Degrees and Certifications:
Friday Bliss
He/Him/Good Boy
A little about me: This will be my 3rd year as the speech therapy dog at Woodmere! I love playing with students during recess and visiting them in their classrooms. I am kind of a permanent Kindergarten/First grader at heart. DIstance Learning has been really hard for me because I can’t get any pets from students or visit all the teachers at school. Also I don’t know how to use a computer so that makes things really ruff. I really hope we get to come back to the school building someday and all be together again. I miss everyone!
Likes: all students, being pet, treats, snuggles, being close to my family, swimming, hiking, fetching and playing with my dog brother.
Dislikes: the car, mean people, being left alone, walking over grates in sidewalks, and walking across bridges.