Future Sixth Grade Wolves
Last Call! Electives Forecasting for 2024-25
Forecasting for the 2024-25 school year is concluding! Students have been selecting their choices through Advisory classes. For World Languages, if a student takes French or Spanish in 7th grade, they would continue in that same World Language through 8th grade, as mastering the content in 8th grade then results in High School credits. Once High School begins, students can always choose to explore a new language at LHS, as they have so many more options to choose from, too!
The materials can be reviewed at the links below, so that you may help your Scholar make informed decisions for next school year.
Future 6th graders in 24-25: Information is here
Future 7th graders in 24-25: Information is here
Future 8th graders in 24-25: Information is here -
Electives Forecasting 2024-25
3/14/2024For families with students entering 6th Grade in the 2024-25 school year
Please complete the survey at this link
to share some of your course preferences with us
as we plan for next year's schedules.This next year, all PPS Middle Schools will be using a SEVEN course/day model. Depending on course designs, they will be offered as full year, semester, or quarter-long classes. The following courses will be required, in order to meet our district and Middle Years Programs.
- Language Arts (If DLI, there will be an added ELA course taken in English ) (yr)
- Social Science (yr)
- Science (yr)
- Math (yr)
- Physical Education (3 qrts) & Health (1 qtr)
- World Language (French and Spanish, 1 quarter each)
In addition, all electives need to fall under the MYP descriptions for "DESIGN" and "ART". All students will be expected to take at least one elective from each category, which will automatically be included in schedules, excluding BAND, CHOIR, or AVID.
- MYP "Art" Elective (1 semester)
- MYP "Design" Elective (1 Semester)
- 'Open' Elective Period ( 1 Semester)
MYP Elective courses will include ART, S.T.E.A.M., MUSIC, and possibly one or two others that are yet to be determined, based on staffing. Band or Choir will be taken as a full year elective and count for 2 semesters, leaving one semester of another elective available.