8111 SW West Slope Drive•Portland, OR 97225•Ph 503-916-5690•Fx 503-916-2681
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~ View the FULL District Calendar for 2024-2025 here ~
January 19, 2025
Dear West Sylvan Families,
We have a longer weekend, as a reminder, to honor MLK Day on Monday, June 20th. As we move into next week, the final week of first semester and quarter two, our Scholars will be completing important benchmark assessments and class projects, and Educators will finalize their grades by Tuesday, January 28th, at 11:59 p.m. Once grades are finalized, they will be viewable in ParentVue. Please encourage your Scholars to talk with their Teachers to be sure that they are attending to all items that need to be completed prior to the end of the grading period.
Our school district team has compiled family resources for those who may need them after the transfer of power in our nation occurs on Monday, January 20th, and they are linked below:
This FAQ answers many questions about the steps Portland Public Schools will be taking to safeguard staff and students going forward.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center Little Red Card This card is meant to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations. These can be printed out and carried on your person.
Know Your Rights for Families/Students (Oregon ACLU)
PPS’s Office for Civil Rights offers support addressing discrimination, harassment, and bias-related concerns
McKinney-Vento serves all students who do not have a fixed, regular or adequate living situation
Student Conduct and Discipline is helpful for school climate and disciplinary issues
211: Calls are answered 24/7 in 150 languages at 2-1-1 or email help@211.org. Community specialists help families with resources pertaining to housing, food, financial assistance, legal assistance organizations, English lessons, and more.
Racial Equity Support Line. The Racial Equity Support Line is led and staffed by people with lived experience of racism: (503) 575-3764, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Department of Justice Community toolkit developed by Oregon’s Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Updating Contacts in ParentVue:
One of the most important steps for families who are in fear of potential ICE actions is to update all emergency contact information for Scholars so that someone can always be called if a parent is suddenly unavailable. Our school building is considered private property, so no ICE agents may enter our building without a signed court order. They also may not enter any school-sponsored event where schools have only invited our families to attend. They can, however, access any school event that is open and/or advertised to anyone in the community (i.e. sporting events). Please periodically review your ParentVue information to be sure that all phone numbers, emails, addresses and emergency contacts (especially) are updated. If legal guardians are ever suddenly unavailable or unable to be reached, having some emergency contacts who can assist your student is crucial to be sure that we can get your Scholar into a safe space.
Next week, our hard-working young thespians will be showing off their talents in a number of productions. Thanks to family donations, we have been able to continue with our after-school Drama program, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory productions will occur on the following dates and times:
January 23rd and 24th at 7:00 p.m.
January 25th at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Please join us at WSMS in the Lower Gym to watch our young thespians shine and support our performing arts program! We only are able to offer these opportunities because of our family donations and support, as this is not a centrally funded position for our school.
Communications related to the upcoming school year will continue to come from both our West Sylvan and PPS district team with regular updates, weekly or bi-weekly.
Go Wolfpack!
Jill Hunt, Principal
Ben Keller, Assistant Principal
We’ve outlined some important information below, and weekly Family Communication newsletters are sent through the REMIND app, typically every Sunday evening. This year, REMIND will be the main communication tool for all District and school notifications. If you have not signed up for Remind access, please read through the steps here, and update your notification settings so that you receive all communications. Also, be sure to update your contact information through westsylvanoffice@pps.net throughout the year, if your email or cell phone number changes, as all Remind communications are connected to your information in ParentVue. Please note: installation of the mobile apps is not required to receive texts/phone calls.
We are reteaching our student body, and please remind your Scholars that they must lock their lockers. They should never leave their locker combination in the “open” position after opening it (many do, as they don’t want to fumble around with the combination throughout the day). Additionally, we have many students who are deciding to share lockers with multiple other students throughout the day, meaning that they are also sharing their combinations with a number of students. This is also not a recommended practice because then many people may have access to various lockers. As a reminder, we do not recommend taking on liability or devoting time to searching for items such as phones or other expensive electronics that we have already advised students not to have on campus. Scholars bring these items at their own risk.
