Did you know that Vernon IB World School...
...is 117 years old (Fall 2024)? The Old Vernon School opened in September 1907. The current school opened in September 1932.
…has school colors of purple and white, and our mascot is the OWL?
...is an authorized and proud K-8 International Baccalaureate (IB) World School?
...is an Oregon Green School?
...offers PE, Art, Music, Library, and Spanish?
...has a School Garden group that meets for a garden party one Saturday morning a month?
...has an amazing SUN program? As well as before/after care through the YMCA?
...has been a Chess for Success Regional Team Champion? And WON the State Championship in 2023?
...actively promotes STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Math) events?
...honors its diversity through cultural events and appreciation?
...boasts a healthy, strong, enthusiastic network of family & community support?
...has a Principal, Assistant Principal, Faculty, and PTA working together to grow successful students?
...had volunteers spruce up the school and build TWO learning gardens?
...has an amazing Sensory Room that was completely funded by Vernon families and community members?
...hosts Community Movie Nights centered around racial equity and community?
...has a variety of amazing, supportive community partners in NE Portland?
…is on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69tZKE7VTG4) and Twitter (@Vernon_IB)?