: click on Virtual Labs > Wind Energy)
- Ed Heads Simple Machines (Choose a game to play about simple machines)
- COSI- The Essence of Simple Machines (Finding simple machines and putting them to work)
- Museum of Science and Industry (Game with Twitch- use simple machines to solve a problem)
- Project Arrow (Inventions of the Civil War)
- Foss Web Levers and Pulleys
- Brain Pop (finding simple machines)
- A Guide to Simple Machines Used in Cars
Civil War
Biographies:Civil War Simulation Resources
Colonial America
- Colonial Williamsburg... Where History Lives
- Cyber Hunt: Colonial America
- Early American Newsletters
- Interactive Colonial Sites
- Social Studies for Kids
- Tradesmen in Colonial America
- The 13 Colonies
- The Colonial Period
- The Land of the Brave
- Discoverers Web: Alphabetical list
- European Explorers
- European Explorers of the New World
- Explorers
- Explorers Hall of Fame
- Explorers-Kids Konnect
- MultCtyLibrary - Explorers
- Yahooligans! - Explorers
Lewis and Clark
- Cyberhunt Kids
- Lewis and Clark, Plants and Animals
- Lewis and Clark Journals: Table of Contents
- Discovering Lewis and Clark
- Go West with Lewis and Clark
- PBS - Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown
- National Geo: Lewis & Clark Journey Log
- Lewis and Clark Journals
- Lewis and Clark Journals (
Oregon Trail