My name is Sakura Hamada, and I am the school counselor at Marysville Elementary! This is my fifth year as a school counselor, I am so excited to work with you and your students to help navigate their big feelings, transitions, problem solving, and other social skills. Please feel free to contact me at my Google Voice number at 971-231-9329 or my email at sahamada@pps.net. I look forward to working with you!
Ms. Sakura’s School Counseling Belief, Visions, and Mission Statement:
As aligned with PPS mission statement The mission of the Portland Public Schools Comprehensive School Counseling Program is for each and every student, PK – 12, to meet or exceed standards in the areas of academic, career, personal/social, and community service. Professional school counselors, in partnership with teachers, students, parents, community members and administrators, will ensure that each and every student becomes a life-long learner and a respectful citizen of a diverse, multicultural, international community.
The mission of Marysville Counseling team is to provide all students with access to a comprehensive counseling program that fosters students academic, social-emotional growth as well as career exploration. It is our commitment to provide a safe, supportive, equitable and fun environment for all to thrive. We will advocate for anti-racism and inclusion for all races, cultures, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, and neurodiversity.
What is my role as a school counselor?
- Teach Classroom Lessons
- Plan and implement school wide events Support transitions to kinder, MS, HS and college
- 504 Plan (Accommodation plan within general education for students with any challenges that limit their access to education and daily tasks)
- Click HERE to learn more!
- Small Group Work
- Study Skills
- Social Skills such as friendship, problem solving, and emotional regulations.
- Decision Making Skills
- Anxiety
- Grief and Loss
- Individual Student Support Safety
- Support planning
- Staff consultation
- Collaboration Parent meetings
- Responsive/crisis services
Resources and Suggestions
You can practice mindful breathing with your child at home from these videos:
Talk about feelings and problem solving with your child at home from these videos:
Ways to Talk about Big Emotions
Kelso's Choice- Problem Solving
Ways to Cope with Big Feelings
Kimochi Chart