Library Home
New books are here! Check them out!
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New eBooks are in! Choose the Destiny Discover online catalog on the left to login using Google, and then look for the New eBooks ribbon to explore!
Bring back those Books! Please return any Capitol Hill school library books you may still have from last year (or even the year before :) You will not be charged any late fees for books.
OBOB Practice Questions can be helpful to learn what types of questions will be asked. This year's practice questions will be added when they become available.
Gotta Keep Reading! Even if you don't have a book at home, you have options: Reading Resources
The Multnomah County Library has so many resources for you!
- Check the website for branch locations and so much information.
You can access the Multnomah County Library using your PPS ID to login with Library Connect! Here's how to get started: Library Connect
Mr. Neldon is our Library Media Specialist, and you can find him at the Capitol Hill Library Monday - Thursday on school days.