• Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year


     Cathy Murray - Principal, cmurray2@pps.net

    My name is Cathy Murray and I am your Principal. I am originally from the Chicago Area but love living here in the Pacific Northwest. I have been the Principal at Marysville for 4 years, but have been at Marysville for 17 years. I can’t get enough of the wonderful staff, students and families that we have.

    Currently at Marysville, we have a Mantra- Relationships, Respect and Rigor. Relationships are the foundation and serve as the guide for all that we do. We believe in the power of building strong relationships with all school stakeholders. Next, we treat each other with respect. This overall building tone of respect is critical for a healthy school. We attempt to be respectful in every single interaction. Our last piece of the Mantra is rigor. Rigor means being challenged and still doing your very best. We strive to have each assignment, each day, have a high degree of Rigor.  

    We believe at Marysville that we can live into our Mantra through our Racial Equity/Social Justice and Mindfulness practices.  Mindfulness at Marysville is not about becoming calm, but is about developing present moment awareness, emotional understanding and creating a compassionate community focused on the wellbeing of all.  We are committed to school-wide equity and social justice actions that will promote anti-racist education and lead to a school in which every student is thriving and has fully developed academic skills.


     Serene Bertram, Assistant Principal, sbertram@pps.net

    Hello Marysville families!  My name is Serene Bertram and I have the honor of being your Assistant Principal here at Marysville.  I started my career in the field of special education specializing in working with students who were blind and visually impaired.  I often tell kids that I have a superpower: I can read and write in braille! 

    I began a career in school administration after years of watching our school system fail students of color.  I felt strongly then, as I still do today, that I have a responsibility to dismantle the systematic racism that exists in educational structures and create a school where students of color feel welcome, wanted and academically successful.  This path led me to work for 5 years as the Assistant Principal for a specialized school program serving students and families in day and residential treatment programs.  It was through this experience that I began to incorporate critical race theory, trauma-informed practices, and mindfulness through a special education lens into my professional practice.

    This will be my third year at Marysville and there is no place I would rather be.  As a graduate of Portland Public Schools, I’m honored to continue to serve my community and to have the opportunity to nurture the minds of the future leaders of our city.  I believe wholeheartedly that all of our students deserve a rigorous, engaging, and culturally inclusive primary academic experience that encourages them to show up each day fully self expressed so that they may achieve their full potential.


    ~ We are so excited to welcome all of our new students and families joining us this year as part of our expanded neighborhood boundary! Together, we can grow the Marysville community into one even more welcoming, inclusive, and purposeful than ever before. ~