Ida B. Wells Modernization Planning & Design
Get Involved
Wells Design Advisory Group (DAG)
The next DAG Mtg #4 is on Wed., Sept. 18th 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Come to the IBW Community Design Workshop on Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 12:30pm - 3:00pm in the IBW cafeteria.Ida B. Wells Design Advisory Group
The Ida B. Wells High School Design Advisory Group will meet about every 6 weeks for approximately 6 months and will include members representing students, teachers, alumni, industry professionals, parents, school programs, potential site and/or capital partners, school administration and a school board representative. This group will be involved in developing the design of the modernized Ida B. Wells High School by providing feedback on design details and options proposed by the project team. DAG members perform in an advisory role only. Decisions on project details are the responsibility of the Office of School Modernization in collaboration with other District leadership.Ida B. Wells DAG Meeting Materials
DAG #1 Meeting presentation 5-20-24
DAG #1 Meeting Minutes 5-20-24
DAG #2 Meeting presentation 6-20-24
DAG #2 Meeting Minutes 6-20-24
DAG #3 Meeting presentation 8-14-24
DAG #3 Meeting Minutes 8-14-24
DAG #3 Welcoming Spaces Survey Results 9-16-24View the IBW DAG Charter
Ida B. Wells DAG Charter in English
Español | Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文View the IBW DAG Code of Conduct
Ida B. Wells DAG Code of Conduct in English
Español | Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文Ida B. Wells DAG Schedule
View the DAG schedule in English
Español | Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文The Ida B Wells Comprehensive Planning Committee (CPC)
The Ida B Wells Comprehensive Planning Committee (CPC) is a group of school and community stakeholder representatives who will work together to help provide feedback for the Ida B Wells Comprehensive Plan. CPC members synthesize community-wide input and share the evolving details of the project with others in the community. The Committee includes parents, teachers, students, alumni, PPS staff and partners, community representatives and a school board member. While CPC members do not make decisions, their input is crucial in creating a design that the entire Ida B Wells community will be proud of.Ida B Wells (CPC) Documents
View the Ida B Wells CPC Charter | Español | Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文
View the Ida B Wells CPC Code of Conduct | Español | Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文
View the Ida B Wells CPC Schedule 10-5-23
View the Ida B Wells CPC Selection CriteriaIda B. Wells (CPC) Meeting information
CPC Mtg #1 Presentation 10-11-23
CPC Mtg #1 Video 10-11-23CPC Mtg #2 Presentation 10-26-23
CPC Mtg #2 Meeting Notes 10-26-23
CPC Mtg #2 Video 10-26-23CPC Mtg #3 Presentation 12-6-23
CPC Mtg #3 Meeting Notes 12-6-23
CPC Mtg #3 Video 12-6-23
CPC Mtg #4 Presentation 1-22-24
CPC Mtg #4 Meeting Notes 1-22-24
CPC Mtg #4 Video 1-22-24CPC Mtg #5 Presentation 2-22-24
CPC Mtg #5 Meeting Notes
CPC Mtg #5 Video 2-22-24CPC Mtg #6 Presentation 3-13-24
CPC Mtg #6 Meeting Notes 3-13-24
CPC Mtg #6 Video 3-13-24Ida B. Wells Design Workshop Materials
Design Workshop #1 Presentation 10-29-23
Design Workshop #1 Meeting Report 10-29-23
Design Workshop #2 Presentation 12-17-23
Design Workshop #2 Meeting Report 12-17-24Design Workshop #3 Presentation 2-3-24
Design Workshop #3 Meeting notes/Report 2-3-24
Design Workshop #3 Video 2-3-24
Stay Informed
New Ida B. Wells Project Update Flyer
View the new IBW Modernization project update flyer.
Español | Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文Ida B. Wells plan approved
On May 7th, 2024, the PPS School Board approved the comprehensive plan for a new Ida B Wells High School to be built to the west of the existing school on the multipurpose field. Students will stay on site in the existing school during construction.