All students are assigned a locker that is shared. Backpacks and large bags must be stored in lockers throughout the day. Our hallways are small, and large backpacks only increase the crowding during travel from class to class. We advise the use of a tote bag or a handle folder in place of any backpacks. All PPS Middle Schools with lockers share the same expectations related to backpacks. The lockers negate the need to carry large backpacks around all day.
To continue the amount of time dedicated to building connections for our scholars with adults and to increase opportunities for academic and Social-Emotional learning, all Middle Schools in PPS have continued with having an Advisory within the school day. During this time our scholars engage in Social-Emotional work and community building. Advisory content will occur during an extended 6th period for every student. For Social-Emotional learning activities, we use Wayfinder, a curriculum that can be viewed here.
All visitors have to go through a check-in process when entering our building, which requires scanning your driver’s license/state ID. Please remember your ID if you are entering the school building to visit the office for any reason. You will be asked to show your face/ID at the door camera prior to entering. Appointments must be made in advance to meet with any school staff member.
Students may take a school bus to and from school, and you may drop off and pick up. Route information can be found at this link. If you are dropping off and picking up by car, be advised that there is significant traffic in and out of campus due to our limited access points and turnaround style parking lot. Please pull all the way forward to the front school doors to drop off; do not stop halfway through the parking lot to drop off/pick up, as you then slow down all the traffic behind you and risk your student's safety. If you are parking in the neighborhood around campus, please do not block any of our neighbors’ driveways, use their driveways as turnarounds, or leave your engines idling while waiting. Our school works in collaboration with the Beaverton Police Department, and the BPD team regularly patrols to be sure that we are respecting our neighbors and their property.
**BUS NOTES: If your scholar IS NOT riding their assigned bus and needs to take an alternate bus route, we must have the request in writing. Please send an email to our Main Office at westsylvanoffice@pps.net and we will print a bus pass for your student to give their alternate bus drive to notify them of the change.
Students are welcome to bring their own sack lunch and are encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle daily to refill throughout the school day in our water fountains. Scholars do NOT have to pay for school lunch and/or breakfast items, and information about menus and resources are here. We have two separate lunch times, with 6th Graders eating together first, and then a combined 7th/8th Graders’ lunchtime/recess.
Become an approved PPS volunteer by following the information here. Once your application is approved, please contact the Main Office to see how and when you can be of service.
2/03/23 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
1/27/23 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
1/13/23 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
*12/23/22 + 12/30/22 Winter Break - no Family Communications sent out
12/16/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
12/09/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
12/02/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
*11/25/22 Fall Break - no Family Communication sent out
11/11/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
11/04/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
10/21/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
10/14/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
10/07/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
10/01/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
9/24/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
9/16/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
9/09/22 Family Communication [ Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Українська ]
8/11/22 Welcome Back Letter to Families
2021 - 2022 School Year:
6/3 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
5/27 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
5/20 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
5/13 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
5/6 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
4/29 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
4/22 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
4/15 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
4/8 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
4/1 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
*3/25 Spring Break - no Family Communication sent out
3/4 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
2/25 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
2/18 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский
2/11 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
2/4 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
1/28 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
1/21 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
1/14 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
1/7 Family Communication [Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Русский]
*12/24 + 12/31 Winter Break - no Family Communication sent out
12/17 Family Communication [Español]
12/10 Family Communication [Español]
12/3 Family Communication [Español]
*11/26 Fall Break - no Family Communication sent out
Quick Reference:
Principal |
Dr. Jill Hunt |
Assistant Principal |
Ben Keller |
Principal’s Secretary |
Jerda Solonche |
School Secretary (Enrollment/Attendance) |
Kirsten Crombie |
Counselor [6th Grade] |
Kandice Abney |
Counselor [7th Grade] |
Rebecca Cohen |
Counselor [8th Grade] |
Ricky Almeida |
Student Success Advocate - Restorative Justice |
Alonzo Parnell |
Instructional Coach |
Jean Jett |
We’re thrilled to announce that two PPS teachers were recently awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
Krishnan Ranjani, a teacher of advanced mathematics and Career and Technical Education (CTE) computer systems at Lincoln High School and Nick Nohner, a computer sciences and data sciences teacher at Ida B. Wells High School, were both selected for the honor which is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The award recognizes outstanding educators for their contributions to the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Each awardee will receive a certificate signed by President Joe Biden and a $10,000 award from NSF. Awardees will also travel to Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony at a future date.
