BEH Weekly Family Message
5/20/2024Hello BEH Families,
Last week was a busy and fun week!! It was great to see those of you that were able to attend our STEAM Night and Storybook Parade at the end of the week. The students and staff worked so hard and it was great to see them share their work with the community. Additionally, we got to honor Ms. Ellie & Ms. Joanne with rides on the fire truck at the Storybook Parade as they will both be retiring from BEH Kindergarten this year. The celebrations and fun have just begun, so be sure to check out some of the fun coming up at BEH in our last few weeks this year:
BEH SUNchella:This Thursday from 4:00-7:00 PM our SUN program will be hosting their annual SUNchella community celebration complete with food, a DJ, a petting zoo, a reptile exhibit, face painting, and much more. Here is a flyer with some of the info. We hope you can come out and celebrate the closing of SUN school for this year.PPS Successful Schools Survey – Family Feedback (Closes on Friday, May 31st):
We would really like your feedback on how we are doing in serving your students and family at Boise-Eliot/Humboldt. As of right now, we have 19 family surveys completed. Our goal is to receive feedback through the survey from at least 50 BEH families. The survey is anonymous, and it takes about 15–20 minutes to complete. We appreciate you taking the time to help guide our planning and work for next school year. Click this link to complete the survey. Thank you so much!
Summer Hosting Opportunity for Families:
Bring the world home this summer: Host an international student for 2–4 weeks! A local nonprofit is seeking hosts for Japanese high school students (7/11-25) and college students from various countries (8/11-31, 8/18-9/7, 8/18-9/14). Hosting an international student is a great way to make international friends, learn about a new culture, and have fun! Students will have weekday classes and activities at PSU (commuting on public transit) and look forward to spending evenings and weekends experiencing American culture and practicing their English with their host. Hosts receive orientation materials, 24/7 support, and a small stipend. ACES is a PNW nonprofit that has been connecting families and students since 1995. Learn more at acescollegehomestay.org or
apply online . Follow ACES on Instagram or Facebook. Questions? Contact emily@exploretheworld.org or (503) 673-6898.Sign up now to join Architects in Schools virtually from June 24-28, 2024, for their annual Summer Camp! The virtual camp is free and designed for youth ages 8-12. Register by 5pm PT on June 14 to participate. Check out their website for all the details and the link to register.BEH Book Raffle:We had our first book raffle last week for students who turned in completed reading logs for the week. Check out this Book Raffle Video from our Student Council. Help your student enter the raffle by having them read to you, signing their reading log and turning it into their teacher. There are some great books to pick from.
Jefferson Youth Football Info:
I would like to introduce you to the staff:
Head Varsity Football Coach:
Anthony Stoudamire - astoudam@pps.net
President of the Jefferson Youth Football
Program: -
Rayleen Clark Anderson - rclarkanderson@pps.net
Coordinator of the Jefferson Youth Football
Program: -
Andre Lawrence - alawrenc@pps.net
The Jefferson Football staff wants to let you know that registration is NOW open up for all levels and will remain open until all spots are filled. It's a first come, first served basis and once all the spots are filled, registration will be closed and a waiting list will open.
3rd/4th - 21 total spots
5th/6th - 33 total spots
7th - 33 total spots
8th - 33 total spots
In order for your registration to be submitted in the system, you will have to make a payment in full or a payment plan with the first initial payment at that time. Failure to do either of those, your application will be invalid and not submitted in the system. Please click the link below that will take you to our website to register. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Jefferson Youth Football - TVYFL (sportngin.com)
Important Dates:
Aug 5, 2024-Non-contact practice begins. Players are required to have 10 hours of non-contact practice before they can begin tackle practice.
Aug 12, 2024, is when contact practice will begin for those players who have met the 10-hour requirement.
Sept 7, 2024- First games of the season!!
Demos I Say!
PTA Fundraiser:
Our annual BINGO for BEH Event, hosted by the PTA, is also around the corner at the end of the month. You can use THIS LINK to RSVP for the fundraiser. This will be a fun event (adults only please) on Friday, May 31st; with dinner, drag Bingo, awesome prizes and a night of community and fundraising, hosted by the PTA. We’d love to see all of our BEH community there for this fun celebration to support our school and close out another great year!
Field Day:We will have our annual Field Day on Friday, June 7th. This will happen during the school day, and it will involve lots of fun activities on our playground and in our school gym that students will rotate through. The success of this event is dependent on the support of families volunteering to set up, run stations, and help with clean up. So if you are interested in volunteering, please let the office or Ms. Smith know.Promotions:- 5th Grade Promotion will be on Thursday, June 13th, starting at 5:30 in the gym. We will need students to be here 15 minutes early to be ready to enter.
- PK Promotion will be at 9:00 AM on Friday, June 14th in the BEH gym.
- Kindergarten Promotion will follow the PK promotion at 10:00 AM on Friday in the BEH gym.
There are about four weeks left of the school year, but as you can see, they will be busy. In addition to these family events, we also have several field trips that students will be going on as we close out the year, so please ensure that your students are at school every day and on time so that they do not miss out on any of the fun as we close out the school year.Today, we had our Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) assembly and students got to learn more about the many countries and cultures that are encompassed within AAPI while also enjoying some traditional Hawaiian Dances and a traditional Dragon Dance. Ask your students what they thought about the information and dances shared.
We look forward to seeing you all at some of our final events in the coming weeks and are hopeful that you will continue to share your feedback through the Successful Schools Survey this year to help guide us around what we are doing well and how we can work to improve.Take care,
Mr. Kaveh -
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