• PTA  

    For the latest events and information, please check out the Glencoe PTA website: www.glencoeelementarypta.com


    PTA Meetings: 

    PTA meeting minutes will be available here.


    PTA meeting dates for 2024-2025:
    Sep 12: 6:00-7:30pm
    Nov 19: 6:00-7:30pm  
    Jan 23: 6:00-7:30pm  
    Mar 6: 6:00-7:30pm  
    May 7: 6:00-7:30pm   (PTA election)

    2024-25 PTA Officers:
    Please don’t hesitate to contact any of your PTA officers if you have questions or concerns regarding the Glencoe PTA. Thank you for your interest and support!

    President: Rob Galanakis rob.galanakis@gmail.com  

    Vice President: Open Position

    Past President: Mackenzie Weintraub mackenzieweintraub@gmail.com 

    Secretary: Alex O'Connor amoconnor38@gmail.com

    Treasurer: Michael Patterson mikpatty@yahoo.com

    Community Engagement Chair (restaurant partners): Justin Stranzl jstranzl@gmail.com

    Membership Chair: Mitch Ryan ryanmael@gmail.com

    Volunteer Coordinator: Susannah Reese reese.susannah@gmail.com

    Communications Chair: Alex O'Connor amoconnor38@gmail.com; glencoeelementarypta@gmail.com  

    Programs and Events Chair: Jeremy Beaumont jw@jeremywenrich.com

    Clean Air Chair: Laura Mertens emmerson.laura@gmail.com

    Environmental Chair: Kristin Prukop glencoeelementarypta@gmail.com

    Fundraising Events Chair: Open Position 

    Teacher Liaison: Open Position


    PTA Membership 

    The Glencoe PTA strives to strengthen the family-school-community partnership by providing opportunities to be involved in the education, health, and well-being of children in our community. Studies show that parent and public involvement are essential to the successful education of our children.

    A first step in this involvement is joining the PTA - it's a great place to share ideas, enthusiasm and expertise. Please attend our bi-monthly PTA meetings.  

    The Glencoe PTA individual membership free. By joining the Glencoe PTA you will automatically also become a member of the Oregon PTA and National PTA. By adding our individual voices to those of parents of school children across Oregon and the nation, we increase the impact the PTA has when we lobby legislators and government decision-makers to provide our kids with the best and most well-rounded educational experience possible.

    Even if you can’t attend PTA meetings or volunteer a lot of time, your membership speaks volumes about your support for providing the best possible education for your child and all his or her peers. We hope all Glencoe parents, grandparents and other family members and friends will consider becoming Glencoe PTA members!


    Two Ways To Become A Member:    Print A Membership Form   Become A Member Online


    Forms will also be available outside the front office on the PTA bulletin board. All are welcome.

    PTA does fundraisers throughout the year and the Scholastic Book Fair. In addition to these one-time-a-year fundraisers, PTA has fundraisers that make money all year long: 

    Restaurant Partners
    Local restaurants and retail businesses partner with Glencoe monthly; we bring in business on a designated evening and the restaurant donates a percentage of their sales to our PTA. Last year we raised $4,000 for the PTA while enjoying good food and supporting local businesses!

    This year we welcome several new restaurants and continue with some Glencoe crowd pleasers. If you have a connection with a local restaurant or business we might partner with, please contact Justin Stranzl jstranzl@gmail.com or email glencoeelementarypta@gmail.com

    Fundraising at No Additional Cost to You

    This year the PTA is focused on fundraising that costs you little or no money.  All the funds the PTA raises go directly to support students and staff at Glencoe.  Here is how you can help:

    Collect Cans for Bottle Drop! 

    Do you recycle? You can raise funds for Glencoe simply by recycling your cans! You can pick up blue bags and drop off your full ones after school at the PTA table on popcorn Fridays. If you need an alternative pick-up time, please contact Mackenzie Weintraub mackenzieweintraub@gmail.com.


    Register with Fred Meyer Community Rewards! 

    If you select Glencoe Elementary PTA as your designated non-profit for Fred Meyer’s community rewards, Fred Meyer donates directly to the Glencoe Elementary PTA. This costs you nothing and does not impact any other Fred Meyer rewards. All you need to do is login in to Fred Meyer, go to their community rewards and select “Glencoe Elementary PTA.” If you have done this in the past, please do it again because the non-profit must be selected each year.