Behavior Matrix

Vernon School Discipline Plan

Summarized from the PPS Guide to Policies, Rules, and Procedures on Student Responsibilities, Rights and Discipline


Managed by Teacher in Classroom

(Student remains in class)


Referral that may wait for Administrator

(Student remains in class)


Immediate Administrative Assistance

(Student is removed from classroom)


·         Bothering/Pestering

·         Cheating

·         Damaging Property

·         Excessive Talking

·         Mild Cursing

·         Mild Defiance

·         Not Following Directions

·         Play Fighting

·         Pushing or Shoving

·         Running

·         Taking Other’s Property

·         Talking Too Loudly

·         Teasing/Put-Downs

·         Other Stage 1

-          Tardy (5 incidents move to stage 2)


Documentation of Three Stage 1 Behaviors of the same repeated behavior may justify a Stage 2 Behavior Report.

·         Attendance/Punctuality ( tardiness, truancy, class cutting, loitering, off limits, trespassing)

·         Deliberate Misuse of Property

·         Disruptive Conduct

·         Dress Code Violation

·         Forgery

·         Gambling

·         Harassment: bullying

·         Insubordination/Open Defiance (failure to comply with instruction, non-compliance with discipline action, willful disobedience)

·         Physical Contact, inappropriate (pushing, shoving, play fighting, inappropriate touching)

·         Plagiarism/Cheating

·         Possession of Prohibited Item

·         Possession/Use of Stolen Property

·         Technology, Use Violation

·         Theft: minor

·         Vandalism: minor


·         Alcohol/Drugs (possession and/or use, sale or transfer, related behavior)

·         Battery

·         Bomb Threat

·         Burglary

·         Explosives (firecrackers, fireworks, bullets, ammunition, other explosive material)

·         Fighting

·         Fire Related Activity (false alarm, fire started, attempt to start no ignition, property damage, harm to others, intentional ignition/combustion)

·         Gang Member Identifier (dress code violation, graffiti)

·         Harassment: sexual

·         Menacing/Threatening Behavior ( intimidation, interference with school personnel, assault/menacing, extortion, threat to harm to others, threat severe property damage)

·         Obscene of Offensive Behavior (displaying offensive materials, abusive or profane language, making indecent gestures, indecent exposure, sexually explicit conduct)

·         Robbery

·         Theft: major

·         Tobacco, use and/or possession

·         Vandalism: major

·         Weapons: dangerous, deadly, firearm, simulated, possession, use, threat with weapon

Corrective Consequences

·         Uses of Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports

·         Parent contact



·         Active but restricted recess (ex: walk the perimeter)

·         School community service (ex: behind the scenes lunch job, help custodian)

·         Altered school-wide activity (ex: dance, field trip)

Determined by Administrator according to Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

Positive Supports

Teacher uses 3 Classroom Interventions in the following list:

·         Reteach rule

·         Change seating

·         Gentle reprimand

·         Keep in proximity

·         Pre-correction

·         Private direction

·         Restitution

·         Buddy Class (out of class- less than 15 minutes)

·         Sensitive use of humor

·         Family contact

·         Praise for taking responsibility

·         Identify replacement behavior

·         Redirect student

·         Modify/differentiate work

·         Stage 1 interventions

·         Behavior contract

·         Identify “safe place” to cool off

·         Notify authorities

·         Check-in/check-out groups

·         Social stories

·         Interest Inventory

·         Parent conference with administrator

·         Opportunity for school service

·         RTI continuum

·         Daily Tracking Sheet

·         Peer Network Groups

·         Student Intervention Team

·         Check-in/check-out with individuals

·         Mentor at school

·         Safety plan

·         Major Suspension Program




1.       Teacher implements appropriate interventions and supports

2.       Teacher documents Stage 1 Behavior Report

3.       Teacher contacts parent(s)/guardian

(must occur to move to Stage 2)

Common Area Stage 1 Report

K-5: communicate to classroom teacher

       6-8: communicate to Administrator

1.       Teacher implements appropriate interventions

2.       Teacher completes Stage 2 Behavior Report with documentation of 3 incidents and contact with parent(s)/guardian

3.       Teacher submits Stage 2 Behavior Report with documentation to Administrator

4.       Teacher contacts parent(s)/guardian

Common Area Stage 2 Report

K-5: forward to classroom teacher

6-8: forward to Administrator

1.       Teacher implements appropriate interventions

2.       Teacher completes Stage 3 Behavior Report

3.       Teacher calls office and asks for Administrative assistance




Common Area Stage 3  Report

K-5: immediately given to Administrator

6-8: immediately given to Administrator

Administrative Responsibilities

Handled within classroom

1.       Administrator consults reporter/teacher about Stage 2 Behavior Report

2.       Administrator resolves incident within 2 days

3.       Administrator contacts parent/guardian

4.       Administrator returns Stage 2 Behavior Report to teacher

5.       Administrator supervises in/out of school suspension

1.       Administrator or designee picks up student and Stage 3 Behavior Report from classroom

2.       Student does not return to class until conference with Administrator

3.       Administrator consults reporter/teacher about Stage 3 Behavior Report the same day or next

4.       Administrator returns Stage 3 Behavior Report to reporter/teacher

5.       Administrator reviews possible student support through RTI Continuum

6.       Administrator supervises in/out of school suspension

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