Woodlawn is a Code of Color School
Code of Color beginning Fall 2023 will include:
On the Top (anything that will be worn all day)
- Sweaters, sweatshirts, collared shirts should be worn in solid gray, white, or navy
- Woodlawn T-shirts and Woodlawn partner shirts in any color can be worn any day of the week. This includes Self Enhancement Inc. or Campfire. Woodlawn School specific shirts can be purchased from the PTA for $5.00 throughout the year and are a cost-effective way of having shirts for the week.
- Dresses should be collared and in the bottom colors of tan/khaki, navy, grey or black. If the dress does not have a collar, a collared shirt should be worn underneath.
- As a reminder, only solid colors are appropriate for the Code; no plaids, stripes, tie-dye, prints.
- Make your outfit your own by wearing a designed long-sleeved shirt of your choice under your Code of Color shirt
On the Bottom
- Bottoms should be worn in Tan/Khaki, Gray, Navy, Black
- Slacks, pants, shorts, skirts, sweatpants, leggings
- As a reminder, only solid colors are appropriate for the Code; no plaids, stripes, tie-dye or prints.
- Dresses should be collared and in the bottom code colors: tan/khaki, navy, grey, or black.
- If leggings are worn under shorts or a skirt, they do not need to follow code colors.
- Make your outfit your own by jazzing up your socks or leggings when they are worn under shorts or skirts.
Fridays will remain Free Dress Days.
- Former code colors that were removed for 2022: black tops, maroon/burgundy tops. Please do not continue to purchase these colors for school. Red and light blue do not meet Code. The plaid option for bottoms was removed.
Students CANNOT wear:● Tops with logos/words/symbols depicting violence,
substance use, hate speech, or sexually suggestive
● Hats (of any kind) inside the building
● Bathing suits
● Visible underwearFriday is Free Dress Day
Every Friday is a “free dress” day when students can wear clothing of their choosing (i.e. non-code of color); however, the items listed on the “students cannot wear” list are still not allowed.
We will have Spirit Days which may include wearing something outside of the uniform policy.
If students arrive at school in clothing which does not follow the guidelines, a staff member will give the students clothing to change into or students may be asked to call home for someone to bring clothes that match the guidelines.