Menus Calendars 2024-25


  • Harvest of the Month

  • Local Lunch Days

    • Woodlawn School Highly Encourages Healthy Choices for Students Bringing Lunch From Home

      Woodlawn School follows Portland Public Schools Administrative Directive concerning student wellness and nutrition. Here are some of the guidelines from that directive:


      Students SHOULD NOT bring:

      • Candy, gum, or packaged snacks (chips, cookies, fruit snacks, etc.) to eat in their classrooms or during snack time 
      • Beverages other than water (no juice, soda, etc.) to consume in the classroom or during breakfast/snack time 
      • Homemade treats to share with classmates (e.g. cupcakes, cookies, jello, or pudding).
      • Outside breakfast items (fast food sandwiches or home cooked items) into Cafeteria during breakfast


      Students MAY bring: 

      • A lunch from home that includes a main entrée 
      • A water bottle filled with water


      Students should not share food with other students at school. Our hope is that by limiting food sharing, we will protect students with food allergies and honor individual family food preferences. 


      Birthdays and Class Parties

      We want to celebrate milestones and accomplishments and we are encouraging food-free celebrations. Please contact the teacher before planning to bring food or treats for the classroom; you may be asked to take them home. Students can bring stickers, pencils, bookmarks, tattoos, a favorite book to read or song to share.

  • 2024-25 Menu Prices

    Grades Breakfast Lunch
    PK-8 No charge No charge
    9-12 No charge No charge
    Adult/Visitors $3.50 $6.00

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

  • Households who receive federal assistance, like SNAP, TANF, FDPIR, Medicaid, will receive a notification letter before school begins.


    PLEASE NOTE: If your student attends a charter school or community-based site, please contact your student's school/site directly for more information on their meal application process. 


    For all meal benefit questions, please contact the PPS Meal Benefits Office at 503.916.3402 or email