
    Download registration forms here

    Click here for Online Enrollment... the fastest and easiest way to register for school!

    *Kindergarteners MUST be five on or before Sept. 1 of the enrolling year, unless they have early entry permission from the TAG office. We need a kindergarten registration packet that has been completed and returned (this includes online registration); a copy of the child's birth certificate, passport, or hospital certificate to prove their age; a completed copy of the Oregon Immunization card; and two items proving residency in our area (rental agreement, real estate closing, utility bill, etc.). If your child has a 504/IEP, please bring a copy along with your completed packet when registering your child.

    Transportation: Students who live more than 1 mile (curb to curb) from Chapman may be eligible to ride a bus. Check here for information.

    Please note: We do not have any lottery spaces open at this time, and we do not foresee any in the future due to high enrollment within our boundaries. If you have any questions about boundaries, schools or school choice, please call the Enrollment and Transfer Center at 503-916-3205.