
  • Health Center

    Students may be referred any high school teen health center. Benson High School is adjacent to our site.

    For all school-based health centers, please refer to the list of schools at the Multnomah County website.

    School-based health centers are funded by Multnomah County Department of Human Services Health Division. Services are free to all enrolled students. See the counselor or school nurse for a referral. Students can also call and make their own appointment.


    Student groups and individual counseling are available through our counseling center. Alcohol and Drug, Insight, Recovery, Children of Drug-Affected Families, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Peer Counseling, Loss and Grief groups may be offered. Support is also available for ESL and other culturally specific student groups.

    Support Groups

    The following groups may be offered throughout the school year by the counseling team:

    Anger Group: Manage anger and related problems
    Family Issues: Cope with family problems that arise
    Loss Group: Cope with the problems of rejection, abandonment, death of a loved one, or loneliness
    Recovery, Motivation, and COA: Find support for managing alcohol and drug issues.

    Teen Parents

    The Teen Parent Program offers courses, support, guidance, and referral sources for young parents.

    Bus Tickets

    Tri-Met HOP Cards are provided for each enrolled student.  Please contact Diane in the main school office for your card once you are enrolled.  If your card is lost, damaged or is no longer working, please contact Diane for a replacement card.  

    Be sure to call (503) 238-RIDE (238-7433) or visit the TriMet website for accurate route and schedule information regarding your transportation to school.


    This school participates in Community Eligibility Provision.  All enrolled students at Alliance at Meek Campus eat breakfast and lunch at No Charge.