Electives and Specials
One of the strengths of Beaumont Middle School is our rich and comprehensive elective opportunities.
The Program of Study:
In the 6th Grade, students will participate in either our award winning Band program or they will join the elective rotation. The elective rotation is a series of classes taught by 6th Grade Core teachers who have a particular passion for a non-core subject. The idea is to expose students to a variety of different topics including art, technology, publishing, AVID, and foreign language.
In the 7th and 8th Grade, students have two elective periods per day. These courses are a bit more advanced and offer students a chance to explore more deeply into the subjects. The electives include writing, yearbook, art, improv, technology, band, foreign language (8th grade only), personal finances, music, band, film analysis, and more.
Beaumont Band site, click here!
P.E. and Health
P.E classes are designed to give students a chance to learn new games, sports, and activities that will help them live a happy and healthy life.
The Program of Study:
All 6th Graders take P.E./Health for the entire year.
All 7th Graders take P.E./Health for the entire year.
All 8th Graders take a semester of Health.