Congratulations to these two exceptional teachers!
We are thrilled to celebrate an incredible achievement by 96 of our outstanding PPS music students, who have earned spots in the prestigious All-State Ensembles for the Oregon Music Education Association (OMEA).
This annual statewide competition recognizes the "best of the best" in student musicianship, bringing together top performers from across Oregon to play in cross-district ensembles at the state music education conference this weekend, January 17-19.
PPS is hosting a series of events that focus on belonging, equity and inclusive practices where we will screen powerful, award-winning documentaries that will challenge each of us to consider what is possible in the systems we create for our children with disabilities.
As part of this series, we will be holding a free screening of "Forget Me Not” on Thursday, January 16th at 6:30 PM at Franklin High School.
"Forget Me Not" is a moving story about 3-year-old Emilio whose family finds itself embroiled in a challenge all too common for children with disabilities: that of securing the right to an inclusive education. Filmmaker Olivier and his wife, Hilda, turn the camera on themselves and their child as they navigate an often frustrating system on their way toward ensuring that their son gets the education he needs and deserves.
Staff, families, and community members are all invited. Parking is free and light refreshment will be provided. We hope to see you there!
What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About Fake Pills
Lo que todo padre y cuidador debe saber sobre las PASTILLAS FALSAS
Buying Drugs Online – What You Should Know & How to Protect Your Kids
10 Strategies to Prevent Your Young Person from Using Drugs
Four Common Myths about Fentanyl
NEXT Distro - online and mail-based harm reduction resources
Forecasting for the 2024-25 school year is concluding! Students have been selecting their choices through Advisory classes. For World Languages, if a student takes French or Spanish in 7th grade, they would continue in that same World Language through 8th grade, as mastering the content in 8th grade then results in High School credits. Once High School begins, students can always choose to explore a new language at LHS, as they have so many more options to choose from, too!
The materials can be reviewed at the links below, so that you may help your Scholar make informed decisions for next school year.
Future 6th graders in 24-25: Information is here
Future 7th graders in 24-25: Information is here
Future 8th graders in 24-25: Information is here
For families with students entering 6th Grade in the 2024-25 school year
Please complete the survey at this link
to share some of your course preferences with us
as we plan for next year's schedules.
This next year, all PPS Middle Schools will be using a SEVEN course/day model. Depending on course designs, they will be offered as full year, semester, or quarter-long classes. The following courses will be required, in order to meet our district and Middle Years Programs.
In addition, all electives need to fall under the MYP descriptions for "DESIGN" and "ART". All students will be expected to take at least one elective from each category, which will automatically be included in schedules, excluding BAND, CHOIR, or AVID.
MYP Elective courses will include ART, S.T.E.A.M., MUSIC, and possibly one or two others that are yet to be determined, based on staffing. Band or Choir will be taken as a full year elective and count for 2 semesters, leaving one semester of another elective available.
Portland Interscholastic League Youth Sports Program
The PPS middle grades (6th - 8th) youth sports program will be directed by the Portland Interscholastic League (PIL). The student/athletes will represent their neighborhood high school cluster. The cluster each athlete participates in is determined by address. For information about this policy and to access the interactive map please go to Boundary Map and FAQ's under the Youth Sport tab.
