• math

    New & Improved PPS Math Goals!

    New changes have arrived to improve middle school mathematics in Portland Public Schools!

    National changes in what students learn have been adopted in Oregon. You will see changes in your student’s math studies as the new tougher standards phase in through 2014-2015. Across the country and in Oregon, schools are moving to Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The goal: Raise the bar so that students receive higher-level thinking skills needed for college and in today’s world.

    Look below to see how these changes affect Beaumont's math instruction.


    In the past at Beaumont, we offered two levels of math in sixth grade and seventh and three levels at eighth grade. With the new PPS alignment and achievement standards, there will be one option for math in sixth grade, and two in seventh and eighth grade.

    The Program of Study:

    Sixth Grade offers one option:

    • CCSS 6th Grade Math
      • will cover one year of mathematics
      • student performance and test scores will determine 7th Grade course 

    Seventh Grade offers two options:

    • CCSS 7th Grade Mathematics
      • will cover one year of more advanced mathematics
      • students will take CCSS 8th Grade Mathematics in eighth grade
    • Compacted Math Year One
      • will cover one-and-a-half years of mathematics
      • upon successful completion, students will take Compacted Math Year Two in eighth grade

    Eighth Grade offers two options:

    • CCSS 8th Grade Mathematics
      • will cover one year of more advanced mathematics
      • students will take CCSS Algebra as High School Freshmen
    • Compacted Math Year Two
      • will cover partial 8th Grade CCSS and Full CCSS Algebra
      • students will enter High School with an Algebra Credit