• Join the Hosford Community Loop!

    Jill Liddle, Principal - jliddle@pps.net
    Nancy Pierce, Assistant Principal – npierce@pps.net
    2303 SE 28th Place Portland, Oregon
    (503) 916-5640 – www.hosfordptsa.org

    1. Hosford Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) – Check this site www.hosfordptsa.org for information, events and fundraisers.

    2. Become a member! Join our community of parents and teachers who help Hosford provide great experiences for our students. Go here https://www.hosfordptsa.org/membership .

    3. After School Activities – Check out the after school HEAT activities available this year https://www.hosfordptsa.org/heat .

    4. HMS Facebook page – www.facebook.com/HosfordParents (LIKE and FOLLOW for school and community updates and reminders)

    Hosford Middle School Values:
    Friendship * Learning * Commitment

    Friendship: We build and maintain relationships with each other and our community.

    Learning: We learn about ourselves, others, and the world.

    Commitment: We try, persevere, and follow through on rigorous academic and personal goals.

    Hosford Middle School Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) 2024-2025 Board

    Get Involved! Support Hosford! Have Fun! www.hosfordptsa.org

    2024-2025 Board

    President: Mary Tyler
    Vice President: Leslie Spencer
    Treasurer: Stephanie Ziegler
    Secretary: Christine Barlow Reed
    Staff Grants Chair: Sara Albert
    Staff Appreciation Chair: Susan Beal
    Communications Chair: Jess Quarles
    Fundraising Chair: OPEN
    Membership Chair: OPEN

    Each board position above gets one vote on monthly PTSA board meeting agenda items.

    Committee Positions:

    Garden Committee Coordinator: Jane Van Dam
    Heat Coordinator: Chris Tyler
    Hosford Husky Coordinator: OPEN
    Eighth Grade Promotion Coordinator: OPEN