• (Translations of this article are available here)

    Children can receive the 2023-2024 COVID-19 and flu vaccines ahead of the respiratory virus season, but where they get vaccinated may depend on which health care coverage they have.

    • Student Health Centers offer both COVID-19 and flu vaccines for students in grades K-12 at no cost. Call your nearest Multnomah County Student Health Center or OHSU’s Benson Wellness Center for an appointment. 

    • 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines are fully covered by all Marketplace plans and most other private insurance plans at no cost to the patient anywhere the vaccine is offered. It’s best to go to an in-network provider or pharmacy*, but if you can’t find one, call your insurer in advance to arrange full coverage at an out-of-network location.

    • Flu vaccines are fully covered by all Marketplace plans and most other private insurance plans at in-network providers and pharmacies*. Call your insurer in advance to confirm.

    • Children age 18 and under who are enrolled in OHP/Medicaid, or those who are uninsured, underinsured or American Indian/Alaska Native, can receive the 2023-2024 COVID-19 and flu vaccines at no cost from providers that participate in the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. VFC providers can include private doctors and clinics, schools, hospitals, public health clinics, retail pharmacies, community health clinics and Tribal health departments. Search for VFC providers or pharmacies here.

    • Eligible children (and adults) in Oregon can also receive vaccines at no cost through OHA’s Vaccine Access Program (VAP). Search for VAP providers or pharmacies here.

    • Flu and COVID-19 vaccines are fully covered for those 18 and under who are enrolled in OHP/Medicaid anywhere those vaccines are offered that also accepts OHP, which includes most retail pharmacies.

      * Oregon pharmacies can administer COVID-19 and flu vaccines (but not other routine childhood vaccines) to children as young as 3 through Dec. 2024. After that, the minimum age for children to receive any vaccines at a pharmacy returns to 7 years old.