Sick Policy
Below is a quick and easy guideline provided by PPS and Multnomah County Health Department regarding our sick policy. If you have questions, please call us at 503-916-6292
Exclusion Guidelines for Schools and Child Care Settings
Does the student have any of the following?
- Diarrhea: At least 3 loose stools in 24 hours - OR - sudden onset of loose stools - OR - student unable to control bowel function when previously able
- Vomiting: At least one episode that is unexplained
- Fever: A body temperature of at least 100.5 degrees F
- New Skin Rash, Sores or Wounds: Not previously diagnosed by a health care provider
If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, then...
- For Diarrhea or Vomiting
Stay at Home --
Until symptoms are gone for 48 hours.
DO NOT handle any shared food until 72 hours after symptoms are gone. - For Fever
Stay at Home --
Until fever is below 100.5 for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of fever-reducing drugs.
(for example, Tylenol@, acetaminophen, Advil@, Motrin@, ibuprofen, aspirin) - For Skin Rash, Sores or Wounds
Stay at Home --
If rash is increasing in size, or if new sores or wounds are developing day-to-day,
·OR· If rash, sores or wounds are draining and cannot be covered with a bandage.
No contact sports until sores or wounds are healed or no longer draining.
**For a cough lasting 2 weeks or longer, call your school nurse or student's health care provider.**
Questions or Concerns
For questions, concerns, or suspected outbreak, call the MESD Nurse Consultant or health department.
Multnomah County Public Health Department: 503-988-3406
Clackamas County Public Health Department: 503-655-8411
The County Health Department may issue specific recommendations for when an individual may return to school or daycare. If you have questions, contact your local health department.
Oregon Disease Reporting Guidelines Online: