• Extracurricular Activities & Clubs

    The Alameda Community is fortunate to have a variety of programs and services to enrich our student's lives and support our families.
    Programs with "*PTA" would not be possible without the support of The Alameda PTA's fundraising and volunteer efforts.



    Battle of the Books *PTA

    Battle of the Books is a friendly statewide reading competition for students in grades 3rd-5th. Teams made up of four students read 16 assigned books (generally four books per child) and then “battle” over comprehension questions. Students may form their own four-person team or can be matched up with a team by coordinators. Alameda’s Battle of the Books is part of a national reading incentive program. The winning team from Alameda advances to a regional competition. Additional information can be found here.

    Chess Club *PTA

    Students meet weekly before school for chess instruction and some friendly competition. Students have the opportunity to compete in tournaments as well. All ages and skill levels welcome. Alameda 5th grade teacher Mr. Sisk and parent volunteers oversee weekly meetings.


    4th and 5th grade students can join the Alameda Song-Birds choir, which practices weekly before school. In addition to singing fun songs, students learn more about vocal production, sight-singing, and singing in parts. This activity is funded by Run for the Arts proceeds and is led by Mr. Nelson, Artist in Residence.

    Junior Green Team *PTA


    Kids Care Club (Community Service) *PTA


    Reading Friends *PTA


    Safety Patrol

    Supervised by the Assistant Principal, many 5th grade students commit to a year-long, weekly shift as crossing guards. They are stationed at selected intersections near Alameda before and after school.

    Science Fair *PTA

    Individuals and groups of students are invited to present their own science experiments at this event. Projects include a hypothesis and demonstration of how students attempted to prove their theories. At the fair, students share their ideas and what they learned with visitors and teacher-evaluators. Parent volunteers provide pre-event organization and support for the science fair evening. More information > 

    Writers’ Celebration *PTA

    This monthly celebration tea provides students an opportunity to read a writing sample aloud to their families. Teachers select a different student each month. All Alameda students will participate once while attending Alameda School. Family members receive personal invitations to the library to listen and enjoy. Volunteers help with setup.