Rieke has 3 main bus routes:
110, 119 & 252
Click on the tabs on this page to get bus route information and stops.
For the most up-to-date bus route information and snow routes visit PPS's main transportation page.
Check out our NEW interactive map!
To ride the bus the bus home your student will need a bus tag attached to their backpack. We have those in the office.
If your student is riding the bus home with a friend please email the office (RiekeAttend@pps.net) with:
- Bus route number
- Bus stop street name
- Name of friend your student is riding with
The office will make them a temporary bus tag to give to the driver. Also, email your student's teacher notifying them about the change in the dismissal plan.
Rieke Bus 110 Route
As of 9/4/2024
Visit PPS bus transportation for updates and snow route information.
Map of the stop (please use as a general guideline, stop may change)
Rieke Bus 119 Route
As of 9/4/2024
Visit PPS bus transportation for updates and snow route information.
Map of Bus 119 routes (please use as a general guideline, stops may change)
Rieke Bus 252 Route
As of 11/20/2024
Visit PPS bus transportation for updates and snow route information.
Map of 252 bus stops (please use as a general guidlines, stops may change).