The new IBW will be a larger four-story building with state-of-the-art academic and support spaces, including specialized instructional spaces for Well’s unique Career Technical Education [CTE] programs. The track and field will be relocated and reoriented, creating a more inviting approach to campus from the Capitol Highway side of the site. The Portland Parks and Recreation swimming pool will remain in its current location and is not part of this project, but parking and access to the pool facility will be improved.
A full complement of athletic fields will be provided, and the existing fields on the Rieke side of the campus will be upgraded. Two Southwest Trails through the site will be upgraded.
View the April 2024 IBW comprehensive plan reportIda B. Wells Modernization Design Influences graphic flyer
View the Ida B. Wells design influences graphic flyer
View the District Education Specifications for Comprehensive High Schools (Ed Specs)
Ida B Wells Modernization Project History - Conceptual Master Planning in 2019
In late 2019, after a series of public meetings over a four-month period, a Ida B Wells High School Conceptual Master Plan was completed as part of the planning effort for the 2020 Bond. The work was done through a Conceptual Master Planning Committee (CMPC), a group of school and community stakeholder representatives who worked together to help provide feedback for the Ida B Wells Conceptual Master Plan. The conceptual master planning process helped determine each school’s overall program needs, site layout, and more accurately determine the cost estimates for historic modernization vs. the rebuilding of that school and helped PPS in the planning of future capital improvement bonds.This conceptual plan will be used as the starting point for the new Ida B Wells Comprehensive Plan, but the new Comprehensive Planning Committee (CPC) will not be restricted by those plans.
View the Wilson CMPC Report
View the Wilson CMCP Report (Jan 2020)
View the CMCP Report AppendicesNote - When the CMPC was developed in 2019 the school was still named Wilson High School. All the following documents will reflect that fact.
View the Wilson CMPC Overview Info-graphic
View the Info-graphic| Español |Tiếng Việt | Русский | Soomaali | 中文What Is Conceptual Master Planning?
The conceptual master planning process will determine each school’s overall program needs, site layout, and more accurately determine the cost estimates for historic modernization vs. the rebuilding of that school. This conceptual planning information will help PPS in the planning of future capital improvement bonds.What Is Modernization?
Modernization will completely reconfigure and update learning spaces with a focus on indoor environmental quality, sustainability and historic preservation. Full modernizations retain the historic character of the school while bringing those buildings up to code and concurrently creating a more modern learning environment. In the case of Wilson, it may be determined that a partial or complete rebuild might be the best approach. This decision will be determined during conceptual master planning.This is considered the most cost-effective, sustainable way to improve Wilson, due to age, condition and historic significance.
View the District Education Specifications for Comprehensive High Schools (Ed Specs)
Get Connected
To share your questions, thoughts or concerns with the design team for the Ida B Wells Modernization project, or to simply join the mailing list, email us at Wellsbond@pps.net
For more information about all School Building Improvement Bond projects, email schoolmodernization@pps.net
or call us at 503-916-2222
What Is Modernization?
Modernization will completely reconfigure and update learning spaces with a focus on indoor environmental quality, sustainability and historic preservation. Full modernizations retain the historical character of the school while bringing those buildings up to code and concurrently creating a more modern learning environment. In the case of Ida B. Wells, it may be determined that a partial or complete rebuild might be the best approach. This decision will be determined during conceptual master planning.
Ida B. Wells Modernization Design Team
Bora Architecture has deep K-12 experience and a strong history of successful projects with PPS, including Faubion PK-8 and the rebuilt Lincoln High School. They are also a national leader in the design of performing arts spaces.
Thank you voters
Thank you voters for supporting the 2012, 2017 and 2020 Bonds. The Office of School Modernization is continuing the important work of rebuilding our aging schools, making them all safer, more sustainable and better equipped for 21st century learning.
Ida B. Wells Modernization Timeline
Planning and Design is set to begin in early fall of 2023 with the development of an Ida B. Wells Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and Design phase will continue over the next two years.
The 2020 Bond Program does not include funding to complete construction for the Cleveland High School and Ida B. Wells High School modernization projects. Money for the construction of those schools would need to come from a future school improvement bond.
Until that happens, there is no schedule for future construction. The timing of a future bond and what projects are included in it are decisions made by the PPS School Board.