I am not teaching PreCalc this school year 2019-2020
Below are your reference from last year
Math Art (2018-2019)
Click on the link will open desmos page of student's art work:
Celena Pham Geedi Ali John Anthony
Kyle Nguyen Nathan Berres 2 Phi Nguyen
Remy Fosso Sarah Roberts Simone Kyes
Solomon Blaze Sydney Pfenning Trinity Webber
Year End Project: Roller Coaster
(Piecewise function and Continuous Properties - Limit )
Celena Pham Geedi Ali John Anthony
Remy Fosso Sarah Roberts Simone Kyes
Solomon Blaze Sydney Pfenning Trinity Webber
Pre Calculus: List of Topics
Unit 1: Relations and Functions
Target 1 HW1
Function Basics
Working with Functions
Function Domain and Range
Equations of a Line
Graphing Functions
Target 2 HW 2
Quadratic Functions: The Vertex
Manipulating Graphs: Shifts and Stretches
Manipulating Graphs: Symmetry and Reflections
Target 3 HW 3
Composite Functions
Test on Relations and Functions
Unit 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Target 4 HW 4
Polynomials: Long Division
Polynomials: Synthetic Division
The Remainder Theorem
The Factor Theorem
The Rational Zero Theorem
Zeros of Polynomials
Graphing Simple Polynomial Functions
Target 5 HW 5
Simplify Rational Expression
Rational Functions / Asymptotes
Graphing Rational Functions
Inequalities: Rational and Radicals
Test on Polynomial and Rational Functions
Unit 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Function Inverses
Finding Function Inverses
Exponential Functions
Applying Exponential Functions
Logarithmic Functions
Properties and Graphs of Logarithms
Evaluating and Applying Logarithms
Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Applying Exponents and Logarithms
Test on Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Unit 4: Special Topics
Conic Sections: Parabolas
Conic Sections: Ellipses
Conic Sections: Hyperbolas
Identifying Conic Sections
Sequences and Series
Binomial Coefficients and the Binomial Theorem
Combinations, Permutations and Probability
Test on Speical Topics
End of First Semester
Unit 5: Systems of Equations and Matrices
Solving linear system by subtitution
Linear Systems of Equations in Three Variables
Linear Programming
Operations with Matrices
Using Reduced Row Echelon Form to Solve Linear Systems
Evaluating and Applying Determinants
Using Inverses of Matrices to Solve Linear Systems
Solving Nonlinear Systems
Partial Fractions
Test on Systems of Equations and Matrices
Unit 6: The Trigonometric Functions
Angles, Radian Measure, and Arc Length
Right Angle Trigonometry
The Trigonometric Functions
Extra Credit: More on basic trig
Graphing Sine and Cosine
Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions with Vertical and Horizontal Shifts
Graphing Other Trigonometric Functions
Test on Trigs Functions
Unit 7: Trigonometric Identities
Basic Trigonometric Identities
Simplifying Trigonometric Expressions
Proving Trigonometric Identities
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Solving Trigonometric Equations
The Sum and Difference Identities
Double-Angle Identities
Other Advanced Identities
The Law of Sines
The Law of Cosines
Vectors: Operations and Applications
Components of Vectors and Unit Vectors
Complex Numbers in Trigonometric Form
Using DeMoivre's Theorem to find Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers
Test on Trigonometry Identities
Unit 8: Topics in Pre Calc
Rotation of Conics
Parametric Equations
Graphs of Polar Equations
Functions in Polar Coordinates and their Graphs
Polar Equations of Conics.
The Concept of a Limit and Finding Limits Graphically
The Limit Laws
Evaluating Limits
Continuity and Discontinuity
Test on Pre Calc
Home work 10%
Online at www.deltamath.com
Target 40%
Click on the link above to download
Assessment / Test 45%
Assessment is at the end of Target.
Test is at the end of Unit
Portfolio / Exam are at the end of Semsester
Participate 5%
Text book:
Although I do not follow the sequence of the textbook here, students can always (and welcome to) use it as a resources of info Click for e-textbook
Grading Scale:
Using PPS Total Points (A-F) with D structure
Activity: Trig Tactile Students' work
Here is some desmos for your reference
1. Linear function thru 2 given points
2. Quadratic function thru 3 given points
3. Visualize a complex root of quadratic equation
4. Cubic function thru 4 given points
5. Visualization of six trig functions on unit circle
(Click will open in desmos.com)