• Weekly Newsletter 9.24

    You can find the link to our smore newsletter HERE or read the details below.

    Dear LMS Families,

    The leaves are starting to turn and it's a little rainy out there - welcome fall! We are excited to work in a much cooler building now that summer is behind us. Please pay extra attention at pickup if you are driving or walking across the street. Sometimes the rain really complicates things and roads become slicker; we appreciate you helping us keep our community safe!

    Thank you for attending our Back to School Night last week - it was so wonderful to have you all in the building to see our spaces and meet our teachers and staff. We love having our school filled with so much positive energy! If you weren't able to make it, we missed you!

    LMS staff continue to work with our students around expectations at school and we are seeing growth and improvement! Now that they have their Chromebooks it is very important they remember to bring them fully charged each day. If this is a hardship, or you realize your student is struggling, please reach out to us so that we can make arrangements for your student to leave it at school. Much of our curriculum is online now, so without these devices learning is a challenge.

    We are still looking for 4 paraeducators, a PE teacher, and a Russian Immersion teacher, and a part-time Spanish speaking educational assistant. The jobs are posted here - please share with people in your community!


    LMS SUN Program

    Blue flyers went home with students last week to sign up for fall session. You can find the information HERE and HERE.

    Last week we saw fencing demonstrations during recess to get students excited about Fall programming - sign up today! Please reach out to Will Grebner, SUN Coordinator, at wigrebner@pps.net if you have any questions.


    PTA Corner

    Important Dates & Events

    Friday Sept. 29th 12-10pm - Cloud City Dine Out. Support the Lane PTA and eat seriously delicious homemade ice-cream all at the same time!! Cloud City Ice Cream at 4525 SE Woodstock Blvd, will be donating a portion of that's days sales to the Lane PTA. Spread the word!

    Monday Oct. 2nd, 6:30 - 7:30pm - October PTA General Meeting. Please join us at our monthly meeting to learn about ways to support the students, staff, & to become involved. Meeting will be virtual with agenda and link to follow.

    Clothing Closet - We are looking for volunteers to help set up and manage a clothing closet at the school. If this is something you are interested in helping with in any way, big or small, please email us at lanemspta@gmail.com.


    Important Dates Ahead

    9:15-10/15 Hispanic Heritage Month

    9/25 - Yom Kippur

    9/28 - Progress Reports

    10/4 - Late Start for Staff Development, school begins at 11:15 a.m.

    10/9 - Indigenous Peoples' Day

    10/13 - NO SCHOOL, Statewide Inservice Day

    11/2 - End Quarter 1

    11/3 - NO SCHOOL, teacher planning day

    Link to the District Calendar.


    Thank you for all you do for our school and community! We can't do this work without you.




    Rosemarie El Youssef

    LMS Principal