WINTER SPORTS OFFERED (Begins Late October/Early November): Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling
Registration - FamilyID (except Football*)
We are excited to announce that we are now using online registration through FamilyID (www.familyid.com). FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for PIL Youth Sports Programs, while allowing us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. If you need assistance registering, please contact your Cluster Coordinator.
Boys Basketball
Head Coach: Heather Roberts heroberts@pps.net
Cluster Coordinator: Craig Woods craigxwoods@aol.com
Tryouts at Lincoln HS ~ Dec. 2nd / (Grade 6) 8am-10am, (Grades 7-8) 10:30am-12:30pm
Girls Basketball
Head Coach: Kevin Berry lincolnbasketballpdx@gmail.com
Cluster Coordinator: Rainey Shriver LincolnYouthGBB@gmail.com
Tryouts at Lincoln HS ~ Dec. 2nd, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Head Coach: John Farinola lincolnwrestlingpdx@gmail.com
Cluster Coordinator: Christina Fera-Thomas lincolnpdxyouthwrestling@gmail.com
Practices beginning the week of December 4th
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm at Skyline K-8
Wednesdays 6:15-8:15pm at Lincoln HS
For additional information, please contact the PIL District Office at 503-916-3223
Lincoln Baseball Winter Baseball Skills Camp
Use this QR code to register!
Registration: https://pps.schoolpay.com/link/2023WinterBaseballCamp
Dates: Saturday, December 16th and Sunday, December 17th
Time(s): Saturday 1-4PM and Sunday 1-4PM
Location: Lincoln High School (Gym and Hitting Facility)
Age Groups: Kindergarten - 8th Grade
● Players will be split up into groups by age/skill level
Cost: $100
Join Head Coach C.J. Watson and Lincoln coaches for two days of learning “The Lincoln Way” at this year's Winter skills Camp. This camp will include development in all phases of the game, including hitting, pitching, fielding, and base running, as well as covering arm care, strength & conditioning, and the mental game.
What they will need to bring:
Tennis shoes (NO CLEATS!), Baseball pants or shorts, Glove, Bat, Batting gloves, and water bottle
Pay/Register Here:
SchoolPay link ~ click here to PAY
Click here to Register: https://forms.gle/VPkc6FDJAzxrkdXR6
Questions? Email lincolnyouthGBB@gmail.com
6th, 7th & 8th Grade
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
6:00PM - 8:00PM
TRYOUTS will be held at Lincoln High School Gym (1750 SW Salmon St)
PRACTICES will be held at West Sylvan Middle School
Registration Link: https://www.familyid.com/programs/lincoln-youth-fall-2023
The PPS middle grades (6th - 8th) youth sports program will be directed by the Portland Interscholastic League (PIL).
The student/athletes will represent their neighborhood high school cluster. The cluster each athlete participates in is determined by address. For information about this policy and to access the interactive map please go to Boundary Map and FAQ's under the Youth Sport tab.
Late arrival? Early dismissal? Appointment? To report any PARTIAL DAY or PAST absences, click the button above to send an email to westsylvanoffice@pps.net.
Families are able to record future FULL DAY absences for their Students directly in ParentVUE without needing to contact the Main Office.
Please remember, if a Student is going to miss multiple days, it is up to the Student and/or Parent/Guardian to communicate absences with each Teacher and make a plan for missing work and assignments.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM West Sylvan Drama presents Wonka
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM West Sylvan Drama presents Wonka
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM West Sylvan Drama presents Wonka
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM West Sylvan Drama presents Wonka
at West Sylvan Middle School
on the Lower Gym stage
Interested in volunteering in the Library?
We can always use the help!
If you are willing to do any shelving, book repair, processing,
or would like to dedicate the time to organize OBOB
for the 2024-25 school year,
please send an email to westsylvanoffice@pps.net